Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Friday, December 27, 2019


The word of the Lord came to me saying,People who find fault in others usually are dissatisfied with their lives so they create A fabricated. ...  imperfection creating fault-finding, in other people. The Bible says this is accursed of the brothers.

When someone speaks on December 25 you are treated like the victim when your the victor.

Revelations 12: 20 For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.

The accurate fact is that God used one day out of the year the whole wide world come together I. Unity to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Was it that year a star was found in the Middle East to show the Messiah born I.  Bethlehem.  stands in the center of Bethlehem over a grotto or cave called the Holy Crypt, which according to Christian tradition, is the place where Jesus was born. This is perhaps the oldest existing Christian church in the world 

Was not God 100 percent man. And 100 percent God designated himself  be have a celebrated . Is not Christmas the only holaday Therefore we come into 2020 celebrating  the risen Christ weather here yesterday or today which is coated and counted as one day which day is His birthday. 

That you and I might recommend that He is God in the flesh. Born yesterday as it is one day. Therefore we must recognize the day God designated was not by man but by God it was a designated day. It was a day God himself who designated that day in him to show that He was a man even thoug no one knows the date but it was a designated day for Him to come at a time that was appointed time.

To show that man had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. God designated Himself as the risen Christ born to redeem man from sin. 

And still a man in A immature state of mind can not guess How He desires a man to live. And how God dwell inside of sinful humans and us it not only God can detest the smell of flesh yet love them at the same time. 

Is it not only God that cannot sin yet sit with sinners. Is it not God who can change the star of a mans desire for a bother man change is ways unto the way that God made man. 

Is it not God who calls out to  our storm and the raging wind and sea crowds out peace be still. Us through us and above us all at the same time.

13Who gave Him charge over the earth? Who appointed Him over the whole world? 14If He were to set His heart to it and withdraw His Spirit and breath, 15all flesh would perish together and mankind would return to the dust.…

And  still today that God sent His son who was anointed times to redeem man from sun. It was that appointed time He also sppointso that he was a man as well as God that dwells among through and above the people. This is the designated birthday of Jesus Christ. 

Yet people refuse and often despise people who believe that God himself officially made this day December 25 that Jesus Christ was born.

Jesus Christ was born on this particular day and although we know that he wasn’t born on December 25, 

Men find fault in other christians because God have officially made known to them the date He desire them to celebrate the day to celebrate God who was born a slave of sin but sin was not found in Him.

God have designated this day to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Paslm 59:10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

God whom came in the flesh dress up in sin that you and I are found  not guilty of sin. Because of who lives in Him we live and move and have our bring.

 This is the only day Christian Churches all celebrate collaborate  the birth of Jesus marked by God to be December 25. 

If you still have doubt you will find yourself among those who are mark as not owning up to God  in the obedience of His word that His  sovereignty of his will does what he desire to do it is His for men to celebrate the date designate. 

God always gave man what they desire even way back when the desire judge.

God  allow things to happen under the His Sovereignty should and not to be question. 

It is the numbers demonstrate the sovereignty of God. There are many people that knows God. 

And His  sovereignty designate a day that we ought to respect the day He was born. 

The celebration of Jesus Christ is December 25.The date we celebrate Christmas Day was adopted by the Christian church as the birthday of Christ in the fourth century

God Allow the Western Christian Churches, while many Eastern Christian Churches celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord is January 7.

Many people are delusional pointing the finger at people Who celebrate Accusing them instead of celebrating this day of Jesus birthday. 

The truth be told  does it matter whether this is the day we celebrate the day Christ was born it is the day because God Orchestrated this day for us to celebrate with others in Unity because where there is unity God commands a blessing.

Christmas to  day thank God commands a  blessing giving to others not just this day but everyday if our live and since God is love and darkness cannot comprehend  this that is why they cannot understand that God Designated this day to celebrate Jesus Christ who came in this world to die for the sin of this world once and for all it is finished..

God who are joined together in unity with God commands a blessing.

Acts 4:32 Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common.

. God has summoned His people to respond to His charges. He summons heaven and earth as His witnesses of the covenant they would be witnesses concerning Israel’s violation of that covenant. Israel has some reason to be nervous; God is not only the offended party in the case, He is the judge of all cases. 

Why do men find fault in what belongs to God.👌who are you who Judge God.

God have Designated December 25 should be the birth of Christ.designated December 25 should be the birth of Christ.

Where are my  accused witness! Testifying against Me says the Lord Sm I not God who creates all things.   God declares, “I am your God” (50:7)–reminding them of the covenant He had made with them.

They have  broken faith against Him by failing to admit that the offer sacrifices was unto death but my sacrifice is unto life. 

God has being concern about the birth of Jesus Christ. these sacrifices. the word of  the Lord came to me saying, “I don’t need your animal sacrifices,” he declares, “for all the animals belong to Me, including the cattle on a thousand hills. I don’t eat animal flesh, but if I did, would I tell you if I were hungry? Since I own these creatures, wouldn’t I just take them if I wanted them?” (50:9-13). The sacrifice which He really requires is thanksgiving and obedience (50:14-15; cf. 50:23). But He would prosecute (50:21) the wicked who broke His covenant (50:16-20).

Thinking that black was a responsibility or accident or misfortune. Having that mindset black was unattractive or unsatisfactory feature, especially in this society. Never really understanding that Black is beautiful. 

This woman who was born white She humiliates offensively she isolated herself from her mother.  she humiliated and embarrassed her mother leaving her to feel hurt on every level. She never understood what love was until it was to late. Breaking her mothers heart ❤️  because she never understood that level of love exist until it was to late. 

When her mother called she would not answer the phone when she was invited to family function she ignored her mother on  every level. To the point that cuase the death of a mother to die from a broken heart never to understand that love is not the color of the skin.

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

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