Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Lird had Soke

Respectfully submitted 

The Word of the Lord came to me saying, don’t allow the enemy to rehearse or playback things in your past messing and getting in your head. 

Save your money. Store your money store water now is the time not to waste. If your neighbor is hungry, give them food if they thirst to provide them with the drink. 

The Word of God is food and water; it is comfort food suitable for the soul. It is useful for those who thirst. Give them to drink.

  It is the very Word of God hidden in our belly that shall sustain you...

Remember the enemy is  Subtle, he is a liar and the father of lies, he disguises himself and wears many faces, even the face of your closest and best friends.

Tell My people of My power. You have authority and the ability to Rebuke. You can Strike back in ❤️ Love  in this spiritual warfare that we are in. A soft  answer turns away wrath. Vengeance is mine says the Lord am I not a jealous God.

I’ve have given you instructions take heed.
Was it not The Lord to tell you of tithing for your church. For such a time as this. Was it not I who told you many would die. Was it not I who told you by the mouth of my Prophet pointed out your false prophet amongst and many died from their murderous hands. Yet you shouted out to me GO in front of those false prophets. 

Did you not think I would ever forget what you have done to my prophet you also have done to me.

Remember quarantine that has come upon us. , says the Lord God strong and mighty 

Let us give honor to whom honor is due 

Move forward in Christ Jesus, forgive and forget, but we hold nothing to your account.. Where peace surpasses all understanding, remember no man can pluck you out of My hands.

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