Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Last Days

Last Days
The Word of the God came to me saying the reason the world is in such chaos the world is experiencing birth pangs which are contractions almost like the ones women experience during the third trimester or stage of pregnancy.  All over the world. People are hurting.
The Word of  God came to me saying the reason the world is in such chaos is that the world is experiencing birth pangs which are contractions almost like the ones women experience during the third trimester or stage of pregnancy. All over the world. People are hurting, there are so much pain and sadness. The world is looking for a Savior. They are tired of hearing church folks saying one thing a doing another. When people homes are taken from them in front of their eyes. How can they believe the church when you send people to help and the very people you sent you a stanch right back because of jealous? How can they believe the church desire to help them when the very people in the church are dancing in sin, and jealous of one another, Because he or she sounds good but their eyes are full of lust. Acting one way but doing another. Trying to score with the pastors and doing their sister and brother.  Their world is different from the world we live in. The world is full of confusion their minds give the illusion to see things as there really not.
The church is in a mental state of poverty. the world loos at us for help. God sent leaders to tell them of a better future. to the truth way and life of Jesus Christ. the only way is through obedience.

. Matthew 24:6 King James Version (KJV)
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
 Now we can assure you that we are in the early stage Jesus Christ return, The book of life has names already written yet we are to watch and pray because we are easily caught up in the spirit yet many in the church who are Jesus imitators have one foot in the church and the other in the world., The very reason names can be blotted out, I am not gone to sugar coat it I rather tell the whole truth  and nothing but the truth., you can be blotted out. You see God knows who is real with him and who is not on the Lords side. It does not matter how much sin you committed what matters to God, is your heart right.

Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea; with great fury the devil has come down to you, knowing he has only a short time. However, Somethings stands still such a time as this, like the bear who in dormant condition sleeps and certain other animals compare estivate. Are in seclusion during the winter which is called hibernation. they come out in certain seasons, praising as their arms are lifted up in praise this is three first instinct while opening up their eyes even before they look for food to eat. Everything that has breath praise the Lord.

The mountains declare the Lord, the wind roaring declares the Lord, and the ocean moves as the vociferous clamorous waves expressing the winds blowing as the wave’stell their story. Even the sea obeys God.
Our God is powerful the mountains roar as the night wave good-by to the day, everything that has breath praise the Lord.  The world is getting ready to go into labor, the mountains and the earth are contracting like a slow painful birth of women in labor.

 How painful that particular stage must be yet delicate and dangerous. This is a very fragile part of childbearing the third trimester can be both physically and emotionally challenging for someone in this stage. It is only a matter of time. before birth begins. When this happens the pain is back to back the contractions are closer together. We have seen in this year-long One thousand seventy-eight tornado, this year., the pain somewhere on this hurt. The earth is almost ready to give birth.

We hear of wars and rumors of war. We are seeing the terrorist plots and tornados storms uncontrollable. The world is in labor.  God desires no one should perish and His heart aches for His children. Many will not make it and this breaks Gods heart. It is sad yet it is coming to past that the chapter to this story of our lives is closing rapidly and soon and very soon we are gone to see our king. It is well with our soul. Rejoice and be glad we have an Advocate who will plead our case .which are contractions almost like the ones women experience during the third trimester or stage of pregnancy.  Now we can assure you that we are in the early stages in the coming of Jesus Christ return,
The book of life has names already written yet we are to watch and pray because we are easily caught up in the spirit web of sin, our names can be blotted out, therefore, take nothing for granted. Revelation 3:5 the one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.
Revelation 3:5 the one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.
 The Bible tells us that the rocks and the trees will praise God. Everything that is on earth is alive. Psalm 69:34 Let heaven and earth praise Him, The seas and everything that moves in them. Somethings stands still such a time as this, like the bear who in dormant condition sleeps and certain other animals compare estivate. Are in seclusion during the winter which is called hibernation. they come out in certain seasons, praising as their arms arm are lifted up in praise this is three first instinct while opening up their eyes even before they look for food to eat. Everything that has breath praise the Lord.
It's in Jesus we live and move and have our beings. Everything we do is in him everything we do is done because of Jesus. Which cannot be compared with what he has done for us? Sin is not the issue anymore Jesus conquered that is your heart right this is what matters, Can you love those who despitefully use you. If your brother is hungry are oi willing to feed them. Can you treat someone smelly and sneaky with love? Or will you expose them to other and they talk about that person in front of their face. Do you take someone name and smear their name in the church so others won’t desire to even speak to them.
Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea; with great fury the devil has come down to you, knowing he has only a short time.

The last stage of birth of the church consummation
If we do not consummate our relationship with God being intimate with God. The earth is changing rapidly we as the church must change with it. Having the consciousness of God. 
           Paul is saying if we are God Conscious maturity develops in the likeness Christ. However being unconsciousness means not to perceive at the level of awareness. Walking below the level of conscious.
      2 Peter 2:21 It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and then to turn their back on the sacred command that was passed on to them. If we imitate Jesus, this tells of our conscious love for Him. Our desire to emulate Him is the first step to love. Only then can God establish, as we grow in love. We have to be taught how to go to the potty in our conscious mind. God no longer has to potty-train us.
      The first two years of baby life is the walking and talking stage. You will find that they will often mimic their siblings. It's hard to take a child away from their parent. However when you’re God conscious is to love God enough to imitate Christ and know God as a parent.  When you mimic you impersonate you assume the character by putting on Christ.
          Romans 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. God Conscious it's not a religion anymore it becomes love, God is love. You are determined to please God. When you become God conscious, unity is developed. You can't have unity if there is no love. God ordained His word to brake harden hearts in prices.  Ephesians 3:18 you are now able to comprehend with all saints breadth, and length, and depth, and height.              
And to know the love of Christ which passed knowledge that ye might be filled with all the fullness when your God conscious your body starts to reject some things. The people you use to hang around the places you use to go stuff starts to convict you. You can't go to that bar, and you no longer have a desire to.  There can be no higher standard than having intimacy with God in being God conscious. You're no longer the victim you are victories. Your no longer and borrower you're a lender. 1 John 4:4 Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Our minds become consciously aware of other people feelings. We have no right to penalize individuals putting them in hell.  1 Samuel 16:7 The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 
          Paul is saying Philippians 3: 10 I want to know Christ yes to know the power of his resurrection and partake in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. Echo Jesus speech and behave the way God expects us to act. You have power and authority to put Satan under your feet. To be God conscious comes with royalties. You will carry the anointing of God. Whatever you do it is in Jesus name. When you’re God conscious it's no longer you. It is Christ that lives in you.   You have VIP privileges.  It is the right to enjoy the benefits that come with being God conscious. You have a particular right.  You are exempt from sin. You are free from sin. You can go to God and make you repent and make a request unto God.
     The privileges in having the favor of God in your life is wonderful. To incorporated with brothers and sisters. In Christ. You have privileges to have special rights because of your citizenship in Christ. You have the privileges to be a part of Kingdom building. You have the privileges to stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
          Which tells us we have VIP pass, your debt been canceled. With your VIP pass, you’re able to go to God for yourself. VIP stands for very, important person Mark 16:17 The Bible says these signs will accompany those who believe, In my name they will drive out demons they will speak in new tongues, they will pick up snakes with their hands, and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all, they will place their hands on the sick people and they will get well. With your VIP pass, you shall come to the past.  With your VIP privileges. The lame will walk death ears will open blind eyes will see. With your VIP pass. Grace and mercy follow you the rest of your life.

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