Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


There is 99.1 percent more woman in the CHRISTIAN church today. Most Woman desire to be married. 

So many will not be yielded to a man. 

 not true for all women. 

And if there a lot of Ruths Mary or Sarahs so be it.

I love being a woman I love allowing my husband to take that roll. And many women feel the same amen.

Woman need to be taught how to be found by a man. 

How to walk as queens not puff up thinking we can do a mans job. That’s why we need a real man.

So many of us have been hurt by a man. Even today they refuse to walk by our side.

There are reasons why God calls us the weaker vessel, and although we are strong were still weak. 

We can take care of home to raise our children and pay our bills yet still we are the weaker vessel. 

This is really not in the physical sense but biblical sense. And that’s exactly why it’s more of us in the church. 

However, this is why the church is full of the woman because we know where to find a real man, that will never leave nor forsake us His name is Jesus Christ the savior of the world.

So many have misunderstood the Word. You have to do research on that. Remember Deborah was not only a prophet but also a judge. In OT time. 

Yes if you are married that is true God already set the order of your home. 

God, Jesus who is the head then-husband always the head of the wife in respect to that set order. However, when it comes to Gods house we are all one. 

Romans 10:12. 

…11It is just as the Scripture says: “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.” 12For there is no difference between Jew and Greek: The same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, 13for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”…

King James Bible Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye is all one in Christ Jesus.

In Jesus Christ, there is neither male nor female in the forecast of the church that’s who we are.

Christopher Burroughs amen 

When you have an intimate relationship with God He will show Himself to you and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you in truth. 

I tell you the truth Jesus is real I have seen Him twice in my lifetime. 

And can’t make you believe. 

There is no  reason to lie to you. 

But one thing I do have is my Word. 

Tell you the truth and give you my word. 

Have you ever love someone so much where you can actually feel them in you, all you do is think about them. Smell Him and love Him with all your heart mind and strength, to the point you don’t want to live without Him. 

This is how I love God to the point He’ loved me the same and allow me to share His only begotten Son.

There is no other mediator between God and man.Jesus Christ.

John 14:6 

Jesus answers and said I am the way and the truth and the life. 

No one comes to the Father except through Me.

He will visualize Himself to you. Get to know Gods Son and He will open up to you. 

God is Love and He is not a respecter of person.

Dr. Prophet Apostle Christina Theresa Maxwell

The truth, I am so in love with Christ. He have never beat me in submission. 

He have never left me but console me. 

He has given me a good man and husband and kept promises. 

I don!t have false hope I have real hope, 

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and Righteousness 

 I dare not trust the sweetest frame but only lean on Jesus name for Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground or sin.

 He is in heaven there is an anointing as I do funerals I can tell the folks who knew God. 

Those that were on there way to hell or already there I knew that to. You can’t really  know God if you never Spint Tom know when his son Jesus Christ without being cleanse from sin and the only way is knowing Jesus.

Theresa Maxwell do you know someone who has been to heaven and returned? Let me know because I want to meet them. It's all lies. God is real and God is in you not in the sky.I can tell you I’ve died giving birth to my Son. I was ask the question who do I want to pray for out my body sad my sin. At that moment returned back in my body. 

The priest was reading my last rights.

I had a dream I went to heaven and was in the throne room with God. Telling me if they did not accept me in my church for a woman's ministry death will come.  I’d rather be in the hands of man and face the consequences than in the hands of God.

God, He is in heaven there is an anointing as I do funerals I can tell the folks who knew God. 

Those that were on there way to hell or already there. When they ckise there eye either wake up to heaven or hell.

 You can’t really know God if you never Spent Time knowing his son Jesus Christ. 

Without cleansing from sin we all were found guilty by God. Jesus is  the only way to God by the remission of sin.

Dr.Prophet Apostle Christina Theresa Maxwell 

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