Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hear God

For this is the judgement of God. 

Everyone will publicly be rewarded, or condemned, for their conduct here upon the earth. 

For He will repay according to each one's deeds: to those who by patiently doing good seek for glory and honor and, 

But those who seek evil Turn from your wicked ways. You who carried jealousy in your heart who causes confusion between what I have joined together turn away from your evil ways says the Lord of hosts. Romans 2:7 To those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life;

But woe to them who have altered my sanctuary with filter words I have this against you.

You have turned husband against wife and wife against husband turn away turn away.

My judgment is the change and shift the church back to me for you have lost your first love.

There is a shifting for my church this shall be a professional positional for the lukewarm church shift the church . 

Come back to me says the Lord of hosts. You have taken My diamonds and made them dull and lifeless.

Shall I not take the very breath from you. 

. To have shift to change the way of my people.

You have shift my church to follow after pagan gods. That has filled my house woe unto you.  Who change good for evil. 

Choose ye this day who you shall serve man  or God. I have this against Your teaching have come to My ears with a stench. Your prophets lie to make them self’s great. 

You lift up the dung that make you powerless. When you lay hands on the sick  they are worse who due in die disbelief.

You who shift My words to please men. And your heart is full of jealousy rotting apples whose core is mildew. 

You who promote people instead of promoting who God call. You are men pleasers instead of God. 

Therefore I have this against you judgement have come upon that house for you have committed this against The Lord Your God the upper and downward swirl this is not your battle.

You have preponderate and you have change the state the balance turn the scale.  You have alter, the posture of the body . 

The face of my people is for shame and disgrace, 
Turn from your wicked ways or I shall come and expose you. 

You are a wayward church. I am true and living Vine. 

He will give eternal life; while for those who are self-seeking and who obey not the truth but wickedness, there will be wrath and fury. 

There will be anguish and distress for everyone who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek You have  alter, My position(Romans2:6-9).extraordinary trials of secret crimes are done as by arms and single combat, you say that swords have been turned into ploughshares or beaten into ploughshares, you mean  a state of conflict between two or more groups of people has ended and a period of peace has begun. 

hot plowshares, it being imagined that 

You have made your own bibles and quoted them.You who put light for darkness and darkness for light.

God would work miracles to vindicate innocence. There Is a lost of words that you have for your God.but are my words heard even in the darkest hour says the Lord of Host. Do you hear God.

To you oh God it’s your Judgment will be public. 
Through my lies and drivetrains my awesrness that I see that you vonforsate for me you interview before me. God oh how I love you even when her it be evil. Eccles.12.The final trial of the human race,when God will decide the fate of every individual, and award sentence according to justice.For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whet The angel of God called He shall utter in a loud voice the sound, I pray thee, turn the counsel of the ungodly. To alter or change to address a issue. To direct change for a certain purpose 

To revolve; to agitate To adapt the mind; chiefly in those who participle. in salvation . To change; to transform; as,to turn evil to good; to turn goods

 you said you gave up power, you said your hear me but you don’t. I desire to know before thee there no unswear prayer that you can see but I leave it mostly on me. 

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