Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Friday, December 27, 2019

Isaiah 9:6

Isaiah 9:6Isaiah 9:6 “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”

The Christ of the bible is  Jesus whom is God put on flesh Birth himself In a virgin and dwelt among men to save the world from sin. . 

The Christ of the bible is God who lived and walked among men in the beginning was the  Word and the Word became flesh.

Paul expressed the wonder of the Christ who clothed Himself in human flesh:

God designated himself and the sovereignty of  His kingdom come  His will be done. That you and I might come Into the full knowledge having peace with men in unity of His Spirit. 

 Jesus carry our burdens the weight of the world On His shoulders. 

He is a Wonderful Counselor, He consoles and comforts us.

He is a Mighty God:  not only does he have God’s powers. He is the God of power!

The Christ of the bible is the Eternal Father, One God with three distinct persons. The  Son of God, being conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit 

He is our Father of all eternity. Who will one day usher us into Eternal rest .

The Christ of the bible is the Spirit of God directing us in truth. The Christ of the bible tells us how we ought  to live, he is called "Emmanuel God with us Who intercedes on our behalf.

The Christ of the bible He is Jehovah shalom  the one who brought  peace between God and men, 

Isaiah 55:6 Seek me while I can be ye upon him while he is near:sent by God the anointed one to pardon sin. 

Jesus is the Father of Eternity as he is the one who opens the doorway to Eternal life, Eternal blessings No one gets eternal life except by him. He is the Father, the source,creator of Eternal life.

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is working all things in us for our good.

In closing
The Christ of the bible is praise worthy 
With that being said 
We must enter into 2020 with praise He is the wonderful Counselor 
we Must enter into 2020 with a shout He is . Mighty God

He is  the Eternal Father

The prince of peace 

As we enter into 
2020  Financial freedom  coming

2020 Major blessings are store up for you 

2020 Paid Mortgages  are coming

2020 New ideals new inventions 

2020 Non-stop Blessings healing for the soul  

2020 Gods about to pour you out blessings your have no room to receive.

The Christ of the bible He is the wonderful Counselor 

The Christ of the bible He is  the Mighty God

The Christ of the bible He is the Eternal Father

The Christ of the bible He is the prince of peace

All you have to do is praise, He is wirthoof al praise all the honour and all the glory.

Tell Him you Love Him with praise with all you mind Soul snd strength

 All you need to do is sit back relax and enjoy the ride.

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