Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Sunday, September 29, 2019

What you Experience In The Past Don’t Determine Your Future

The word of the Lord came to me saying, what you experienced in your past can’t control you in your future.

Weeping may indoor for the night but joy comes in the morning.The joy of the Lord is your strengthen our strengths are made in our weakest state.

We as the children of the most high shall experience hurt and pain however, what we need to remember is that we are overcomes of every trials. We are victorious no matter how it may look in the beginning. 

Remember our trials come to quite our fears live our purpose. They only come to strengthen us preparing us for our future. 

All that we go through remember God  got you. There is nothing to hard for God. If God is for you who can be against you, Greater is He in you than He that is in the World. 

Value everything that God brings remember He’s desires the best for you and will not put nothing on you that you could not bare.

God is requiring us to value His Word honor His Word and give  reverence and respect to Him who speaks through us. Those who speak His word should honor those who are speaking.

All that we say and do is very important we don’t want to damage someone soul because of what proceed from our mouths. Every idle word that proceeds  from our mouths shall be judge. 

Romans’ 10:14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

 Primarily our roll is to teach and preach the  oracles of God. Go and preach to the nations.  As the elect children of God we are sent to tell those in this dying world how they can have life more  abundantly.The Scriptures or sacred writings, bound to make us batter for Hus coming. 

Good teachers know the content and know how to explain it. The Holy Spirit guilds us in all righteousness. Primary teachers expect and demand high levels of performance by there pupils who have accepted Christ as their savior. However a good teachers are great performers and storytellers that  convey the truth to their students not trying to get their attention but to allow them to see God in His Word. 

All of this is good but great teachers engineer learning experiences that maneuver the students into the driver's seat and then the teachers get out of the way. 

Students learn best by personally experiencing learning that is physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. John Dewey had it right in 1935 when he espoused his theories on experiential learning. Today we call this constructivism.

Long past are the times when we teach content just in case a student might need it. A great teacher will devise a way to give the students an urgent reason to learn skills or knowledge and then let them show they have learned it by what they can do. This is called project-based learning.

A great teacher will keep the students wanting to come to school just to see what interesting things they will explore and discover each day. We call this inquiry.

As teacher if the Bible we  support such a great teacher is simple. Students learn best when they are in control of their learning. 

Students must do the heavy lifting of learning and nothing the teacher can say or do will change that. Real learning requires doing, not listening, or observing only. 

Yet what do we find in every public school and university? Teachers talking, talking and talking while students listen, daydream and doze. We call this lecture.

The word "teacher" implies the flow of knowledge and skills from one person to another. Whether it be a lecture, or a power point, it involves talking at the students. 

While that is commonly viewed as the quickest and easiest way to impart knowledge and skills, we all realize that it is not the most effective. 

Socrates had it right when he only answered a question with more questions and look what he produced  some of the greatest minds that ever lived. We call this the Socratic method.

Yes, there are times when direct instruction is necessary, but only to be able to do something with that knowledge or skill, but a great teacher devises learning experiences that force all the students to be engaged much like being in the deep end of the swimming pool. 

Then the lesson on arm and leg strokes becomes relevant. To learn, the students must do something. We call this performance-based learning.

I’ve always believed wholeheartedly that the key to teaching science or almost any subject is to get students engaged with the content as quickly as possible. 

Writers learn to write by reading and writing. Chefs learn how to prepare delectable dishes by cooking. And science students learn science by doing.

So to get students engaged in biblical call you must peel back layer by layer of their past. Old things are past away all things are new through Christ Jesus 

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

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