Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Bridges We Cross

Why do we build walls up to keep unwanted people out.

We build people up to keep them in. 

We throw people under the bridge because they are odd or different. Tell the truth. 

I don’t know bout you but it’s times when I feel as if I been throw under the bridges.

When I was trying to get over my bridge over my trouble waters. 

I was drowning. 

I just couldn’t swim or keep afloat. 

God has a desires for those kind of people. People we gave up on people we have kick to the curb throw under the bridges. 

God has a assignment for you. But there is somethings God gone to take you through. You are gone to be rejected by those same people who said they lived you.

Yet we continue burning bridges  we are trying to get over. People have made you feel as if you don’t belong.

You feel like you don’t belong in the church  circle or  click. 

In all  actually, all where  doing is building idols.out of those that will make us look good. 

We live in a society that has build  many idols. Gods churches build bridges on the brinks of talented people and not gifted people. 

We had idols like Micheal Jackson Elvis Prestly so many others. We build on.

People tare down those who are called peculiar people. 

People who invest in people because of educational background. 

Those who know God are put in the back outskirts of the church. Even throw out just for being different. 

You will find people dilute the Word of God to fit their lifestyle.  Those who call good evil and call evil good. 

Making idols, out of people. It is known to be preachers teachers and those we put in the forefront  of our church called Leaders. 

We have lost the true essence of what being a Christian is all about. 

Instead we build these people bridges to  help them get across because it’s something in them we need for ourselves. 

We started building egoes. Using them as a monumental investment to keep the flow of things in our house.

While we build these bridges we put others down we believe should not be walking beside us. 

Feeling threatened because of the anointing on them. 

In actuality there is not one person that is here today that is not link to Jesus Christ in the church. We all grew to love Christ without loving each other.

I know at tines I can talk to much. The reason why is that God embedded so much Word in me He allows me to speak the truth.

God wants to use all of us as we have a part in the heritage that links us to Jesus Christ.

Believe it or not, God has chosen us before the foundation of the world. 

However we have put more trust in  people with so called talent above those who carry the true anointing of the most  high God. 

We have made images out of those nesting on people or images seated in high places.

Putting them so high they cannot see past thereselves. Now you find yourself looking up to them instead of Gods total dependency.

All because people want to be glorified instead of glorifying God. Who deserves all the glory honor and praise. 

As long as we chase those people we build walls up to keep unwanted people out and hold on to those with hate in their heart for there brothers  and sisters.  

Who does not love there neighbor, holding on to people putting them in prison because you have a unforgiving heart. 

And these same people who lead praise and worship. People who officiate services that still have ill feelings against their sister or Brother. 

We must not allow unforgiveness to build up in our heart .We should release them out of the prison of our minds. How can we serve this way. 

We build people up to keep people from burning bridges. We build bridges to keep from lifting peoples  putting so high that we have to look up to. Over them.. 

We build bridges to keep from lifting peoples  putting them so high that we have to look up to them. 


To burn a bridge is to break away from a close friend, who you have consistently been on good terms with. 

All because people desire  to be glorified and look up to you as long as we chose  those people who want us to look up to and worry about how other people see us. 

Dr. Christina Theresa Maxwell

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