Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Friday, September 14, 2018


The Word of of Lord came to me saying stop pulling on to my  ccd 

The Word of the Lord came to me saying every thought that come to your mind from negative input embellish the moment with 

make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, especially ones that are not true.

"she had real difficulty telling the truth because she liked to embellish things" that though with positive kick it out with positive 

a flexible (of a person) ready and able to change so as to adapt to different to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances or condition cordlike rib on the surface of cloth. any influence that binds or restrains: cord of marriage. Anatomy. a cordlike structure: the spinal cord; umbilical cord. a unit of volume used chiefly for fuel wood, now generally equal 

structure the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.
containing have or hold someone or something within.
blood The fluid which circulates through the arteries and veins of the human body, and of other animals,which is essential to the preservation of life. This fluid is generally red. If the blood of an animal is not red, such animal is called exsanguious, or white-blooded; the blood being white, or white tinged with blue.Kindred; relation by natural descent from a common ancestor; consanguinity.God hath made of one blood, all nations of the earth. Acts 17.Royal lineage; blood royal; as a prince of the blood.Honorable birth; high extraction; as a gentleman of blood.Life.Shall I not require his blood at your hands? 2 Sam.4.Slaughter; murder, or bloodshedding.I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu. Hosea 1.The voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from the ground. Gen.4.Guilt, and punishment.Your blood be upon your own heads. Acts.18. Fleshly nature;; the carnal part of man; as opposed to spiritual nature,or divine life.Who were born, not of flesh and blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1.Man, or human wisdom, or reason.Flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee,but my Father who is in heaven. Matt.16.A sacramental symbol of the blood of Christ.This is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for the remission of sins. Matt.26.The death and sufferings of Christ.Being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Rom. 5.3.The price of blood; that which is obtained by shedding blood,and seizing goods.Wo to him that buildeth a town with blood. Hab.2. Acts.1.Temper of mind; state of the passions; but in this sense, accompanied with cold or warm, or other qualifying word. Thus to commit an act in cold blood, is to do it deliberately, and without sudden passion. Warm blood denotes a temper inflamed or irritated; to warm or head the blood, is to excite the passions. A hot spark; a man of fire or spirit; a rake.The juice of any thing, especially if red; as, "the blood of grapes." Gen.49.

Whole blood. In law, a kinsman of the whole blood is one who descends from the same couple of ancestors; of the half blood, one who descends from either of them singly, by a second marriage.BLOOD, v.t. To let blood; to bleed by opening a vein.To stain with blood.To enter; to inure to blood; as a hound.To heat the blood; to exasperate. Unusual.

vessels and attaching a human or other mammalian fetus to the placenta during gestation.

The umbilical cord is the tube that connects an unborn baby to its mother, through which it receives oxygen and food.

NAVEL, n. The center of the lower part of the abdomen, or the point where the umbilical cord passes out of the fetus. The umbilical cord is a collection of vessels by which the fetus of an animal communicates with the parent by means of the placenta, to which it is attached.

The vision came to me say people were pulling umbilical cord pulling tugging. Trying to take the essence from my life line.

The Word of of Lord came to me saying stop pulling on to my  ccd 

a flexible cordlike structure containing blood vessels and attaching a human or other mammalian fetus to the placenta during gestation.

The umbilical cord is the tube that connects an unborn baby to its mother, through which it receives oxygen and food.

NAVEL, n. The center of the lower part of the abdomen, or the point where the umbilical cord passes out of the fetus. The umbilical cord is a collection of vessels by which the fetus of an animal communicates with the parent by means of the placenta, to which it is attached.

The vision came to me say people were pulling umbilical cord pulling tugging. Trying to take the essence from my life line.

Umbilical Cord. Seeing an umbilical cord in your dream it represents the connection between old and new. The same image can refer to your emotional attachment to someone very important to you in your life. Dreaming of an umbilical cord being cut is the omen of new beginnings ahead.

Umbilical Cord 

To see an umbilical cord in your dream represents your lack of individuality. You may be expressing some anxiety about being on your own and supporting yourself. Alternatively, an umbilical cord symbolizes your maternal ties. Perhaps you are too emotionally bonded to your mother.

To dream that you are cutting an umbilical cord indicates that you need to be self-sufficient and stand on your own two feet. It is time to pull yourself back up and get back into the swing of things.�

The amazing thing about the umbilical cord it is the closed to the wound. he womb is the center of a woman’s power, creativity and life force. Not only does the womb create babies, the womb energetically holds the space of the life force. A woman’s emotions, impressions and energetic chords are carried in the womb and her emotional, spiritual, physical health is directly connected to how clean energetically her womb is.  Balancing our wombs is not just about having more easefull child birth or making a better space for our children to develop, it is about understanding the magic and power that lie within the womb to feed our lives, hearts and loved ones and to empower ourselves so that we can give our gifts as women and help create harmony and healing on our planet earth. Womb cleaning is something every woman should understand, know and experience.

STEP 1:: CONNECT WITH THE EARTH– The earth is deeply connected to the womb. Nature always helps to harmonize the frequencies of electronics, concrete and general industry back to a more fluid and natural space. Sit on the earth with the soles of your feet together and your knees spread. Lie back on the earth or sit straight up. Place your hands on your womb and begin to breathe slow and deep. Imagine you are bringing a line of crystal clear earth energy up into your womb and cleansing the womb on the inhale. On the exhale imagine you breath out and let go of any stagnant energy back to the earth to be cleaned. Do this for as long as it feels good. Thank yourself and the earth when you are done. Notice how you feel.

STEP 2:: MAKE SOUNDS– Do the same exercise as above, but this time add sounds to the exhale and imagine the energy of the womb creating the sound. There is no right or wrong to this, simply notice what organically arises and feels good for the womb. Let the sound out as it is needed. Notice how you feel. Imagine the sound washing the womb and creating harmony. It doesn’t matter if you”can’t sing” what matters is authentic sound.

STEP 3:: ONLY LET IN MALE ENERGY THAT TRULY LOVES YOU AND CAN SUPPORT YOUR EMPOWERMENT:: Whoever we let into our bodies we end up carrying with us. When we allow a man into our body we allow his energy into our womb. Therefore high frequency energy, like real love and support is highly recommended. Anything less compromises the highest potential of the womb.

STEP 4:: EAT RAW FOOD AND JUICES:: High frequency food creates high frequency bodies and therefore will impact the womb. Organic raw juices and foods will empower the womb and make it happy.

STEP 5:: MAKE FRIENDS WITH CRYSTALS:: Crystals such as malachite and copper can help draw out radiation and painful energy from diseased or stressed areas of the womb.  Moonstone, pearl and silver all aid in aligning the womb with the principles of the highest frequency feminine.

Womb health should be a part of your daily attention. In later posts I will address further aspects of the womb, things you probably already intuited but didn’t know they were “real”. This information about the womb is nothing new, it has just been buried but now is ready to come out and transform our empowerment as women and men.  These practices were taken from a book called Womb Wisdom by Padma and Anaiya Aon Prakasha that you can find on amazon. Highly recommended!!

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To see or listen to a record in your dream suggests that you need to consider both sides of a situation before making a decision. You need to be more in tune with your instincts. Maybe there is something that you need to say "on or off the record." Or the dream is telling you that you are going round and round in circles; you are not making any progress in life. Alternatively, a record represents a need for enjoyment and sensual pleasure.

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