Instructions to set To put in a place of order When the bodily organs suffer all body parts start to hsnitate in reponse to other members in the body,
BOD'ILY, a. Having or containing a body or material form; corporeal; as bodily dimensions.Relating or pertaining to the body, in distinction from the mind; as bodily defects; bodily pain.Real; actual; as bodily act.BOD'ILY, Relating or pertaining to the body, in distinction from the mind; as bodily defects; bodily pain.Real; actual; as bodily act.BOD'ILCorporeally; united with a body or matter.It is his human nature, in which the
Godhead dwells bodily.Having or containingEstablished mode of proceedingA person is in bad health; are out of order, he is indisposed.according to established rules of the member is not in order no weapon form against you shall not prosper. God is not a God of the dead a God is the living where their are living bread living water living in the moment. they debate; as,, that he wanders from the question.
Adherence to the point in discussion,
. The motion is not in order.Regularity; settled mode of operation.
This fact could not occur in the order of nature; it is against the natural order of things.Mandate; precept; command; authoritative direction. I have received an order from the commander in chief.
The general gave orders to march. There is an order of council to issue letters of marque.Rule; regulation; as the rules and orders of a legislative house.Regular government or discipline. It is necessary for society that good order should be observed.
The meeting was turbulent; it was impossible to keep order.Rank; class; division of men; as the order of nobles; the order of priests; the higher orders of society; men of the lowest order; order of knights; military orders, religious fraternity; as the order of Benedictines.
A division of natural objects, generally intermediate between class and genus. The classes, in the Linnean artificial system, are divided into orders, which include one or more genera. Linne also arranged vegetables, in his natural system, into groups of genera, called order. In the natural system of Jussieu, orders are subdivisions of classes.Measures; care.
Take some order for the safety and support of the soldiers.Provide me soldiers whilst I take order for my own affairs.In rhetoric, the placing of words and members in a sentence in such a manner as to contribute to force and beauty of expression, or to the clear illustration of the subject.
The title of certain ancient books containing the divine office and manner of its performance.In architecture, a system of several members, ornaments and proportions of columns and pilasters; or a regular arrangement of the projecting parts of a building, especially of the columns, so as to form one beautiful whole.
The orders are five, the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite. The order consists of two principal members, the column, and the entablature, each of which is composed of three principal parts. Those of the column are the base, the shaft, and the capital; those of the entablature are the architrave, the frize, and the cornice.
The height of the Tuscan column is 14 modules or semidiameters of the shaft at the bottom, and that os the entablature 3 1/2. The height of the Doric order is 16 modules and that of the entablature 4; that of the Ionic is 18 modules, and that of the entablature 4 1/2, that of the Corinthian order is 20 modules, and that of the entablature
The height of the Composite order agrees with that of the Corinthian.In orders, set apart for the performance divine service; ordained to the work of the gospel ministry.In order, for the purpose; to the end; as means to an end.
The best knowledge is that which is of the greatest use in order to our eternal happiness.General orders, the commands or notices which a military commander in chief issues to the troops under his command.OR'DER, v.t.To regulate; to methodize; to systemize; to adjust; to subject to system in management and execution; as, to order domestic affairs with prudence.
To lead; to conduct; to subject to rules or laws To him that ordereth his conversation aright, will I show the salvation of God. to direct; to command. the general ordered his troops to advance.To manage; to treat.How shall we order the child? Judges To ordain. Not used. To direct; to dispose in any particular manner.Order my steps in thy word. Ps. 119. OR'DER to give command or direction.
to fix or cause to rest in a standing posture.
We set a house on a was of stone; we set a book on a shelf. In this use, set differsbe unlike or dissimilar.
We lay a book on the table, when we place it on its side, but we set it on the end. We lay the foundation of a house, but we set a building on its foundation.He laid his robe from him. She layeth her hand to the spindle.
Jonah 3.Soft on the flowery herb I found me laid.A stone was brought and laid on the mouth of the den.To beat down; to prostrate. Violent winds with rain lay corn and grass.To settle; to fix and keep from rising. A shower lays the dust.
To place in order; to dispose with regularity in building; as, to lay bricks or stones in constructing walls.To spread on a surface; as, to lay plaster or paint.To spread or set; as, to lay snares.To calm; to appease; to still; to allay.After a tempest, when the winds are laid.
To quiet; to still; to restrain from walking; as, to lay the devil.To spread and set in order; to prepare; as, to lay a table for dinner.To place in the earth for growth.The chief time of laying gilliflowers, is in July.To place at hazard; to wage; to stake; as, to lay a crown or an eagle; to lay a wager.
To bring forth; to exclude; as, to lay eggs.To add; to join.Woe to them that join house to house, that lay field to field. Is. 5.
To put; to apply.
Prov. 31.To asses; to charge; to impose; as, to lay a tax on land; to lay a duty on salt.To charge; to impute; as, to lay blame on one; to lay want of prudence to one's charge.To impose, as evil, burden, or punishment.
The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. "the second set of data differed from the from lay Literally, to throw down; hence, to put or place; applied to things broad or long, and in this respect differing from set.
Is. 53.To enjoin as a duty; as, to lay commands on one.To exhibit; to present or offer; as, to lay an indictment in a particular county.
To prostrate; to slay.The leaders first he laid along. To depress and lose sight of, by sailing or departing from; as,
to lay down an office or commissionTo lay on, to apply with force; to inflict; as, to lay on blows.To lay open, to open; to make bare; to uncover; also, to show; to expose; to reveal; as, to lay open the designs of an enemy.To lay over, to spread over; to incrust; to cover the surface; as, to lay over with gold or silver.To lay out, to expend; as, to lay out money, or sums of money.To lay a cable to lay the land; a seaman's phrase.To lay apartLay apart all filthiness.Let us lay aside every weight, .To lay aside, to lay aside the use of any thing.To lay away, to reposit in store; to put aside for preservation.To lay before, to exhibit; to show; to present to view. The papers are laid before Congress.To lay by, to reserve for future use.Let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered himLet brave spirits not be laidTo lay down, to deposit, as a pledge, equivalent or satisfaction; to resign.I lay down my life for the sheep.and laid by her veil.
To station; to set; as, to lay an ambush.To contrive; to scheme; to plan, to twist or unite the strands.
1Cor. 16.To put away; to dismiss. by, as persons unnecessary for the time., to put away; to reject. James 1 to put off or away; not to retain.and the sin that doth so easily beset us. Heb. 41.To discontinue; as,
To put off.And she arose and went away, Gen. 38. John 10.To give up; to resign; to quit or relinquish; as, .To quit; to surrender the use of; as, to lay down one's arms. To offer or advance; as, to lay down a proposition or principle.To lay one's self down, to commit to repose.I will both lay me down in peace and sleep - Ps. 4.To lay hold of, to seize; to catch. To lay hold on, is used in a like sense.To lay in, to store; to treasure; to provide previously.
To display; to discover.He takes occasion to lay out bigotry and false confidence in all its colors. Obs.To plan; to dispose in order the several parts; as, to lay out a garden.To dress in grave clothes and place in a decent posture; as, to lay out a corpse. Shakespeare uses to lay, forth.To exert; as, to lay out all one's strength. So with the reciprocal pronoun, to lay one's self out, is to exert strength.
To lay to, to charge upon; to impute.To apply with vigor.To attack or harass. Obs.To check the motion of a ship, and cause her to be stationary.To lay together, to collect; to bring to one place; also, to bring into one view.To lay to heart, to permit to affect greatly.To lay under, to subject to; as, to lay one under restraint or obligation.To lay up, to store; to treasure; to reposit for future use.
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Matt. 6.To confine to the bed or chamber. He is laid up with the gout.To lay siege, to besiege; to encompass with an army.To lay wait, to station for private attack; to lay in ambush for.To lay the course, in sailing, is to sail towards the port intended, without gibing.To lay waste, to destroy; to desolate; to deprive of inhabitants, improvements and productions.
To lay the land, in seamen's language, is to cause the land apparently to sink or appear lower, by sailing from it; the distance diminishing the elevation.LAY, To bring or produce eggs.Hens will greedily eat the herb that will make them lay the better.To contrive; to form a scheme. Unusual.To lay about, to strike or throw the arms on all sides; to act with vigor.To lay at, to strike or to endeavor to strike.The sword of him that layeth at him cannot hold. Job. 41.
To lay out, to purpose; to intend. he lays out to make a journey.To take measures.I made strict inquiry wherever I came, and laid out for intelligence of all places.To lay upon, to importune. That which lies or is laid; a row; a stratum; a layer; one rank in a series reckoned upward; as a lay of wood.A viol should have a lay of wire-strings below. A bet; a wager. Little used.Station; rank.
LAY, The words which signify place, are from verbs which express setting or laying. It is written also ley, and lea, but less properly.A meadow; a plain or plat of grass land.
A tuft of daisies on a flowery lay.The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the LAY, n. Gr. to sound. L. laudo, plaudo.A song; as a loud or soft lay; immortal lays.It is used chiefly in poetry.
LAY, a. L. laicus, Gr. from people.Pertaining to the laity or people, as distinct from the clergy; not clerical; as a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother.
we set a thing on its end or basis; we lay it on its side.To put or place in its proper or natural posture.
We set a chest or trunk on its bottom, not its end; we set a bedstead or a table on its feet or laeg.To put, place or fix in any situation. God set the sun, moon and stars in the firmament.I do set my bow in the cloud. Gen 9.To put into any condition or state.The Lord the God will set thee on high. Duet. 28.I am come to set a man at variance against his father. Matt. 10.So we say, to set in order, to set at ease, to set to work, or at work.To put; to fix; to attach to.The Lord set a mark upon Cain. Gen. 4.
So we say, to set a label on a vial or a bale.To fix; to render motionless; as, the eyes are set, the jaws are set.To put or fix, as a price. We set a price on a house, farm or horse.
To fix; to state by some rule.The gentleman spoke with a set gesture and countenance. Carew.The town of Berne has handsome fountains planted and set distances from one end of the street to the other.
Addison.To regulate or adjust; as, to set a timepiece by the sun.He sets judgement by his passion. Prior.To fit to music; to adapt with notes; as, to set the words of a psalm to music.or to put on, to furnish. The L. struo is contracted
To teach; To instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant.He will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. Is.2.Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.
To deliver any doctrine, art, principles or words for instruction. One sect of ancient philosophers taught the doctrines of stoicism, another those of epicureanism.In vain they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Matt.15.To tell; to give intelligence.To instruct, or to practice the business of an instructor; to use or follow the employment of a preceptor; as, a man teaches school for a livelihood.To show; to exhibit so as to impress on the mind.If some men teach wicked things, it must be that others may practice them.
To accustom; to make familiar.They have taught their tongue to speak lies. Jer.9.To inform or admonish; to give previous notice to.For he taught his disciples, and said--Mark 9.To suggest to the mind.
For the Holy Spirit shall teach you in that same hour what ye ought to say. Luke 12.To signify or give notice.He teacheth with his fingers. Prov.6.To counsel and direct. Hab.2.TEACH
To practice giving instruction; to perform the business of a preceptor.The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire. Mic.3.TEACH, n. In sugar works, the last boiler.extending far down from t h e top or inform the mind; to educate; to impart knowledge to one who was destitute of it.
The first duty of parents is to instruct their children in the principles of religion and morality.To direct; to enjoin; to persuade or admonish.She being before instructed by her mother, said, give me here the head of John the Baptist in a charger. Matt.14.To direct or command; to furnish with orders. The president instructed his envoy to insist on the restitution of the property.To inform; to advise or give notice to. On this question the court is not instructed.
To model; to form; to prepare. Not used.
from struco or strugo. See Destroy. To teach; to inform the mind; to educate; to impart knowledge to one who was destitute of it.
The first duty of parents is to instruct their children in the principles of religion and morality.To direct; to enjoin; to persuade or admonish.
She being before instructed by her mother, said, give me here the head of John the Baptist in a charger. Matt.14.To direct or command; to furnish with orders.
The president instructed his envoy to insist on the restitution of the property.To inform; to advise or give notice to. On this question the court is not instructed.To model; to form; to prepare.
Not used your children in the right way.Launched them out in the deep.extending far down from the top or surface."a deep gorge"
Extending or being far below the surface; descending far downward; profound ; opposed to shallow; as deep water; a deep pit or well.Low in situation; being or descending far below the adjacent land; as a deep valley.Entering far; piercing a great way.
A tree in a good soil takes deep root. A spear struck deep into the flesh.Far from the outer part; secreted.A spider deep ambushed in her den.
Not superficial or obvious; hidden; secret.He discovereth deep things out of darkness. Job xii.Remote from comprehension.O Lord, thy thoughts are very deep.
Sagacious; penetrating; having the power to enter far into a subject; as a man of deep thought; a deep divine.Artful; contriving; concealing artifice; insidious; designing; as a friend, deep, hollow treacherous.Grave in sound; low; as the deep tones of an organ.
Very still; solemn; profound; as deep silence. Thick; black; not to be penetrated by the sight.Now deeper darkness brooded on the ground.Still; sound; not easily broken or disturbed.
The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. Gen ii.Depressed; sunk low, metaphorically; as deep poverty.Dark; intense; strongly colored; as a deep brown; a deep crimson; a deep blue.Unknown; unintelligible.
A people of deeper speech than thou canst perceive. Is. xxxiii.Heart-felt; penetrating; affecting; as a deep sense of guilt.Intricate; not easily understood or unraveled; as a deep plot or intrigue.This word often qualifies a verb, like an adverb.Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.
DEEP The sea; the abyss of waters; the ocean.He maketh the deep to boil like a pot. Job x1i.A lake; a great collection of water.Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets. Luke 5
That which is profound, not easily fathomed, or incomprehensible.Thy judgments are a great deep. The most still or solemn part; the midst; as, in deep of night.
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.Luke 8:22 |
Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake.
And they launched forth.Acts 21:1 | And it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and the day following unto Rhodes, and from thence unto Patara:Acts 27:2 | View whole chapter | See verse in contextAnd entering into a ship of Adramyttium, we launched, meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia; one Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.
When the ship began to move, To be under way, ship begins to move. So a ship is said to have head-way, when she moves forward in her course, and stern-way, when she is driven astern inseamen's
Lee-way is a movement of a ship aside of her course, or to the leeward.Ways, . the timbers on which a ship is To make way, to give room for passing; or to make a vacancy.To give way, to recede; to make room; or to yield; to concede the place or opinion to another.
To make ones way, to advance in life by efforts; to advance successfully.By the way, passant, as we proceed; a phrase introducing something in discourse, not immediately connected with the subject.
To go ones way, or to come ones way, to go or come along.To go the way of all the earth, to die. Right method to act or know.We are quite out of the way.General scheme of acting.Men who go out of the way to hint free things, must be guilty of absurdity or rudeness.
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