That about which any power or faculty is employed, or something apprehended or presented to the mind by sensation or imagination. Thus that quality of a rose which is perceived by the sense of smell, is an object of perception. When the object is not in contact with the organ of sense, there must be some medium through which we obtain the perception of it. The impression which objects make on the senses, must be by the immediate application of them to the organs of sense, or by means of the medium that intervenes between the organs and the objects.That to which the mind is directed for accomplishment or attainment; end; ultimate purpose. Happiness is the object of every man's desires; we all strive to attain that object. Wealth and honor are pursued with eagerness as desirable objects.Something presented to the senses or the mind, to excite emotion, affection or passion.This passenger felt some degree of concern at the sight of so moving an object.In this sense, the word uttered with a particular emphasis, signifies something that may strongly move our pity, abhorrence or disgust. What an object!In grammar, that which is produced, influenced or acted on by something else; that which follows a transitive verb. When we say, "God created the world," world denotes the thing produced, and is the object after the verb created. When we say, "the light affects the eye," eye denotes that which is affected or acted on. When we say, "instruction directs the mind or opinions," mind and opinions," mind and opinions are the objects influenced.
that one need 1. Want; occasion for something; necessity; a state that requires supply or relief. It sometimes expresses urgent want; pressing exigency.What further need have we of witnesses? Matthew 26.Want of the means of subsistence; poverty; indigence.I know how to abound and to suffer need. Philippians 4.
NEED, v.t. to compel To want; to lack; to require, as supply or relief.They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. Matthew 9.
NEED,v.i. To be wanted; to be necessary.When we have done it, we have done all that is in our power, and all that needs. Not used.Need is often used as an auxiliary, or at least without the personal termination.And the lender need not fear he shall be injured.
not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to."look at that metal rail thing over there"is not power at the low open tar it’s notice at the height cod that open tar.
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