Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Monday, July 29, 2019

Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist

Your Greater Is Coming 

Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist  taught the Holy Scriptures became a messenger of the Lord and teacher of prophecies.Elizabeth was filled with the Holy SpiritWhile she was pregnant with the future John the Baptist the prophet. Luke  1:5-80.woman who is "righteous in the eyes of God, who was careful to obey all God says.God has a greater  plan

Elizabeth was a woman who waited on God believed in God trust in God. And a strong woman of God. She waited a long time for her grader but she knew her grader was coming. Not only did God trust her to give her a greater but he gave her a future with her greater.
She was chosen to bear a son Debt will be the four runner for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who have a raced Orthzation died for our sins and put on soon.

Elizabeth the strong woman of God Carrie greater because of what was inside of her was also greater coming through him.

Trust Gods Timing
God has a greater plan for you
We serve God who makes the impossible possible
Greater is coming 

Two references scripturer 

Luke 1:37).Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Genesis 18:14).

For with God nothing will be impossible

Elizabeth spoke the inspired truth in Gods Word.
The Lord remembers those who are loyal to him

When You’ve been faithful over a little greater is coming
When you feel labor pains  greater is coming
You’re almost in the last month of the trimester grader is coming 
Hid is about to birth Destiny in you grester is coming.

Where there’s a calling there is a challenge
without sacrifice there can be no victory there cannot be a reward. 

Faith is defined as belief with strong conviction
Anything tangible  Evidence treated as which fact; real or concrete-is proof; complete trust, and confidence in the reliance, or devotion to what is called . 

Faith is the opposite of doubt.
God’s in control of your destiny.
God is preparing you in his plan.

Grester is coming 
Conclusion :when you wait on the Lord greater is coming.

Our timing is not Gods timing.
2 Peter 3:8  King James Bible But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Luke 1:45 Blessed is she who believed, for there shall be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord”

Greater is coming 
You been waiting long enough greater is coming 
You been obedient greater is coming

Walk into your future grester is coming.

Your in the final countdown grester is coming 

For with God nothing will be impossible grester is coming
 Don’t walk the other way 

The Word of God will quicken your Destiny 

The word if God awakens the baby your carryi

When you least expect it grester is coming.
Walking towards your Destiny Don’t go the other way. Greater is coming

When you least expect it grester is coming.

When your in doubt throw it out your greater is coming,

Controlling thought God is in control of  your Destiny 

Faith is the opposite of doubt

Don’t kill the messenger or the messenger will kill you, 

Two Reference Words:
Our Timing is not Go

It is capable of being touched or felt and have a real substance with out being smelled touch or seen.

Luke 1:6) God was in control of Elizabeth's destiny was parparing  the plan God has for His life.
Luke 1:6).  the Lord remembers those who are loyal to him. 

Elizabeth’s next inspired words were an encouragement to Mary and a universal message to women: “

Elizabeth herself had believed God would fulfill the things she had been told.

In-Closing “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 

For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy” (Luke 1:42-44).

As soon and Mary greeted Elizabeth the Word in her leaped.How is your response in hearing the word of the Lord is it like fire shut up in your bones

Gods secure is to give birth to Your Destiny 

Such inspired thoughts edify and uplift those who hear them.

Dies it feel like something in your wound guving birth to your Destiny. Something lurid when the word is inside of you.!God is birthing something new in you God is going to do  a new thing in you.

God is getting ready to give birth to your Destiny. 

You are in your six month of labor  this is called the sage of discomfort. It is a stage of purging.difficulttobaby is getting bigger and it is putting more pressure on your organs changes you might notice in the third trimester include:As you near your due date, your cervix becomes thinner and softer (called effacing) This is a normal and natural process that helps the birth canal (vagina) to open during the birthing process. 

Do you have a progress report?

check your progress 

you near your due date. 

He who has done a good work in you shall be complete even unto the day of Christ. 

Get excited   the  has begun!

God had ordained that her baby should be called John, a name of Hebrew origin meaning “God is gracious” ( God had been gracious in granting Elizabeth and Zacharias a child.

It took courage for Elizabeth to stand firm and obey God.


In Closing 

God has birth your Destiny for His plan 

Her husband backed her up. They were a team that always obeyed God. Zacharias asked for a writing tablet, and wrote: “His name is John” (Luke 1:63).

These two parents knew what God had instructed them to do, and they were determined to do it. Immediately God gave Zacharias his speech back, and he glorified God. He then was also filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied of what God was doing and what his son John would do.

Lessons for us

 Elizabeth’s life of faith? First, God was merciful to her. 

Elizabeth believed and bore a son in her old age, which was a miraculous blessing from God. 

The message that Elizabeth taught, the lesson that God recorded in the Bible, 

believe what God says He is going to do even if it seems impossible.

 She also taught the message that if you do what God says to do and believe, you will be blessed by seeing the fulfillment of what was promised.

God chose a woman of faith and obedience to rear and teach an important prophet

. It is by the Holy Spirit and by the Word of God that one is to teach and to inspire others.

Do our children know the ways of God and do they know why they were born? Isn’t it time we follow the example set by Elizabeth and Zacharias?

Friday, July 26, 2019


John 227
Thomas is commonly known as "Doubting Thomas" because he doubted Jesus' resurrection when first told of it later, he confessed his faith, Then Jesus said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."Thomas said My Lord and my God," on seeing Jesus' crucifixion wounds.

DOUBT  When in doubt throw it out. 

Believe when you believe make room to receive 

Faith is believing without seeing  knowing without showing hearing without appearing  feeling without touching. 

Reference scriptures 

John 20:28)Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have 

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

 Although  Thomas seen Jesus,  He was notconvince his fleshly mind need more proof. Until he felt the hole in His side.He believed.  Our Spiritual minds are made to see touch feel hear and smell. 

We are imperfect people serving a perfect God,Living in a imperfect world. 

We see Thomas weakness  do we have doubts if that’s you throw them out of your mind,

God’s love is bigger than your doubts.

Gods love turns hardships into blessing.

Gods love turns a mess into a message

Gods love  turn  clay into a master piece

He is a perfect God that loves imperfect people. 

When God found us, we were like foubting  Thomas full of  doubt.. 

The Word of the Lord came to me saying, When it’s doubt  throw it out 

When in doubt throw it out your be able to feel the piercing hole in Jesus side. 

When in doubt throw it out your be able to feel  the crown of thorns on your Head

When in doubt throw it out  your be able to feel those that denied and betrayed Him.

When in doubt  throw it out your be able to feel your friends talk about you. 

When in doubt-throw it out your be the accursed 

When in doubt throw out they will sell you for pieces of silver 

The question ask today why are you still doubting God,

Real real Jesus is real to me oh yes Ge gave me the victory so many people doubt Him I can’t live without him that is why I loveHim do He do real to me.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My house goes to all three of my children upon David’s death. Or before pending, he moved out.  My  car who ever  takes over my car payments. Westgate is almost paid off who ever takesMy twenty thousand goes to arrangement of furnersl. And divided amongst my theee children. My computers goes to Kyler lab top goes to Kyler. Phones go to Kyler. My garter goes to Kyler. Any money left goes to Kyler. Donna is the Benificiary of my funeral arrangements along with Kits and Jackie twenty thousands dollars. Tv all but one for David goes to One to Anthony and Na Na. My lotions perfumes goes to all my children. Jewelry Shoes divided to children who can fit them. My books divided amongst you all. You know how I feel bout them if not completed please finish.Clothes divided amongst all, pictures goes to children the ones David don’t desire. SHARON my sister her and Jackie anything they want goes to them upon Donnas decision.Her and my husband David will come together Ali gceuth Jackie and Kieta.!love you all snd don’t worry nor cry I am with the Lord if not here with you guys.

In Gods Presence

Love you guys mommy mama Theresa Maxwell

My house goes to all three of my children upon David’s death. Or before pending he moved out. My car who ever takes over my car payments. My twenty thousand goes to arrangement of furnersl. And divided amongst my theee children. My computers goes to Kyler lab top goes to Kyler. Phones go to Kyler. My garter goes to Kyler. Any money left goes to Kyler. Donna is the Benificiary of my funeral arrangements along with Kits and Jackie twenty thousands dollars. Tv all but one for David goes to One to Anthony and Na Na. My lotions perfumes goes to all my children. Jewelry Shoes divided to children who can fit them. My books divided amongst you all. You know how I feel bout them if not completed please finish.Clothes divided amongst all, pictures goes to children the ones David don’t desire. SHARON my sister her and Jackie anything they want goes to them upon Donnas decision.Her and my husband David will come together Wuth  Jackie and Kieta no fighting I desir to be Laid to Rest In Peace amongst my children. Furnersl arrangements made by David and Donna and Kita and Jackie. 

I truly love you all and don’t want y’all to worry nor cry I am with the Lord  I will see you on the other side drew near to God and He will draw bear to you. Remember that God lives you very much. He will be vet leave you nor forsake you. Peace I leave with you not as the world that peace of God that surpasses all understanding. 

In Gods Presence

Love you guys mommy mama Theresa Maxwell

My will

My house goes to all three of my children upon David’s death. Or before pending he moved out. My car who ever takes over my car payments. My twenty thousand goes to arrangement of furnersl. And divided amongst my theee children. My computers goes to Kyler lab top goes to Kyler. Phones go to Kyler. My garter goes to Kyler. Any money left goes to Kyler. Donna is the Benificiary of my funeral arrangements along with Kits and Jackie twenty thousands dollars. Tv all but one for David goes to One to Anthony and Na Na. My lotions perfumes goes to all my children. Jewelry Shoes divided to children who can fit them. My books divided amongst you all. You know how I feel bout them if not completed please finish.Clothes divided amongst all, pictures goes to children the ones David don’t desire. SHARON my sister her and Jackie anything they want goes to them upon Donnas decision.Her and my husband David will come together Ali gceuth Jackie and Kieta.!love you all snd don’t worry nor cry I am with the Lord if not here with you guys.

In Gods Presence

Love you guys mommy mama Theresa Maxwell

Friday, July 19, 2019

First The House If God

The word of the Lord came to me saying, Judgment shall first come on the house if God.

It is so sad and chilling all the senseless killings of our children, the devil is using people that are not under the blood to destroy our children.

We must be under the blood it is vital. You see people can’t see what the devil is doing and how he is using a community of demonic people to kill their family members. 

And because they are pretenders in the blood but not cover with the blood satan use those who are fake in the way and not of the way. 

We are living in a time where people profess God but not of God. 

This is exactly why we have to be like Rachel praying to God for our household and those members who are not saved. 

The enemy is trying to kill our babies.

They killed our babies in Jesus time, around the time of Jesus birth. 

Pharaoh who killed the male babies. Around the time of Moses birth. 

Every time leaders are being raised up the enemy goes on a killing spree.

God is raising up some Powerful leaders no-nonsense leaders 

non -compromise leaders. 

Leaders who won’t back down or out leaders. Who is not afraid of people leaders who don’t carry a spirit of fear. 

No nonsense leaders under the blood leaders. Imitate of Jesus Christ leaders. 

Who walks in the light and profess the light and are of the light.

These leader called by God come to save folks from going to hell exposing those who are killing our babies leaders. 

The killing spree is over. It’s time to take back everything the devil had stolen.

Trying to stop the move of God., You can’t stop the move of God. 

Satan has no power over us, those in high places  in the Whitehouse outhouse The mayor‘s house the Senate house 

God said enough is enough whatever house yours in your coming out. Those who are from My house says the Lord only will be left staying. Choose ye who you will serve. 

Those covered in the blood of Jesus Christ will stand the test of time. Judgment shall first come on the house of God. 

 I’ve come to realize why God use my house and your house to dwell in. 

Because it can’t get any better than that I can kick you out my house any time I want because this is my house. Y’all not hearing what I saying. You can’t come up in my house acting any kind of way. 

God said as for me and my house it shall be a house of prayer. 

You can’t control my house only I can control my house is a house of prayer. 

Not only is it a house if prayer it’s a housing cover With The blood. 

God‘s house is cover with blood of Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh. 

The devil will come in fooling people claim to be us. looking like us but He ain’t us and will never be us.

We are too strong for Him because we’re covered with the blood of Jesus Christ. 

He is powerless so the coward that he is coming after defenseless children. He comes to kill, steal and destroy, 

But God holds up a stander as we come together in the unity of the spirit of faith will slay that dragon in prayer. 

He did the same thing when the savor of the world was born. 

Salomon said, There is nothing new under the sun. 

God gave us a weapon it’s time to pull it out.

1 Peter  3:16 But  if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God that you bear that name. 17For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God? 18And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?”…

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

The devil is trying to kill our babies

Rachel Bell yes indeed so sad the devil is using people that’s not under the blood to destroy our children this is why we have to be like Rachel praying to God  for our household and those members who are not save. The enemy is trying to kill our babies.

They killed our babies in Jesus time, around the time of Jesus  birth. 

Pharaoh who killed the male babies. 

Trying to stop the move of God., Satan have no power over us, 

He is powerless so the coward that he is coming after defenseless children. He comes to kill, steal and destroy, 

But God holds up a stander as we come together in the unity of the spirit of faith will slay that dragon in prayer. 

He did the same thing when the savor of the world was born. 

Salomon said, There is nothing new under the sun. 

God gave us a weapon it’s time to pull it out.

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

Destiny Queens

The Queen
The queen brings stability to a man’s life. She doesn’t create problems she is the problem solver to him. 
The Queen brings peace to her man when He comes home from work,  you will not find her gossiping on the phone.
The Queen does not use her body to get a man she stimulates him with her mind. 
The Queen she shines light into his darkness. 
The queen she doesn’t settle she inspires growth.
The Queen she doesn’t fit in with the rest, she stands out., you’ll immediately know her when you meet her because she’s the girl you always been told about.
The Queen is the one you’ve been waiting for and so much more that's why she is and will always be the QUEEN.
Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

The number of homeless veterans across America increased in 2017 .Veterans who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless,  veterans are persons who have served in the armed forces who are homeless or living without access to secure and appropriate accommodation.Roughly 45% of all homeless veterans are African American.

The number of homeless veterans across America increased in 2017.

Veterans who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homelessness is of great value. It continually rises.  Many vets will need more education in the year 2020. 

Many homeless veterans are persons who have served in the armed forces who are homeless or living without access to secure and appropriate accommodation.

Roughly 45% of all homeless 
veterans are African American.

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


There is 99.1 percent more woman in the CHRISTIAN church today. Most Woman desire to be married. 

So many will not be yielded to a man. 

 not true for all women. 

And if there a lot of Ruths Mary or Sarahs so be it.

I love being a woman I love allowing my husband to take that roll. And many women feel the same amen.

Woman need to be taught how to be found by a man. 

How to walk as queens not puff up thinking we can do a mans job. That’s why we need a real man.

So many of us have been hurt by a man. Even today they refuse to walk by our side.

There are reasons why God calls us the weaker vessel, and although we are strong were still weak. 

We can take care of home to raise our children and pay our bills yet still we are the weaker vessel. 

This is really not in the physical sense but biblical sense. And that’s exactly why it’s more of us in the church. 

However, this is why the church is full of the woman because we know where to find a real man, that will never leave nor forsake us His name is Jesus Christ the savior of the world.

So many have misunderstood the Word. You have to do research on that. Remember Deborah was not only a prophet but also a judge. In OT time. 

Yes if you are married that is true God already set the order of your home. 

God, Jesus who is the head then-husband always the head of the wife in respect to that set order. However, when it comes to Gods house we are all one. 

Romans 10:12. 

…11It is just as the Scripture says: “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.” 12For there is no difference between Jew and Greek: The same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, 13for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”…

King James Bible Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye is all one in Christ Jesus.

In Jesus Christ, there is neither male nor female in the forecast of the church that’s who we are.

Christopher Burroughs amen 

When you have an intimate relationship with God He will show Himself to you and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you in truth. 

I tell you the truth Jesus is real I have seen Him twice in my lifetime. 

And can’t make you believe. 

There is no  reason to lie to you. 

But one thing I do have is my Word. 

Tell you the truth and give you my word. 

Have you ever love someone so much where you can actually feel them in you, all you do is think about them. Smell Him and love Him with all your heart mind and strength, to the point you don’t want to live without Him. 

This is how I love God to the point He’ loved me the same and allow me to share His only begotten Son.

There is no other mediator between God and man.Jesus Christ.

John 14:6 

Jesus answers and said I am the way and the truth and the life. 

No one comes to the Father except through Me.

He will visualize Himself to you. Get to know Gods Son and He will open up to you. 

God is Love and He is not a respecter of person.

Dr. Prophet Apostle Christina Theresa Maxwell

The truth, I am so in love with Christ. He have never beat me in submission. 

He have never left me but console me. 

He has given me a good man and husband and kept promises. 

I don!t have false hope I have real hope, 

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and Righteousness 

 I dare not trust the sweetest frame but only lean on Jesus name for Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground or sin.

 He is in heaven there is an anointing as I do funerals I can tell the folks who knew God. 

Those that were on there way to hell or already there I knew that to. You can’t really  know God if you never Spint Tom know when his son Jesus Christ without being cleanse from sin and the only way is knowing Jesus.

Theresa Maxwell do you know someone who has been to heaven and returned? Let me know because I want to meet them. It's all lies. God is real and God is in you not in the sky.I can tell you I’ve died giving birth to my Son. I was ask the question who do I want to pray for out my body sad my sin. At that moment returned back in my body. 

The priest was reading my last rights.

I had a dream I went to heaven and was in the throne room with God. Telling me if they did not accept me in my church for a woman's ministry death will come.  I’d rather be in the hands of man and face the consequences than in the hands of God.

God, He is in heaven there is an anointing as I do funerals I can tell the folks who knew God. 

Those that were on there way to hell or already there. When they ckise there eye either wake up to heaven or hell.

 You can’t really know God if you never Spent Time knowing his son Jesus Christ. 

Without cleansing from sin we all were found guilty by God. Jesus is  the only way to God by the remission of sin.

Dr.Prophet Apostle Christina Theresa Maxwell 

Monday, July 15, 2019


Proverbs 3:25-26 King James Version (KJV)

25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.

26 For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

And God Said Write

The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies.” (Isaiah 42:13

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Queens of destiny

Gods vision for Queens Of Destiny.

The word of the Lord came to me saying, You can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.

You can’t withstand the rain without remaining standing the current and wind of a storm will hit you until you hit rock bottom.  

A rapid wind from a storm is too strong for you to handle without God you cannot be able to handle the damage from the storm without God. 

The winds come to make you strong, The current is forceful however Depending or the simplicity of the fury wind sometimes we are struck and knock down. 

It’s times when we think will are strong enough for the current in our lives. We are struck down to get back up. To show us that we cannot depend on ourselves but depend on God. 

Until we no longer have the confidence to say we can do but know, all things are possible only with God.

Knowing we could do nothing on our own. For Christ, we live and for Christ, we die.

Life and death are in the power of the tongue. 

We are faced with many challenges. It’s how we deal with the challenge is the look of our challenges. 

Many in the body of Christ are face with implicit objective challenges. Especially with other members of the body of Christ. 

Truth be told it is an understatement we as women challenges other women. Allow ourselves to be used by the enemy and swear it’s God and it’s not.

The very one that you shared intimate details to about your marriage about your life tells the very people that have come against you to steal kill and destroy the vision that God has given you. 

They Betray to be for you but are against you. 

So who is fake or who is the snake? When they all look alike and pretreat to live you but in reality, they hate you for no spare my reason. 

and is proof that what you're facing, you're not facing it alone.

When it comes to our flesh we can never get it right or deter which why it might go. Only to say there is no good thing in a man. 

You will remain damage and unaffected if you continue to allow every wind of unconstructed doctrine to change Gods Word to fit damage lifestyles. 

They will never be able to taste the goodness of the Lord. Woman and men must be trained on how to live prosperous, 

We must be trained to sustain the truth and thrush out every wind of doctrine that is misconstructed, you were trained to resist the devil only then will he flee.

God has structure and designed you and me to withstand winds of more than 100 mph. 

Gods people have a fallen nature and are in a fallen generation that’s not only fallen but who are gone back and dipping in the same dung they once overcame.

 As a dog goes back to his vomit. God says So because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold. I am about to spit you out of my mouth.10Why, then, do you judge your brother? Or why do you belittle your brother?

 For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11  It is written: “As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before Me; every tongue will confess to God.”

Roman 14:12  So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God. 1 Peter 1:7-9 These trials are only to test your faith, to see whether or not it is strong and pure. 

It is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold; so if your faith remains strong after being tried in the test tube of fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day of his return.

You love him even though you have never seen him; though not seeing him, you trust him; and even now you are happy with the inexpressible joy that comes from heaven itself. 

And your further reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.

I the  Lord your God have  Activated the horsepower of God in the belly of My Prophet Apostle Christina Theresa Maxwell. Who will lay hands on those to activate my power? 

The activation shall come from Your God and her God. Your Father’s and mothers God. 

My power in them by My touch as we may touch and agree that the power may be released in them.

To come in the Unity of sisters empowering their minds to walk in power,  speak in power,  holding intelligent Conversation in power., and to stop tearing each other down.  

However, we must demonstrate the love of God in power, not holding each other higher than the other. But esteem each into the  God-given destiny, 

Every new brings a brand new destination. Provoking and empowering victorious women who at a time past consider to be victims.

Who did not walk according to the power of God? The woman who is full of a potential breakthrough, 

The woman who walks in the unity of the spirit in faith. Not holding on to a victim mindset, but taking a stand. 

Dare to be different to make a difference who is willing to go to that next level empower. 

We need women helping women activating the power in the unity of faith. The unity of the Spirit.

God has called me in such a time as this to activate women if we touch and agree. To push them into the destiny God has called them Destiny Queens. 

It seems every time God gives me something someone in your camp steals the concept.

The power in them has been associated with the power in me to touch activating power.

God has anointed and called me to touch these women and activate the power in them to do what God has called them to do in such a time as this.

There are too many traumatized Women who have miscarriage, aborted, had false labor. Too many stillborns in the body of Christ.

Too many women Who are traumatized by men. Too many women are intimidated by women. 

God has called me to activation woman empower them with the same power of anointing by connecting to them. Initiating the power test in May that will discharge when I place my hands on them.

This is a board decision from the heavenly.

Queens Of Destiny 

SWOM ministries WITH Prophetic strong-willed minded women. Who will not discriminate but will agitate the Power to come alive in the belly of a strong woman.

To activate the power that’s been lying dormant in them.

To activate the power day has died to bring in those dead bones alive once again. 

To activate the power that has been intimidated by other women, to activate the power from downtrodden women. 

To activate the power from hurting women, 

To activate the power that’s in there intimidate these women of God to the point of low esteem, 

We need to bring these women back up to the level that God has called them to be a part of. 

and put everything that’s not going to motivate us under our feet that we may trample over it and walk with the dignity that God has given us to walk with.

We must bring to life our sisters whose lives are immobilized. Woman struck down by lightning,  

Women who society called at outcasts. Women whose lives were destroyed

Rape by life challenges. Put down in the gut of their bellies. To spring back from death.

We must cut off the ability to doubt, fear, low self-esteem, homosexuality. 

We must strip and come naked and not ashamed. with God.  

Cut that yoke of bondage wrap around the neck causing suffocate, isolate, discriminate, there is a need them now nor female in Christ Jesus. 

Disassociate and disconnect those who give us improper nutrients, to misguide us in truth. and wastes pass cord. keeping us in the fetus stage, we become 

The enemy wants us to be unreachable.

So the respiratory gases, could not pass through the placenta keeping us from sustaining life, and the knowledge of Christ.

When we thought we were free we were held hostage in bondage.

The cord arising from the navel that connects you to abundance life keeps us in the fetus mindset ever growing never learning.

Woman stuck between rock and hard place. 

A woman put down by men disgrace throw out of place and put in a place of sacrifice.

United we stand divided we fall SWOM have to stick with that one mindset. 

We are a powerful woman of God we will not stand for anything if we fall for everything.

2 Corinthian‘ 4:8We are pressed on all sides, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. 

10We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.…

 That incapacitated spell that had capture woman by the hands of other jealous hearted woman's put the devil under our feet who will no longer hold us captive 2019. 

By His stripes, we are healed. There is no other name under heaven we can’t be saved and heal. 

That the name of Jesus Christ we as women shall be one walk in power speaking in power as we demonstrate the power that’s in each other as one. Only then we can walk as one body.

Dr.Prophet Apostle Christina Theresa Maxwell