Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Friday, July 19, 2019

First The House If God

The word of the Lord came to me saying, Judgment shall first come on the house if God.

It is so sad and chilling all the senseless killings of our children, the devil is using people that are not under the blood to destroy our children.

We must be under the blood it is vital. You see people can’t see what the devil is doing and how he is using a community of demonic people to kill their family members. 

And because they are pretenders in the blood but not cover with the blood satan use those who are fake in the way and not of the way. 

We are living in a time where people profess God but not of God. 

This is exactly why we have to be like Rachel praying to God for our household and those members who are not saved. 

The enemy is trying to kill our babies.

They killed our babies in Jesus time, around the time of Jesus birth. 

Pharaoh who killed the male babies. Around the time of Moses birth. 

Every time leaders are being raised up the enemy goes on a killing spree.

God is raising up some Powerful leaders no-nonsense leaders 

non -compromise leaders. 

Leaders who won’t back down or out leaders. Who is not afraid of people leaders who don’t carry a spirit of fear. 

No nonsense leaders under the blood leaders. Imitate of Jesus Christ leaders. 

Who walks in the light and profess the light and are of the light.

These leader called by God come to save folks from going to hell exposing those who are killing our babies leaders. 

The killing spree is over. It’s time to take back everything the devil had stolen.

Trying to stop the move of God., You can’t stop the move of God. 

Satan has no power over us, those in high places  in the Whitehouse outhouse The mayor‘s house the Senate house 

God said enough is enough whatever house yours in your coming out. Those who are from My house says the Lord only will be left staying. Choose ye who you will serve. 

Those covered in the blood of Jesus Christ will stand the test of time. Judgment shall first come on the house of God. 

 I’ve come to realize why God use my house and your house to dwell in. 

Because it can’t get any better than that I can kick you out my house any time I want because this is my house. Y’all not hearing what I saying. You can’t come up in my house acting any kind of way. 

God said as for me and my house it shall be a house of prayer. 

You can’t control my house only I can control my house is a house of prayer. 

Not only is it a house if prayer it’s a housing cover With The blood. 

God‘s house is cover with blood of Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh. 

The devil will come in fooling people claim to be us. looking like us but He ain’t us and will never be us.

We are too strong for Him because we’re covered with the blood of Jesus Christ. 

He is powerless so the coward that he is coming after defenseless children. He comes to kill, steal and destroy, 

But God holds up a stander as we come together in the unity of the spirit of faith will slay that dragon in prayer. 

He did the same thing when the savor of the world was born. 

Salomon said, There is nothing new under the sun. 

God gave us a weapon it’s time to pull it out.

1 Peter  3:16 But  if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God that you bear that name. 17For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God? 18And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?”…

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

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