Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Saturday, February 22, 2020


We’re on the same race track but where not in the same race.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


The Word of the Lord came to me saying, if your always looking back you can never see the beautiful  future that lies ahead of you.

Nor be able to know that God “Got You”.

1 Corinthian‘s  2:9 
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

If your always looking back you can neve be able to visionluze the shape of your future .

If your always looking back you can never see the blessings God prepare for you.

If your always looking back you will lack full speed ahead of you. 

If your always looking back you will be stuck in your past.

If your always looking back you will turn into a pillar of salt. 

a white crystalline substance which gives seawater its characteristic taste and is used for seasoning or preserving food.

SALT, The radical sense is probably pungent, and if s is radical, the word belongs to the root of L. salio; but this is uncertain.

1. Common salt is the muriate of soda, a substance used for seasoning certain kinds of food, and for the preservation of meat, &c. It is found native in the earth, or it is produced by evaporation and crystallization from water impregnated with saline particles.

2. In chimistry, a body compounded of an acid united to some base, which may be either an alkali, an earth, or a metallic oxyd. Accordingly, salts are alkaline, earthy, or metallic. Many compounds of this kind, of which common salt, (muriate of soda,) is the most distinguished, exist in nature; but most of these, together with many others not known in nature, have been formed by the artificial combination of their elements. Their entire number exceeds 2000. When the acid and base mutually saturate each other, so that the individual properties of each are lost, the compound is a neutral salt; when the acid predominates, it is a super salt; and when the base predominates, it is a sub salt. Thus we have a subcarbonate, a carbonate, and a supercarbonate of potash.

3. Taste; sapor; smack.

We have some salt of our youth in us.

4. Wit; poignancy; as Attic salt.

SALT, a.

1. Having the taste of salt;impregnated with salt; as salt beef; salt water

2. Abounding with salt; as a salt land. Jer. 17.

3. Overflowed with salt water, or impregnated with it; as a salt marsh.

4. Growing on salt marsh or meadows and having the taste of salt; as salt grass or hay.

5. Producing salt water; as a salt spring.

6. Lecherous; slacious.

SALT, n.

1. The part of a river near the sea, where the water is salt.

2. A vessel for holding salt.

SALT, v.t.

1. To sprinkle, impregnate or season with salt; as, to salt fish, beef or pork.

2. To fill with salt between the timbers and planks, as a ship, for the preservation of the timber.

SALT, v.i. To deposit salt from a saline substance; as, the brine begins to salt. Used by manufacturers.

SALT, n. A leap; the act of jumping. Not in use.

PIL'LAR, n. L. pila, a pile, a pillar, a mortar and pestle. The L. pila denotes a heap, or things thrown, put or driven together.

Literally, a pile or heap; hence,

1. A kind or irregular column round an insulate, but deviating from the proportions of a just column. Pillars are either too massive or too slender for regular architecture; they are not restricted to any rules, and their parts and proportions are arbitrary. A square pillar is a massive work, called also a pier or piedroit, serving to support arches. &c.

2. A supporter; that which sustains or upholds; that on which some superstructure rests. Gal.2.

3. A monument raised to commemorate any person or remarkable transaction.

And Jacob set a pillar on her grave. Gen.35. 2 Sam.18.

4. Something resembling a pillar; as a pillar of salt. Gen.19.

So a pillar of a cloud, a pillar of fire. Ex.13.

5. Foundation; support. Job.9.

6. In ships, a square or round timber fixed perpendicularly under the middle of the beams for supporting the decks.

7. In the manege, the center of the volta, ring or manege ground, around which a horse turns. There are also pillars on the circumference or side, placed at certain distances by two and two.

TURN, v.t. L. turnus; torniare, to turn; tornare, to return; torneare, tornire, to turn, to fence round, to tilt; torniamento, tournament.

1. To cause to move in a circular course; as, to turn a wheel; to turn a spindle; to turn the body.

2. To change or shift sides; to put the upper side downwards, or one side in the place of the other. It is said a hen turns her eggs often when sitting.

3. To alter, as a position.


When to advance, or stand, or turn the sway of battle.

4. To cause to preponderate; to change the state of a balance; as, to turn the scale.

5. To bring the inside out; as,to turn a coat.

6. To alter, as the posture of the body, or direction of the look.

The monarch turns him to his royal guest.

7. To form on a lathe; to make round.

8. To form; to shape; used in the participle; as a body finely turned.

Him limbs how turn'd.

9. To change; to transform; as,to turn evil to good; to turn goods into money.

Impatience turns an ague into a fever.

I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness. 2 Sam.15.

10. To metamorphose; as, to turn a worm into a winged insect.

11. To alter or change, as color; as, to turn green to blue.

12. To change or alter in any manner; to vary.

13. To translate; as, to turn Greek into English.

--Who turns a Persian tale for half a crown.

14. To change, as the manner of writing; as,to turn prose into verse.

15. To change, as from one opinion or party to another; as, to turn one from a tory to whig; to turn Mohammedan or a pagan to a Christian.

16. To change in regard to inclination or temper.

Turn thee to me, and have mercy upon me. Ps.25.

17. To change or alter from one purpose or effect to another.

God will make these evils the occasion of greater good, by turning them to our advantage.

18. To transfer.

Therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom to David. 1 Chron 10.

19. To cause to nauseate or lothe; as, to turn the stomach.

20. To make giddy.

Eastern priests in giddy circles run,

And turn their heads to imitate the sun.

21. To infatuate; to make mad, wild or enthusiastic; as, to turn the brain.

22. To change direction to or from any point; as, to turn the eyes to the heavens; to turn the eyes from a disgusting spectacle.

23. To direct by a change to a certain purpose or object; to direct, as the inclination, thoughts or mind. I have turned my mind to the subject.

My thoughts are turn'd on peace.

24. To revolve; to agitate in the mind.

Turn those ideas about in your mind.

25. To bend from a perpendicular direction; as, to turn the edge of an instrument.

26. To move from a direct course or strait line; to cause to deviate; as, to turn a horse from the road, or a ship from her course.

27. To apply by a change of use.

When the passage is open, land will be turned most to cattle.

28. To reverse.

The Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee. Deut.30.

29. To keep passing and changing in the course of trade; as, to turn money or stock two or three times in the year.

30. To adapt the mind; chiefly in the participle.

He was perfectly well turned for trade.

31. To make acid; to sour; as, to turn cider or wine; to turn milk.

32. To persuade to renounce an opinion; to dissuade from a purpose, or cause to change sides. You cannot turn a firm man.

To turn aside, to avert.

To turn away, to dismiss from service; to discard; as, to turn away a servant.

1. To avert; as, to turn away wrath or evil.

To turn back, to return; as, to turn back goods to the seller. Little used.

To turn down, to fold or double down.

To turn in, to fold or double; as, to turn in the edge of cloth.

To turn off, to dismiss contemptuously; as, to turn off a sycophant or parasite.

1. To give over; to resign. We are not so wholly turned off from that reversion.

2. To divert; to deflect; as, to turn off the thoughts from serious subjects.

To be turned of, to be advanced beyond; as, to be turned of sixty six.

To turn out, to drive out; to expel; as, to turn a family out of doors, or out of the house.

1. To put to pasture; as cattle or horses.

To turn over, to change sides; to roll over.

1. To transfer; as, to turn over a business to another hand.

2. To open and examine one leaf after another; as, to turn over a concordance.

3. To overset.

turn to, to have recourse to.

Helvetius' tables may be turned to on all occasions.

To turn upon, to retort; to throw back; as, to turn the arguments of an opponent upon himself.

To turn the back, to flee; to retreat. Ex.23.

To turn the back upon, to quit with contempt; to forsake.

To turn the die or dice, to change fortune.

TURN, v.i. To move round; to have a circular motion; as, a wheel turns on its axis; a spindle turns on a pivot; a man turns on his heel.

1. To be directed.

The understanding turns inwards on itself, and reflects on its own operations.

2. To show regard by directing the look towards any thing.

Turn mighty monarch, turn this way;

Do not refuse to hear.

3. To move the body round. He turned to me with a smile.

4. To move; to change posture. Let your body be at rest; do not turn in the least.

5. To deviate; as, to turn from the road or course.

6. To alter; to be changed or transformed; as, wood turns to stone; water turns to ice; one color turns to another.

7. To become by change; as, the fur of certain animals turns in winter.

Cygnets from gray turn white.

8. To change sides. A man in a fever turns often.

9. To change opinions or parties; as, to turn Christian or Mohammedan.

10. To change the mind or conduct.

Turn from thy fierce wrath. Ex.32.

11. To change to acid; as,mild turns suddenly during a thunder storm.

12. To be brought eventually; to result or terminate in. This trade has not turned to much account or advantage. The application of steam turns to good account, both on land and water.

13. To depend on for decision. The question turns on a single fact or point.

14. To become giddy.

I'll look no more,

Lest my brain turn.

15. To change a course of life; to repent.

Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways, for why will ye die? Ezek. 33.

16. To change the course or direction; as, the tide turns.

To turn about, to move the face to another quarter.

To turn away, to deviate.

1. To depart from; to forsake.turn in, to bend inwards.

1. To enter for lodgings or entertainment. Gen.19.

2. To go to bed.

To turn off, to be diverted; to deviate from a course. The road turns off to the left.

To turn on or upon, to reply or retort.

1. To depend on.

To turn out, to move from its place, as a bone.

1. To bend outwards; to project.

2. To rise from bed; also, to come abroad.

To turn over, to turn from side to side; to roll; to tumble.

1. To change sides or parties.

To turn to, to be directed; as, the needle turns to the magnetic pole.

To turn under, to bend or be folded downwards.

To turn up, to bend or be doubled upwards.

TURN, n. The act of turning; movement or motion in a circular direction, whether horizontally, vertically or otherwise; a revolution; as the turn of a wheel.

1. A winding; a meandering course; a bend or bending; as the turn of river.

2. A walk to and from.

I will take a turn in your garden.

3. Change; alteration; vicissitude; as the turns and varieties of passions.

Too well the turns of mortal chance I know.

4. Successive course.

Nobleness and bounty--which virtues had their turns in the king's nature.

5. Manner of proceeding; change of direction. This affair may take a different turn from that which we expect.

6. Chance; hap; opportunity.

Every one has a fair turn to be as great as he pleases.

7. Occasion; incidental opportunity.

An old dog falling from his speed, was loaded at every turn with blows and reproaches.

8. Time at which, by successive vicissitudes, any thing is to be had or done. They take each other's turn.

His turn will come to laugh at you again.

9. Action of kindness or malice.

Thanks are half lost when good turns are delay'd.

Some malicious natures place their delight in doing ill turns.

10. Reigning inclination or course. Religion is not to be adapted to the turn and fashion of the age.

11. A step off the ladder at the gallows.

12. Convenience; occasion; purpose; exigence; as, this will not serve his turn.

13. Form; cast; shape; manner; in a literal or figurative sense; as the turn of thought; a man of a sprightly turn in conversation.

The turn of his thoughts and expression is unharmonious.

Female virtues are of a domestic turn.

The Roman poets, in their description of a beautiful man, often mention the turn of his neck and arms.

14. Manner of arranging words in a sentence.

15. Change; new position of things. Some evil happens at every turn of affairs.

16. Change of direction; as the turn of the tide from flood to ebb.

17. One round of a rope or cord.

18. In mining, a pit sunk in some part of a drift.

19. Turn or tourn, in law. The sheriff's turn is a court of record, held by the sheriff twice a year in every hundred within his county. England.

By turns, one after another; alternately.

They assist each other by turns.

1. At intervals.

They feel by turns the bitter change.

To take turns, to take each other's places alternately.

Monday, February 17, 2020

You walk in darkness

The Word of the Lord came to me saying, You walk in darkness and fight against the light.

Dr. Christina Theresa Maxwell

Friday, February 14, 2020

Feed My Sheep

If you love me feed My Sheep are you capable of feeding My sheep what’s inside if your heart.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Samson was on a  mission from God. He took advantage of the gift that God gave to perform and transition him to pull off in what God called him to do. 

God gave Sansom extraordinary power making him durable for what it is God commission him to do.. Just like Samson, we all take advantage of the gift that God has given us to complete our mission, and we must transition to a relational relationship with our Father. He desires us because of the love in Him  he wants from us. 

It is in Him we live and in Him we breeze and it is in Him all things are made possible. For God, we live, and it’s for God, we die. 

God loves us even to the point of death. He sent His only begotten Son so that we may be hairs and joint heirs of the throne we became the sons and  daughter of the most high God.

He longs for us, we long for Him that’s why He called us His lovers. He says I called for my lovers and they could not be founded. And here we are grieving for our Lord we who truly love Him.The Spirit of  the living God. There is no life without him. 

It is a greven offense, especially against God, who activated the gifts which motivate us to run in a race that we get tired and exhausted from. But as we run we find strength in Him. 

He gives us joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Thats where our strengths is Drew from Emanuel well. And as we draw closer to Him He draws closer to us. We drew as He strengthening us. 

Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God He is a living  spirit who dwelling among the living.

When we become  tire and restless, He gives us  joy reviving us regain strengthening us for His battles. And the battle is not given to the swift and the strong time and chance is given to us all God is not a respecter of persons.

God gives to every man to build up the body, so everybody is somebody in the body of Christ.

We are chosen to be activated. In such a time as this. God activation is His power to empower us to do His will. 

Samson knee of His gift he was wire up with power as well as wisdom to tell riddles. 

Strong and handsome yet he was stubborn and disobedient.

He did not want to abye my the prodetcal He did not respect what the Lord command upon His life.

Samson illegal actions started from the time he disobeyed his parents. Which is one if the commandments to honor thy mother and father. 

You reap what you sole.Every idle word that proceed out from our mouth shall be judge.God does not play games when it come to drliverance of His people. He who gives us free will.
God loves us and trust us. However we are in violation of God laws who gives us strength to do what God gifted each of us to do His will 

To build up each other lift up our brothers and sisters live one another and praise the most high God in the unity of His Spirit

Samson gave up his praise.Never give up your secret it’s between you and God. Something are not to be told don’t allow your right hand to know what your left hand is saying.2So when you give to the needy, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. 3But when you give to the needy,do not let your left hand know what yourright hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.…

A crime may consist in omission or neglect, as well as in commission, or positive transgression. 
Omission  that constitutes  in his  defense to offense that may prosecuted by God  and is punishable by the law.

It is an action or activity that, although us  illegal in today’s time but is considered to be shameful, or wrong because soon  Samson ran out of time. 

It is morality sane not to expect something from God our  Father who expects us to expect Him. His desire is total dependency on him , who give us liberty to conquer all things that are made possible through the knowledge of Him with Him in time to come  to cone we may be able to handle it o. Our own because we were obedient to the Holy Spirit who directs us in all truth. 

Him in the fullness of His time God is able to trust us with His gifts. And from time to time He comes checking into us to see how where handing His Business. In the fullness of time we shall rip a Harvast.

And in our meekness time shall come for us in is smitten every man s time to die and a time our date Expire.. 

Time waits for no one. All thing come to time and by time all things are made and created on my time things grow in time reap in due season. Time is on our time it is time that brings knowledge and in time all thing come into its deacon throne by His grace.

His actions were  against  All things are possible in Gods time for it is God who has the power to cease time. Gods made the heavens and the earth in the mist of time even before the beginning of the world God created us in time so that we can be and bring those in time before time ends for it is God who shall stop time and unto men is the warning that one day time will be no more. There come a day soon the fullness of time will be closed . 

We all had criminal minds  before we came to Christ our own activity were all criminals all our efforts criminal. We had to learn to come out of that gutter and walk in the light because he is the light. 
We were a train getting ready to crash reprehensible of foolish, Restless behaviors patterns treating people in a Envious way which is disgraceful behavior a waste of our gifted and time.

The causes of crime are complex. Poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem, alcohol level was of great exploits and drug abuse . Our connection  why people break the law.

Some risk greater  indulge and send her hate behavior offenders because of the circumstances into which they are born.

Made or being in conformity to statute; as statutable measures.written law passed by a legislative body.violation of the hate crimes statute"

In the process Samson proceeded in moving forward; progressive course; tendency; as the process of man's desire.  can expect a lengthy suspension Modifier We don’t realize being call every action if disobedience we commit is against God. character wow.  

Some say Samson was a type of Christ

The idea of mala is formed the original justification for common law crimes.  However, many crimes that are today prohibited by statute also belong to the category of mala.

Crimes are prosecuted by government attorneys.  Such attorneys may represent a city, county, state, or the federal government.

Crimes are ranked as greater violations of public order


FORBID',forbad; forbid, or command against. Hence

,To prohibit; to interdict; to command to forbear or not to do. The laws of God forbid us to swear. Good manners also forbid us to use profane language.

 All labor and idle amusements on the sabbath are forbidden.

To command not to enter; as, I have forbid him my house or presence. This phrase seems to be elliptical; to forbid from entering or approaching.

To oppose; to hinder; to obstruct. An impassable river forbids the approach of the army blaze of glory that forbids the sight.

 To accurse; to blast. Obs.FORBID', v.i.

 To utter a prohibition; but in the intransitive form, there is always an ellipsis. I would go, but my state of health forbids, that is, forbids me to go, or my going.

 crime, typically one involving violence, regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by deatdh

(misdemeanora minor wrongdoing.

"the player for his latest misdemeanor"


STATUTABLE, a. from statute.Made or introduced by statute; proceeding from an act of the legislature; as a statutable provision or remedy.

common law 

law that is derived from custom and judicial precedent rather than statutes. Often contrasted with statutory 

law the body of English law as adopted and modified separately by the different states of the US and by the federal government 

denoting a partner in a marriage by common law (which recognized unions created by mutual agreement and public behavior), not by a civil or ecclesiastical ceremony.modifier noun: common-law a common-law husband"

CRIME, to condemn.An act which violates a law, 

divine or human; efforts an act which violates a rule of moral duty; an offense against the laws of r by God rule of duty plainly implied in those laws.

The commander of a fortress who suffers the enemy to take possession by neglect, is as really criminal, as one who voluntarily opens the gates without resistance.

But  a crime denotes an offense, or violation of public law, of a deeper and more atrocious nature; a public wrong; or a violation of the commands of God, and the offenses against the laws made to preserve the public rights; as treason, murder, robbery, theft, arson, 

The minor wrongs committed against individuals or private rights, are denominated trespasses, and the minor wrongs against public rights are called misdemeanors. Crimes and misdemeanors are punishable by indictment, information or public prosecution; trespasses or private injuries, at the suit of the individuals injured. 

But in many cases an act is considered both as a public offense and a trespass, and is punishable both by the public and the individual injured.Any great wickedness; iniquity; wrong.No crime was thing, if tis no crime to love.

procedure an established or official way of doing something.the police are now reviewing procedures"

Proceedings; gradual progress; course; as the process of a war.Operations; experiment; series of actions or experiments; as a chimical process.Series of motions or changes in growth, decay, &c. in physical bodies; as the process of vegetation or of mineralization; the process of decomposition.Course; continual flux or passage; as the process of time.Methodical management; series of measures or proceedings.The process of the great day--is described by our Savior.In law, the whole course of proceedings, in a cause, real or personal, civil or criminal, from the original writ to the end of the suit. Original process is the means taken to compel the defendant to appear in court. Mesne process is that which issues, pending the suit, upon some collateral or interlocutory matter. Final process is the process of execution.In anatomy, any protuberance, eminence or projecting part of a bone.

GEN'ERAL, a. L. generalis, from genus, a kind.Properly, relating to a whole genus or kind; and hence, relating to a whole class or order. Thus we speak of a general law of the animal or vegetable economy. This word, though from genus, kind, is used to express whatever is common to an order, class, kind, sort or species, or to any company or association of individuals.Comprehending many species or individuals; not special or particular; as, it is not logical to draw a general inference or conclusion from a particular fact.Lax in signification; not restrained or limited to a particular import; not specific; as a loose and general expression. Public; common; relating to or comprehending the whole community; as the general interest or safety of a nation.Common to many or the greatest number; as a general opinion; a general custom.Not directed to a single object.If the same thing be peculiarly evil, that general aversion will be turned into a particular hatred against it.Having a relation to all; common to the whole. Adam, our general sire.Extensive, though not universal; common; usual.This word is prefixed or annexed to words, to express the extent of their application. Thus a general assembly is an assembly of a whole body, in fact or by representation. In Scotland, it is the whole church convened by its representatives. In America, a legislature is sometimes called a general assembly.

In logic, a general term is a term which is the sign of a general idea.

An attorney general, and a solicitor general, is an officer who conducts suits and prosecutions for the king or for a nation or state, and whose authority is general in the state or kingdom.

A vicar general has authority as vicar or substitute over a whole territory or jurisdiction.

An adjutant general assists the general of an army, distributes orders, receives returns, &c.

The word general thus annexed to a name of office, denotes chief or superior; as a commissary general, quarter-master general.

In the line, a general officer is one who commands an army, a division or a brigade.

GEN'ERAL, n. The whole; the total; that which comprehends all or the chief part; opposed to particular.In particulars our knowledge begins, and so spreads itself by degrees to generals.A history painter paints man in general.In general, in the main; for the most part; not always or universally.I have shown that he excels, in general,under each of these heads.The chief commander of an army. But to distinguish this officer from other generals, he is often called general in chief. The officer second in rank is called lieutenant general.The commander of a division of an army or militia, usually called a major general.The commander of a brigade, called a brigadier general.A particular beat of drum or march, being that which, in the morning, gives notice for the infantry to be in readiness to march.The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations established under the same rule.The public; the interest of the whole; the vulgar. Not in use.


god GOD, The Supreme Being; Jehovah; the eternal and infinite spirit, the creator,and the sovereign of the universe.God is a spirit; and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. John A false god; a heathen deity; an idol.Fear not the gods of the Amorites. Judges 6.prince; a ruler; a magistrate or judge; an angel. Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people.Gods here is a bad translation.Any person or thing exalted too much in estimation, or deified and honored as the chief good.Whose god is their belly. Phil.3.

a minor wrongdoing.the player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor"

or as lesser violations (misdemeanor), and are adjudicated according to rules of criminal procedure.God is the rewarder of those that diligently seek him

Criminal procedure is the adjudication process of the criminal law. While criminal procedurediffers dramatically by jurisdiction, the process generally begins with a formal criminal charge with the person on trial either being free on bail or incarcerated, and results in the conviction or acquittal of the defendant.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Armour Up

The Word of the Lord came to me saying armor up the task you're about to Embark takes skill to let this mind be in you as it is in Christ Jesus. 

Armor up, Either you're gone to think like a winner or sink like a loser.

God doesn’t want no cowards 👌
a person who lacks the courage to do or endure trials and tribulations. 

We must not be afraid to step into the unknown. We must not be scared to step on unholy grounds. Greater is he in me then he that is in the world. We should not be afraid to uproot and turn the dirt of foul territory into something beautiful and prosperous in Jesus name amen 

Cowards run away from dangerous or unpleasant battles. 

They tend to forget whose actually fighting, which shows a lack of faith in God. 

Someone who is acting cowardly is showing no courage. A politician who is afraid to tell the truth about his shadowy past can be described as fearful. 

Use as a gossiper who acts to cowardly talk about a person when their back is turned. Showing fear whose afraid of doing the right thing. Having anxiety when approaching opposition.

Any covering worn as a defense against weapons forming against you. 

It is also a suit of a metallic material sheathing or protective covering, especially metal plates, used on warships. Bonds form between two discrete atoms. 

Metallic bonding is the primary type of chemical bond. Because the strength of a bond depends on its participant. 

 Many are difficult to rank because if the types of five fold ministry establish for the body not everybody, it is use to determine the gift 🎁 God alone gives.

Metallic bonding is a fortifier protector. A coverings formerly worn by soldiers or warriors to protect the body in battle. 

To impart physical strength to endure giving emotional and moral support to one another.

Prayer is a fortifies during our crisis. To enrich us in and with the Word of God.

To protect against attacks providing  us with defensive military works and furnish with a means of resisting force not standing strain never Vain.

The strongest link protects the weakest link encouraging and strengthening by Gods Word given  confidence in that person putting on the whole armour of God standing against the wiles of the devil .

God Don’t want no punks those who trick or deceive people in His army. God don’t want petty people whose afried to paid their tithes whose are petty pinchers. Whose trust is not in God.

God desire those who can persevere and stand trust in Him having faith in Him.,that He will work it out and take care of you this battle is not yours it is the Lord’s gird up your self for the battle it’s time to Armour up. 

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell
Why walk into a death trap when God has given you a way to escape.

We must walk in the wisdom of God. And that wisdom is knowledge.

Having nothing lacking and nothing wanting. My people perish because of there lack of knowledge. 

Dr. Christina Theresa Maxwell Maxwell

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Do You Have your Ticket

The Word of the Lord came to me saying, you have a first-class ticket to heaven. 

A ticket gives the holder of the ticket an absolute right, especially the entrance a place. 

If you are not a holder of this ticket it’s because you did not follow the instructions of the manual. 

You just can talk the talk you must walk in it.

If you have this ticket you want to do right and by this time you have s knowledge Hesus Christ as y’all ye Savior. 

Your ticket gives you the right to walk in healing. Your ticket gives you a right to heal and set free those who live in bondage. Know how to walk in freedom. For who the Son swr free us free indeed.

You have fought the good fight. You face slit scars and bandages 
Travel by participating in an event admission is by ticket only to passengers who walk in the Spirit to be a soldier in the army of the Lord. 

If you want to continue in the path of unrighteous living covering stuff up because you desire to justify your flesh get off of My nonstop train going to heaven. 

God has called me to speak the truth and those who are not gone my way get out of my way because you are in the form of my blessings.

Do you have your ticket to ride the train? Can you live your enemies? Can you live those who hate you? Do you have self-control? Can you forgive me? 

Every one of us has a ticket that ticket will lead you down the road to hell or up the road to heaven. 

Some people are for you, and some are against you. No weapon form against you shall prosper. Every tongue that rises against you shall not exceed propers.

Some people you think are for you are against you. God will expose these people to you. Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. 

It’s your word against mine and my word against you. Everybody is not met to be in your circle. God is gone to push those people who were trying to stop you from reaching your destination and outdoors will of God.

Those same people who tag you and talk snout you will not arced. God is gone to expose those very people to you. No weapon form against you shall prosper. Ever to get that speak against you, I. Judgement shall be destroyed. 

Ever demonic spirit shall be destroyed. Every naysayer shall shut. God will shut the adder mouth. Nothing shall come against you. When people fight against you, the fight is against  God. 

Every enemy that comes to destroy God's plan for your life will fail. Every mouth 👄 that speaks against God's plan for your light shall be shut up. 

Every head that comes against you shall be cut off; they shall not profit amongst you. God will expose the plan the enemy has against you shall be destroyed.

Some people that were riding on your ship shall be put off. Everything spoken on the down-low against God‘s anointed shall be cast out. 

Every secret Thought shall be exposed. What and whoever comes against my servant shall also come against Me, says the Lord. I the Lord have spoken, be careful what you say against my servant.

Everyone who downplays my worship is about to see the hand of God. I will surround my servant with My angels.  Your flesh is in the way if your blessings you have kept your tithes to yourself I Am Ge that is snd was always yet you follow what is not yours.

If you are not for me, you are against me. You cannot serve Me and serve the world. 

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Lunch out in the deep let down a net great multitude of fishes enough for parties.eniygh when did God loose His power leaders not borrowers been here long enough the joys puppy get scraps the children get bread walk in powerful 
Lord please help me Father there is a spirit around me I rebruke in the name of Jesus what do you desire of me here Father please help me Lord God help me Lord in the name of Jesus. Please God help me. I need you now Lord help me . Help me my soul Lird help me Lord I am crying out to you.