Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Thursday, November 14, 2019

We claim to be Christian

of organic matter) rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi Also called disintegration, radioactive decayPhysics. a radioactive process in which a nucleus undergoes spontaneous transformation into one or more different nuclei and simultaneously emits radiation loses electrons or undergoes fission.

Organic matter (or organic material) is matterthat has come from a recently living organism. or is composed of organic compounds. There is not one definition of organic matter only. ... The organic matter in soil comes from plant

It is 

  • harmful
  • hurtful. causing or likely to cause damage or harm ill, not in full health; sick a problem or misfortune imperfect people not perfect; faulty or incomplete denoting a past action in progress but not completed at the time in question.
  •  causing or likely to cause damage or harm.
    high temperature is injurious to mangoes" inflicting or tending to inflict injuryDETRIMENTALof a person, animal, or their behavior) causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.

  • ,
  • injurious
  • mischievous
  • nocuous
  • noxious
  • pernicious
  • prejudicial
  • wicked 
  • wrong step damaging, dangerous adverse the right foot injurious to the left yet the tight foot mischievous while the left is nocuous, noxious, pernicious, prejudicial, wicked PERNICIOUS implies irreparable harm done through evil or insidious corrupting or undermining in this wicked Perversive nation that is weak-minded and the things of God yet they call yourself Christians. That the kingdom sees the weakness but Neath your feetHozier, not the same concerns and do not walk in the harmony of our fathers and innocent, innocuous, inoffensive accessories.

    Who walks in as Carol Calverley assassins of Calvary Who tried to dethrone the king of kings and Lord of lords only to do me in a pit of hell.


    claim to be Christians reset their minds and perception of pornography. 

    Claim to be Christians yet walking fornication and adultery with mine to try to get their brothers or sisters men and women today minus the title of a Christian yes for sure each and every time Christian‘s name these are charges that leads to the pit of hell if you did Nite me I shall deny you in front of my father and is it not true that we deny one another when we fornicate commit adultery and play in the streets of panache graffiti. We use Gratifi great to see on the walls of the heart and snared by the evilness from this world yet we claim to be Christians. the claim that pornography has a pernicious effect on society  BANEFUL implies injury through poisoning or destroying.  the baneful notion that discipline destroys creativity  NOXIOUS applies to what is both offensive and injurious to the health of a body or mind. noxious chemical fumes DELETERIOUS applies to what has an often unsuspected harmful effect.  a diet found to have deleterious effects  DETRIMENTAL implies obvious harmfulness to something specified.  the detrimental effects of excessive drinking 

    Examples of detrimental in a Sentence


    In context, the word "corruption" summarized the opinion (set forth in some of the books mentioned in the review) that, as a general matter, the growing financial dependence of the medical profession on the pharmaceutical industry is profoundly detrimental to sound public, medical, and scientific policy.

    — New York Review of Books, 12 Feb. 2009

    Healthy people can harbor Klebsiella to no detrimental effect; those with debilitating conditions, like liver disease or severe diabetes, or those recovering from major surgery, are most likely to fall ill.

    — Jerome Groopman, New Yorker, 11 & 18 Aug. 2008

    See More

    Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective

    That led to another fine for conduct detrimental that ESPN reported was for more than $215,000.

    — Matt Kawahara,, "Raiders’ officials remain mum on Antonio Brown’s release," 9 Sep. 2019

    However, Brown was fined $215,000 for conduct detrimental to the team for the confrontation with Mayock, and that voided the $29.125 million of guaranteed money in his pact.

    — Jim Mcbride,, "Patriots sign Antonio Brown," 7 Sep. 2019

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