Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Why we chose those women.

 Spy Minister Redemptive Story 


Eve:  her story shows the challenge of listening and hearing od when God speaks to us.  When we fail to attend go’ 'oice, we move in the wrong direction, and we commit sin. Eve was the first woman to sin when she listened to the serpent instead of God. Was the first woman of color who embraced and empowered in her role as the helper. the story of Eve should remind women of color that God has created each of us in his image.  We know that God has empowered and inspired many women of color to be pioneers, to helpers, andmen who listen to the voice of God. The First African Woman The story of Eve is relevant to women of color for several reasons.  It Is no secret that one of color has reigned throughout history as the first woman to do many tGod's in God’s world. Where are you in your relationship with God? Whose voice are you listening to?

Hagar:   represents the Battered, beaten, and Rejected women of the world, T; thedemptive story lies in the :scripture the God who sees me is Jehovah Rohai. Regardless of your circumstances, your social status, or how manyou'ves you’ve been knocked down, battered, and eaten your life, you cannot escape from go. Care.  God provided for Haga and her son, and he can and will provide for you. Genesis 16,21 25:12-18. During warfare and chaos, God is still with you.

Acsah: The story is an account of an obedient daughter who did not bemoan her fate but utilized wisdom.  Her actions possibly allowed her family to become successful and respected in the community, for we later learn that Othniel became the first judge of IsraeJohua's Johua’s death see Jdgs. 3;9 A Wise Daughter Although she is a little-known woman of the Gable cash, I a wonderful role model for women today., she used her wisdom and knowledge to provide for her family.Rahab's Rahab’s story has taught women throughout time that God uses whomever he chooses to fulfill his mission because of his sovereigdoesn't doesn’t always choose the most righteous, he chooses those who are the most willing. Willing to be used by God, her story shows that God can use anyone.  Rahab was a prostitute whose house was Jericho'sericho's defensive wall. And as women of God, we must remember to not discount others who do not act as we do. They, too, may be used by God and can become new creations. Joshua 1::2,11, 2::1-24 Matthew 1:5 Hebrews 11:31 James 2:25

Rebekah: Rebekah was unable to have children for nearly 20 years after marrying Isac. Bu Isaac prayed for his wife, and finally, Rebekah conceived twin boys-Jacob and Esau Gen 25::19-26. Although Esau was the eldest and entitledfather'sfather’s inheritance and blessing. Genesis 24-27:1 Corinthians 13. Rehabs Faith earned her a place in the Hebrew Hall of Faith, Herew 11:31, and listing in the genealogy of Jesus Matthew 15 However we must remain faithful in reaching for the courage and boldness that allows us to take the first steps toward Christ, and as women f God, we must remember to not discount others who do not act as we do.  They, too, may be used by God and can become new creations in Jesus Christ. How has God used you despite yourself to accomplish his will? 

Abigail A Wise:   Wife the Story of Abigail shows a woman today how to deal with challenAbbigail'sbigail’s story proves, following wisdom and goodness eventually yields great results. Seek God for guidance, 1 Samuel 25:1-44 Samuel 3😊 When Abigail approached David, she quickly dismounted and fell on her face in submission, accepting the blame husband'susband's foolish remarks.  Her actions and words showed great respect for this man of God. She depends not only on her reasoning but God'son God's grace.  She reminds David of who he was, she reminds him that vengeance belongs to the Lord who is the captain of the battlefield. David repented and thanked Abigail for being an instrument of God by reminding him not to take matters into his own hands. Upon returning home, Abigail found her husband drunk after fasting. She was not to tell him anything about what had transpired earlier that day.  When he woke up the next morning, she hired him the pday'sus day's events.  When he confronted him, his heart became toned.  The days later the Lord struck Nabal and he did 1: 25-38


Hannah:  Have you committed to praying to God for all your needs and wants? Use Hannah as a model for handling your no and not yet moments, what do you do when G"d Says “No? Hannah teaches us what to do when our desire does not materialize.  She shows us how to handle no or not yet from God. Through Hanah living with lifts disappointments on a daily basis, she reemphasizes for us the value of prayer.  Hanah continued to go to the Tabernacle with her husband, Elkanah to pray. She continued to worship God even though her prayers went unanswered.

Zipporah: The African American woman of today has the potential to carry out the purpose for which she was created. Women of color must be like Zipporah and show God's will when we agree and when we do not. We must remember that we see only a portion; God sees the entire picture and knows what I best for us. It is not necessary that she live in the shadow of another person to establish a spiritual legacy. Zipporah is introduced as one of seven daughters, possibly the oldest, of the Midianite priest.  Moses met this family after fleeing from Egypt.  As sheJethro'sJethro’s daughters courageously faced daily harassment by other shepherds when water infather'sfather's flocks.  Moses helped them and their father repaid him with hospitality and eventually with permission to marry Zipporah.

Queen of Sheba: The queen of Sheba, also known as the Queen of the South Matthew 12:42 Luke 11:31 is perhaps one of the most powerful women of her day the area from which she was known for both gold and spices. She gave the King 120 talents, about 4.5 tons of gold, and scores of spices n jewels. Historians give her credit for introducing the cultivation of certain spices, like Balsam, to Israel. The name Sheba implies that this queen was a woman of color. She reigned over territory in Southwest Arabia modern-day Yemen and across the Red Sea from Northeast Africa.

Michal: The story of Michal has a lot to teach us of color. Miha was the daughter of King Saul, but she was in love with a young former shepherd named David.  But there was a problem her father feared David and was intensely jealous of him. Sul used his daughter as bait, promising her to David in marriage if he would kill a hundred Philistines as a bride price, but once again David triumphed, and Micha became his wife.  Michal had to learn to lean on God rather than on the things f life. 1 Samual 18:17-19 25;44 Women and girls of African ancestry, what is our destiny Will we ever be truly happy simply by being married or when we get the many other things we desire Michal can help us answer that question with a rounding no We must have our relationship with God an understand what destiny God world have u fulfill then we will be fulfilled women of God.  1 S" muel 18”17-29; 19:11-17; 25:44; 2 Samuel 3:112-16; 6:12-23



New Testament

Phoebe:   remain focused on the goal of spreading the good news and accomplishing this task against insurmountable odds. Driven by her deep sense of desire purpose, faith, and commitment, Phoebe traveled many miles to deliver to Paul'se Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome. This letter was important, for its contents could become the ridge to understanding God.

 Plan for future Chr Phoebe'sPhoebe's steadfast motivation touched the hearts of countless people who otherwise may not have been receptive to the gospel.  Without this diligent and faithful servant, we might to have the book of Romans from which to read and garner spiritual insight like other women in both the early church and the church, today sacrificed countless hours for the advanceGod'sof God's kingdom through her various church ministries Romans 16:1-2.

Anna:  she was a prophetess who served the Lord in her singleness. A woman through whom God spoke. When she spoke, those in the temple listened.  She was a Messianic watcher and a leader. She represents God calling women to be prophetic leaders. She was so respected that her attestation of Jesus was highly regarded, alongside that of an angel and a righteous man. Luke 2:9-12,25-32,38. Anna is a model of spiritual devotion.  She kept vigil in the temple-fasting, praying, and offering thanksgiving.  According to Luke 19::45-46, Jesus said that the temple should be a house of prayer, and that is what Anna did there; she prayed. This devout woman did not allow her circumstances to stop her from worshiping God and waiting for God. Promised messiah. Anna was a forerunner to the apostles who were commissioned to witness to the entire world gaining in Jerusalem. Luke 2:38 1:8 She joyously told people who the by Jesus was and what he could do for people. Anna represents hopeful expectation How can you be more devout in your service to God and others Use Anna as an example.  Isiah 9;6-7 Luke 2:36-38

Jochebed, she knew it would take a village. To raise her child, but also to be his life. So, she started calling on the village from the day of his birth.  The first two village members introduced in the story are midwives named Shiphrah and Puah, who were ordered to kill all male babies born to Hebrews omen, the bis live Ex 1:15-19 Their refusal to kill the male babies was the first step in savingJochebed'schebed’s son. Jochebed manages to control her baby for three months, defying the order to throw him into the Nile River. She constructed a basket of papyrus and coated it with tar and pitch for waterproofing. He observed the bathing pattern of the Pharaoh. Daughter, the princess, and he coached her daughter, Mirim another village member, so she would know what to say and do when the princes found the bay Jochebed knew that Miriam fully grasped the and understood how to suddenly appear and suggested the appropriate nurse for the discovered child.  God heard her prayer and intervened on her behalf.  He honored her true purpose by using all her children, Aaron, Miriam, and Moses to lead his people out of bondage she only feared God and not people.

Mary mother of Jesus: Was described highly favored woman of God who treasured things in her heart.  Mothers today are smart to pay attention to their children to observe what they do and what they do. They should also remember that God has plans for their children, and it is their obligation as parents to bring their children up knowing God and in admiration of the Lord and the plans God has for them. Luke 1:28 and blessed Luke 1:42,45,48. Mary is obedGod'sto God’s will. Upon hearing the news that she would carry a child, she asked the ang how it a possible for her a virgin to have a baby.  The angel proceeded to tell Mary that nothing was impossible wiMary's. Mary's response was then: ILord'se Lord's servant.  May it be t as you have said Luke 1:38 obedient some do not may have to have the plan laid out in black and white for themthey're they’re willing to follow it. Mary trusted God: if tGod'sas God's plan then she was ready to follow through with it. Pray for a spirit that is humble, observant, and obedGod'sto God’s will. Matthew 1:16-25, Luke 126 2;52 John 2;1-1;9:25-27 Acts 1:14

Claudia:   A sincere Supporter of Paul, she supported her leader despite what others thought. She was an encourager, nurturer, and strong suppoPaul'sn Paul's circle. Faith was the key to her maintaining a positive mindset and supportive spirit. He understood the message of Christ; she knew what he had done for her and what he promised to do for all believers. Therefore, she was able to support others who were ambassadors for Christ.  Claudia who had three daughters? Each daughter was considered a valuable member of society, a prominent physician, a leading criminal attorney, and a renowned vocalist. Life provides a challenge to each daughter. There we times when they doute themselves their ability to handle situations and their understanding of what their system taught.  Yet these women had praying mother, grandmother, aunt, neighbor, or daughter who was always available to offer encouragement or who never stopped praying. They were praying women. Reflect on the women who have constantly prayed for you and served as your support base. How can you be supportive of other women? John 17:20-23;2 2 Timothy 4;21? 




Mary Magdalene:  Setting her Reputation Straight All for Gospels notes that Mary was among the witneChrist'sChrist's resurrection. Depending on which gospel you are raising, either Jesus or an angel commissioned her to go and tell the disciple that he has risen from the dead This commissioning to go and tell I an affirmation for contemporary women, Jesus was and is intensely gender-inclusive, establishing the pace of women in the proclamation of the gospel through Mry. Presumed to have been a prostitute is the condition from which Jesus liberates her to the office. She had been possessed by demons as mentioned in Both Mark 16;9 and Luke 8;2. Ventures to name those seven demos using names that collectively describe mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions that women of all ages have struggleThey're They're depressed of low self-esteem, doubt, procrastination bitterness, and self-pity. We could add to this list: jealousy, guilt, envy discord, idolatry, and an unforgiving spirit. She became the leader among women, a proclaimer of the gospel to the apostles, an evangelist to the marginalized, and an erGod'sin God’s kingdoms. Most of all Mary Magdalen is made of a wounded person who was healed and made whole by the love of Christ and called and commissioned by him to serve in his kingdom.  Matthew 2811-10-mark 1540 1611 Luke 8;1-3; 241-11 John 201-18.

Euodia and Syntyche Women in Conflict;    The apostle Paul held Euodia and Syntyche in high esteem they were truly an aPaul'so Paul’s ministry.  They contributed greatly to the local church, which is why Paul was adamant about bringing wholeness and healing to this situation. If left unchecked, his conflict could cause harm to both him and the church.  When there is division in the household of faith, the work of the church is hindered.  Whatever the issue was between Euodia and Syntyche, Paul wanted to put it to rest, and he wanted the other believers to assist in making that happen.  As women of color and of faith, we must focus on important matters and not dwell on minor issues The time we waste arguing about insignificant matters could be better used doing something to advance the work of the Lord Instead of finding, Pau encourages the saints to rejoice and b gentle with one another Philippians  4:4-5. How can we attract others to the church if we are at odds with each other, They see enough of that outside the church.  While we may not get it together, we need to compromise and lay aside every besetting sin.  Things do not always have to go your way. We must remember that everyone is someone important to Christ.  When we understand this, we will respect each other. Is there a woman of faith you need to reconcile with or others you need to help reconcile? Pray for guidance in our situation Philippians 21-;42-9.

Mary Martha Grieving Sisters Grieving; Sisters It is sometimes difficult to believe that this could happen to a sister, brother, or someone significant to us. Jesus demonstrated his power to them y raising Lazarus for the dad. It is a miracle that these two sisters had to first-hand experience in order to realize that he is the resurrection the truth and the light this is the compassion of Jesus Christ When you have been burdened with the loss of a loved one or when you have been through a challenging situation, to whom have you turned for comfort? Remember to cast your cares on Jesus for he cares for you. John 111-44; 1 Peter 5;7 That same Jesus that resurrected Lazarus from the dd can raise you from all your dead works.

Mary of Bethany the Unforgotten:   Overwhelmed by the cares of the world, all women frequently care for children, elderly parents, or even their extended families. Mary was often overshadowed by her siblings, Martha, and Lazarus, especially by her sister.  These sisters represent the duality found within all of us.  Sometimes, we see Mary'sf Mary’s attributes in our lives; at other times, Martha'sMartha’s. It is not a matter of good or bad, but rather good and better, concerning our decisions. There are choices and priorities, and hopefully, we will make the better choice in a particular situation.  We read in Luke 10:38-42 that Jesus confirmed Mary for making the best choice. There would be tables to set and meals to prepare, but how many opportunities would there be to spend time with the one'sin one's own home?

Women with issues with blood: In what re of your life do you need faith to be healed? Uwoman's woman’s story to help you press your way to your healing. Over the years, she had exhausted all her resources on doctors and medicines, trying to find a cure for her illness, only to be left poor, depressed, and sicker than before Mk 5:26. She was now considered untouchable, she as was society because he as believed to be clean.  When she heard about the man who could help with just a touch, she believed that he could hear her too.  She knew that if she could make it through the crowd and get close enough to touch even the edge of his clothing, he would be made whole.  It was her faith in Jesus that gave her the hope that she could be wel It'sn.  It’s her faith in Jesus that made her brave enough to join the crowd, even though she was unclean.  When she tried tJesus'h Jesus' cloak, she raised immediately that she had been made ll.  But afraid that she might be punished for violating the law of uncleanness, he said nothing.  Lev 15::25-30 Leviticus 1525-31 Matthe 9:20-22 Mark 525-34 Luke 8:43-48

The Chosen Lady 2 John; Take literary, it refers to a local church and its members Whether a local church or one special one the chosen lady is to be emulated.  This priceless novel illustrates what it means to live in love and walk in the spirit of truth.  The recipient of this letter enjoyed a saintly chance and distinguished privilege.  John commended the Christian lady for her virtue and the religious education of her children and he exhorted her to remain in the doctrine of Christ, to preserve the truth, and to carefully avoid the delusions of false teachers.  John also commends her and her children for remaining faithful to the truth of the gospel, and he urges them to obey the command to love one another. Others loved this lady too, not for her rank but for her holiness. She was not only a chosen one but also a choice one a woman of refinement and good manners.  The chosen lady is honest and trained people with integrity. And since we are the church, it is imperative that we include role models. As you have heard from the beginning, his command that you walk in love 2 John 6 How are you walking in love Follow thelady'sn lady’s example today.

2 John










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