Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Life prolong The Directot

1 Kings 3:14

My name is John" So to such a great extent.the words tumbled out so fast that I could barely hear them"to the same extent (used in comparisons).he isn't so bad as you'd think"and for this reason; was still painful so I went to see a specialist"with the aim that; in order that."they whisper to each other so that no one else can hear"

 The condition or supposition that; in the event that.if you have a complaint, write to the director"and the director is JESUS Christspeaker is addressing.are you listening. after a while, you get used to it" "dressed in your  Sunday best having both feet off the ground at once.walked across the lawn"in expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else.the place of passingMy belonging to or associated with the speaker.

Keep in the way of truth and knowledgeWalk or move at a regular pace by lifting and setting the tone"never down each footexpressions of surprise."my goodness!"

What way I make.Passage; room for passing. Make way for the jury.Course or regular course. And let eternal justice take the way.Tendency to any meaning or act.

There is nothing in the words that sounds that way.Sphere of observation. a passage; ; hence, a road of any kind; a highway; a private road; a lane; a street; any place for the passing of men; various ways A a word of very comprehensive signification.Length of space; as a great way; a little way.Course; direction of motion or travel. What way did he take?

Which way shall I go? .Mark 

The general officers and the public ministers that fell in my way Manner of doing any thing; method; means of doing. Seek the best way of learning, and pursue it.By noble ways we conquest will prepare.

Method; scheme of management.What impious ways my wishes took.Manner of thinking or behavior; particular turn of opinion; determination or humor

Let him have his way, when that will not injure him, or any other person. But multitudes of children are ruined by being permitted to have their way.Manner; mode. In no way does this matter belong to me. 

We admire a persons way of expressing his ideas.Method; manner of practice. Find, if you can, the easiest way to live.

Having lost the way of nobleness.

Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Things are in a prosperous way.Method or plan of life and conduct. 

 Proverbs All flesh had corrupted his way. Genesis Course; process of things, good or bad.language, to be in motion, as when a . She is said also to gather way, or to lose way.

In the way, a phrase noting obstruction. What is there in the way of your success?In Scripture, the ways of God, are his providential government, or his works. Romans 11. Job 11.Way and ways are used in certain phrases, in the sense of wise. He is no ways a match for his antagonist.No way the interest even of the priesthood.

Milky way, in astronomy, the galaxy; a broad luminous belt or space in the heavens, supposed to be occasioned by the blended light of an immense number of stars. By means of a telescope of uncommon magnifying powers, Dr. Herschel has been able to ascertain this fact, by distinguishing the stars.

Covert way, in fortification, a passage covered from the enemys fire.Ways and means, in legislation, means for raising money; resources for revenue.Way-going crop, among farmers, is the crop which is taken from the ground the year the tenant leaves the farm. England.

and used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly.bread and butter"

keep have or retain possession of."my father would keep the best for himself"continue or cause to continue in a specified condition, position, course, etc."keep left along the wall"To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep any thing in the memory, mind or heart.To have in custody for security or preservation.

The crown of Stephanus, first king of Hungary,was always kept in the castle of Vicegrade.To preserve; to retain.The Lord God, merciful and gracious, keeping mercy for thousands--Ex.34.

To preserve from falling or from danger; to protect; to guard or sustain.And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee. Gen.28. Luke 4.To hold or restrain from departure; to detain.

That I may know what keeps me here with you.

To tend; to have the care of.And the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it. Gen.2.To tend; to feed; to pasture; as, to keep a flock of sheep or a herd of cattle in a yard or in a field. He keeps his horses on oats or on hay.To preserve in any tenor or state. Keep a stiff rein.

Keep the constitution sound.To regard; to attend to.While the stars and course of heaven I keep--To hold in any state; as, to keep in order.

To continue any state, course or action; as, to keep silence; to keep the same road or the same pace; to keep reading or talking; to keep a given distance.To practice; to do or perform; to obey; to observe in practice; not to neglect or violate; as, to keep the laws, statutes or commandments of God.To fulfill; to perform; as, to keep one's word,promise or covenant.To practice; to use habitually; as, to keep bad hours.To copy carefully.Her servant's eyes were fix'd upon her face,And as she moved or turned,her motions viewed,Her measures kept, and step by step pursued.To observe or solemnize.To board; to maintain; to supply with necessaries of life. The men are kept at a moderate price per week.

To have in the house; to entertain; as, to keep lodgers.To maintain; not to intermit; as, to keep watch or guard.To hold in one's own bosom; to confine to one's own knowledge; not to disclose or communicate to others; not to betray; as, to keep a secret; to keep one's own counsel.To have in pay; as, to keep a servant.

To keep back, to reserve; to withhold; not to disclose or communicate.

I will keep nothing back from you. Jer.42.To restrain;; to prevent from advancing.Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins. To reserve; to withhold; not to deliver. To keep company with, to frequent the society of; to associate with. Let youth keep company with the wise and good.

To accompany; to go with; as, to keep company with one on a journey or voyage.

To keep down, to prevent from rising; not to lift or suffer to be raised.

To keep in, to prevent from escape; to hold in confinement.To conceal; not to tell or disclose.To restrain; to curb.

To keep off, to hinder from approach or attack; as, to keep off an enemy or an evil.To keep under, to restrain; to hold in subjection; as, to keep under an antagonist or a conquered country; to keep under the appetites and passions.To keep up, to maintain; to prevent from falling or diminution; as, to keep up the price of goods; to keep up one's credit.To maintain; to continue; to hinder from ceasing.In joy, that which keeps up the action is the desire to continue it.keep out, to hinder from entering or taking possession.To keep bed, to remain in bed without rising; to be confined to one's bed.To keep house, to maintain a family state.His income enables him to keep house.To remain in the house; to be confined.His feeble health obliges him to keep house.To keep from, to restrain; to prevent approach.To keep a school, to maintain or support it; as, the town or its inhabitants keep ten schools; more properly, to govern and instruct or teach a school, as a preceptor.KEEP, To remain in any state; as, to keep at a distance; to keep aloft; to keep near; to keep in the house; to keep before or behind; to keep in favor; to keep out of company, or out of reach.To last; to endure; not to perish or be impaired. Seek for winter's use apples that will keep.If the malt is not thoroughly dried,the ale it makes will not keep.

To lodge; to dwell; to reside for a time.

Knock at the study, where, they say, he keeps.To keep to, to adhere strictly; not to neglect or deviate from; as, to keep to old customs; to keep to a rule; to keep to one's word or promise.

To keep on, to go forward; to proceed; to continue to advance.To keep up, to remain unsubdued; or not to be confined to one's bed.In popular language, this word signifies to continue; to repeat continually; not to cease.

KEEP, n. Custody; guard. Colloquially, case; condition; as in good keep.Guardianship; restraint. Little used.

A place of confinement; in old castles,the dungeon.My belonging to or associated with the speaker.

statutes An act of the legislature of a state that extends its binding force to all the citizens or subjects of that state, as distinguished from an act which extends only to an individual or company; an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law. Statutes are distinguished from common law. The latter owes its binding force to the principles of justice, to long use and the consent of a nation. The former owe their binding force to a positive command or declaration of the supreme power. Statute is commonly applied to the acts of a legislative body consisting of representatives. In monarchies, the laws of the sovereign are called edicts, decrees, ordinances, rescripts, &c.

A special act of the supreme power, of a private nature, or intended to operate only on an individual or company.The act of a corporation or of its founder, intended as a permanent rule or law; as the statutes of a university.

and used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly.

commandment A command; a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge; precept.Why do ye transgress the commandment of God. Matt. 15.This is the first and great commandment. Matt. 22.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. John 13.

By way of eminence, a precept of the decalogue, or moral law, written on tables of stone, at Mount Sinai; one of the ten commandments. Ex. 34.Authority; coercive power.

just JUST, a. L. justus. The primary sense is probably straight or close, from the sense of setting, erecting, or extending.Regular; orderly; due; suitable.

When all

The war shall stand ranged in its just array.Exactly proportioned; proper.

Pleaseth your lordship

To meet his grace,just distance 'tween our armies?Full; complete to the common standard.

He was a comely personage, a little above just stature.Full; true; a sense allied to the preceding, or the same.

--So that once the skirmish was like to have come to a just battle.In a moral sense, upright; honest; having principles of rectitude; or conforming exactly to the laws, and to principles of rectitude in social conduct; equitable in the distribution of justice; as a just judge.In an evangelical sense, righteous; religious; influenced by a regard to the laws of God; or living in exact conformity to the divine will.There is not a just man on earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not. Eccles.7.Conformed to rules of justice; doing equal justice.

Just balances, just weights, a just ephah and a just him shall ye have. Lev.19.

8Conformed to truth; exact; proper; accurate; as just thoughts; just expressions; just images or representations; a just description; a just inference.True; founded in truth and fact; as a just charge or accusation.

Innocent; blameless; without guilt.How should man be just with God? Job.9.Equitable; due; merited; as a just recompense or reward.

--Whose damnation is just. Rom.3.

True to promises; faithful; as just to one's word or engagements.Impartial; allowing what is due; giving fair representation of character, merit or used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something.

"go as fast as you can"

your belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing."what is your name?"
belonging to or associated with any person in general."the sight is enough to break your heart"


1. He who begets a child; in L. genitor or generator.

The father of a fool hath no joy. Prov. 17.

2. The first ancestor; the progenitor of a race or family. Adam was the father of the human race. Abraham was the father of the Israelites.The appellation of an old man, and a term of respect.The king of Israel said to Elisha, my father shall I smite them? 2Kings 6.The servants of Naaman call him father. Elderly men are called fathers; as the fathers of a town or city. In the church, men venerable for age, learning and piety are called fathers, or reverend fathers.

The grandfather or more remote ancestor. Nebuchadnezzar is called the father of Belshazzar, though he was his grandfather. 

David From the Hebrew name דָּוִד (Dawid), which was derived from Hebrew דmeaning "beloved" or "uncle". David was the second and greatest of the kings of Israel, ruling in the 10th century BC. Several stories about him are told in the Old Testament, including his defeat of Goliath, a giant Philistine.

did, past of do then at that time; at the time in question.I was living in Cairo then"

I will expressing the future tense."you will regret it when you are older"expressing inevitable events."accidents will happen"1. That faculty of the mind by which we determine either to do or forbear an action; the faculty which is exercised in deciding, among two or more objects, which we shall embrace or pursue. The will is directed or influenced by the judgment. The understanding or reason compares different objects, which operate as motives; the judgment determines which is preferable, and the will decides which to pursue. In other words, we reason with respect to the value or importance of things; we then judge which is to be preferred; and we will to take the most valuable. These are but different operations of the mind, soul, or intellectual part of man. Great disputes have existed respecting the freedom of the will. Will is often quite a different thing from desire.A power over a mans subsistence, amounts to a power over his will.Choice; determination. It is my will to prosecute the trespasser.Choice; discretion; pleasure.

Go, then, the guilty at thy will chastise.Command; direction.Our prayers should be according to the will of God.Disposition; inclination; desire. What is your will, Sir? In this phrase, the word may also signify-determination, especially when addressed to a superior.Power; arbitrary disposal.Deliver me not over to the will of my enemies. Psalm 27.7. Divine determination; moral purpose or counsel.

Thy will be done. Lords Prayer.Testament; the disposition of a mans estate, to take effect after his death. Wills are written, or nuncupative, that is, verbal.Good will,

Favor; kindness.Right intention. Philippians 1.

will, enmity;unfriendliness. It expresses less than malice.To have ones will, to obtain what is desired.

At will. To hold an estate at the will of another, is to enjoy the possession at his pleasure, and be liable to be ousted at any time by the lessor or proprietor.Will with a wisp, Jack with a lantern; ignis fatuus; a luminous appearance sometimes seen in the air over moist ground, supposed to proceed from hydrogen gas.WILLThe sense is to set, or to set forward, to stretch forward. The sense is well expressed by theTo determine; to decide int he mind that something shall be done or forborne; implying power to carry the purpose into effect. In this manner God wills whatever comes to pass. So in the style of princes; we will that execution be done.A man that sits still is said to be at liberty, because he can walk if he will it.To command; to direct.Tis yours, O queen! To will the work which duty bids me to fulfill.

To be inclined or resolved to have.There, there, Hortensio, will you any wife?To wish; to desire. What will you?To dispose of estate and effects by testament.It is sometimes equivalent to may be. Let the circumstances be what they will; that is, any circumstances, of whatever nature.Will is used as an auxiliary verb, and a sign of the future tense. It has different signification in different persons.will go, is a present promise to go; and with an emphasis on will, it expresses determination.Thou wilt go, you will go, express foretelling; simply stating an event that is to come.He will go, is also a foretelling. The use of will in the plural, is the same. We will, promises; ye will, they will, foretell.

prolong To lengthen in time; to extend the duration of. Temperate habits tend to prolong life.To lengthen; to draw out in time by delay; to continue.unhappy queen with talk prolong'd the night.To put off to a distant time.For I myself am not so well provided

As else I would be, were the day prolong'd.To extend in space or length.extend the duration of.

"an idea that prolonged the life of the engine by many years"

your 1 1.
belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing."what is your name?"

belonging to or associated with any person in general."the sight is enough to break your heart"

days.a period of twenty-four hours as a unit of time, reckoned from one midnight to the next, corresponding to a rotation of the earth on its axis.

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