-Strength for Today- "The Significance of Calvary" Luke 23:33

-Strength for Today- "The Significance of Calvary" Luke 23:33


     You will only find the word Calvary as it appears in the Bible only at Luke 23:33.  It means skull and refers to the skull-like hillon which Jesus was crucified also known as Golgotha, which is the Aramaic name of the location where Jesus was crucified outside of Old Jerusalem. It appears that God intended the place of Christ’s crucifixion to be indelibly marked in our minds and as a symbol of death to the world.

        With the natural eye, the place of the Cross is not awe-inspiring, not even a place of grandeur and only inspires the masses as it is related to Jesus and His death for sinners.  But once a man or woman becomes convicted of sin, convinced by the Holy Spirit of the Savior’s death for sin, and in brokenness and repentance, receives Christ, the place takes on a new meaning and beauty. To those of us who have been Born Again, Calvary becomes a symbol of new life after death.  We sing “On a hill Far Away, stood an Old Rugged Cross…” with meaning and joy.  It becomes to us, “The emblem of suffering and same” where our sin was put on Jesus, and He paid our debt of sin. 

The central theme of God’s redemptive plan runs through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. On each page is that thin red line that leads all the way to God’s purposed plan, and at its heart is a place called Calvary. Now let us look at this gruesome place called Calvary.

  • Calvary was the place where divine love met sinful man. –John 3:16  Were it not for that place and that death on the Cross of Calvary, we would all be hopelessly lost and helpless to get to God and go to heaven.
  • Calvary was the place where God’s Amazing Grace was shown to all who will accept by faith, the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ -. Ephesians 2:8-9 Grace is not based family, nationality, race, who you know or do not know, what you have or do not have…His grace is extended to all!
  • Calvary is the place where sin’s price was paid in full - Romans 6:23. Therefore, “Ye are bought with a price…” – 1 Corinthians 7:23.
  • Calvary is the place where Satan was defeated. God promised Satan in Genesis 3:15 that “her seed (offspring) would bruise his head.” - Hebrews. 2:14-15. 

       And finally, we are shown that,

  • Calvary is the place where man’s destiny is determined.

     Luke 23:27 tells us “there followed Him a great company of people.

On that day, the hypocrites were there, the unreasonable were there, the pessimist and passionate were there, the self-righteous and unrighteous were there. But in addition He hung between two thieves as one of three sentenced to death that day. One of these two men understood who Jesus was and asked the Lord to remember him in the kingdom. Jesus responded with a promise of glory soon to be revealed: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” - Luke 23:43. This is why Jesus was shedding His blood—to forgive and redeem sinners who placed their faith in Him. That day, one died lost and the other one received salvation. Which side of the Cross are you on?  We all must meet God at a place called Calvary.

     So I ask you, have you been there by Faith? Do you believe Jesus died there for you? Have you in repentance and faith received Him?  Why not today?

 Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD







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