Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Do not call what is good evil and evil good.

Do not call good evil and evil good. There is, of course, the New Testament precedent for believers meeting together on Sunday. In essence this is a celebration of the Lord's resurrection. 

 That is not true my tree represents what the birth of Christ is all about. 

Jesus whose birthday no one really knows. 

However because I choose to celebrate the day our Savior was born by giving my grand children and friends a day to remember that our Lord and Savior was born. 

His life for us is our everyday life however we celebrated everyday  but this day we celebrate His birthday is December 25.

 The Bible nowhere instructs Christians to celebrate holidays such as Christmas, However, at the same time, it tells us not to augur about it. 

Bible does not speak against celebrating The birth of Jesus.

He was born not only by given the ones close to us a gift as Christ gave His life for us. 

By celebrating Jesus birth which is recognize in our family as His Birthday.

It is a day we celebrate the birth of Jesus by given those in our circle of friends relatives and love ones together  reminding them who He is. 

So we give them Gifts just as God  gave us a gift of love. By given us His Son. 

I personally do not agree with you people saying it is a pagan holiday.

Now since you are set in your mind what heathen holiday. 

I am here to tell you that’s your opinion. You are in title to and I am in title to mines.

It is said that because the birth of Christ has been commercialized and secularized the real meaning of the season been lost. 

For the most part this is true. Even the story about the birth of Christ is often distorted, mocked, or misrepresented. 

The meaning of Christmas is said to be the spirit of giving. However, the giving of the Son of God who became the babe of the cradle that He might become the man of the cross and one day reign on earth with the crown is forgotten, rejected, or ignored.

In Titus 1:15 the Apostle also warns against those who see evil in almost anything and condemn it. 

For these people, a lot of things have the appearance of evil, but purity is first of all a matter of the mind and conscience, not merely the external.

To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.

The day we celebrate the birth of our Savior is not up to you to demonize. 

We love ❤️ Christ so much you would not begin to understand the Love in it. It’s like a pie what’s inside it is mark with ingredients fruit and secrets. 

However this is the day we celebrate the Lord’s Birthday. 

Now since you made your statement trying to humiliate me I would like to know what day to you celyour Lord and Savior birth. Surely you must have a day?

He was born as a man yet he is God. One hundred precent God and man.

Please don’t speculate dictate or instigate the way We serve our Lord and Savior’s birthdate. 

And most of all do not demonize what is good by calling it evil.

Dr. Prophet Theresa Maxwell

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