Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Reactivate The Church

 The word of the Lord came to me saying, the church is not a place of stimulation of the mind in the retrospect of being, and developing as the church given the authorship to develop bible principles and enhance to those who believe in the Father., Son and the Holy Spirit.

The church is a place where growth is demonstrated by faith in the hearing of Gods word that must be developed in the minds and heart of believers of
God, through the knowledge in our relationship in getting to know retrospectively being conscious in learning in all understanding of God's Son in the obedience of the Cross.

Growing in the unity of God's Spirit as each of us holistically shaping the mind-body and soul, not as many but as one church. We have been walking around serving God in the name of Jesus as if there is more than one Jesus functional or Jesus under different knowledge of Him make up our own estimation of God's only begotten Son. The church has too long to serve different Jesus/churches un fictitious names and functions of who Jesus's are. When there is only one God, one Son, and one Holy Spirit. However, we have named him to be more than one Son, epistatic together as one church body understanding the structure and function of genetic pathways in and through Christ Jesus...

The redevelopment of the church body because everybody of believers should be on the same page at least going in the same direction. God is not in the midst of confusion.. and stops looking like different churches that serve different gods, which make the church looking as there are differences in the one God we serve. You will remain shackled if you keep losing the key to your freedom.

For God to recognize us, we must look like His Son. To look like Jesus Christ has the same strengths as one body of believers. Having the same ability to do miracles or more than Jesus. The Spirit that we walk in must be as of the Father, even smell like HIS. On one accord in the development in the knowledge of God the Father God the Son and God theHoly Spirit.

Faith in God lifts up the name of Jesus, and please's the Father as we as one unite and educate as we should become one in characteristics of Jesus Christ. To the point of smelling like His Son or smelling sinless all though we sin, but daily repenting sets us free if not where just casualties of war" A person who is not a battle casualty, who is lost in the eyes of God wounded refuse, to get freed. No matter how far from the front a man may have spent his days and time as a soldier, he will always remain in the back because he has unforgiveness in his or her heart can't seem to shack it off and to allow your past to rob you of your future, the dead memories will never remain dead if you keep digging them up.

Dr. Prophet Theresa Maxwell

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