Philosophically, God must be a spirit in order to be infinite. Also, if God was limited to a physical body, He could not be omnipresent (in all places at once). God the Father is not limited to the dimensional restrictions of created things but can exist in all places at one time. God is the uncreated First Cause that is the power behind all other beings.
Interestingly, in John 4:24 Jesus makes the connection between God being spirit and worshiping Him in spirit and in truth. The idea is that, since God is spirit, people must worship Him accurately (in truth) and in spirit (with their soul or heart), as opposed to relying on traditions, rituals, and physical locales.
Perhaps one of most insulting comments a Christian could ever hear from another person is “your God is too small.” As believers committed to the grandeur and majesty of God, we never want to be accused of having an inadequate conception of the Lord. We desire to love a God who is as great as Scripture describes.
As we continue our study of the divine attributes, we note that at times our discussion has been very abstract. These concepts can indeed be difficult to grasp at first, but they are essential to our spiritual well-being. We can only trust a Lord who is good, loving, holy, merciful, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and faithful as the biblical Creator truly is. At the same time, we recognize that we can study for a lifetime and only scratch the surface of His immensity. But this will be worth the effort, for as we deepen in our knowledge of Him, we will become ever more established in our faith (Heb. 5:11–14).
Wherever our bodies are, there our spirits are as well. However, God does not have this limitation. He is as present in Moscow as He is in Washington and as is as present there as He is in the jungles of the Amazon. Think of how amazing that is — no matter where we find ourselves, the Lord is always at hand! Do you feel as if He is far from you today? Pray that He would make His presence felt and encourage another who feels like God is far away from him.
God with us” (Matthew 1:23). Numbers 23:19 emphasizes God’s truthfulness by contrasting Him with mortal men: “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.”I Am God all by myself I can handle things on my own. I Am the first and the last whatever do shall last
LORD, v.t. To invest with the dignity and privileges of a lord.
LORD, v.i. To domineer; to rule with arbitrary or despotic sway; sometimes followed by over, and sometimes by it, in the manner of a transitive verb.The whiles she lordeth in licentious bliss.I see them lording it in London streets.They lorded over them whom now they serve.
TIRE, v.t. L. tero.To weary; to fatigue; to exhaust the strength by toil or labor; as, to tire a horse or an ox. A long day's work in summer will tire the laborer with toil, all hopes of safety past. To weary; to fatigue; to exhaust the power of attending, or to exhaust patience with dullness or tediousness. A dull advocate may tire the court and jury, and injure his cause.
To tire out, to weary or fatigue to excess; to harass.
TIRE, v.i. To become weary; to be fatigued; to have the strength fail; to have the patience exhausted. A feeble body soon tires with hard labor.