ALL Shall is primarily in the present, and in our mother tongue was followed by a verb in the infinitive, like other verbs. "Ic steal from the been he filled " I have need to be baptized of thee. "Ic nu seal.." I must now sing mournful songs.

We still use shall and should before another verb in the infinitive, without the sign to; but significance of shall is considerably deflected from its primitive sense. 

It is now treated as a mere auxiliary to other verbs, serving Him In the present tense, shall, be the infinitive, forms the future tense; but its force and effect are different with different persons or personal pronouns.

 Thus in the first person, shall simply foretells or declares what will take place; as, I or we shall ride to town on Monday. This declaration simply informs another of a fact that is to take place. 

The sense of shall here is changed from an expression of need or duty, to that of previous statement or information, grounded on intention or resolution. 

When uttered with emphasis, "I shall go," it expresses firm determination, but not a promise.

In the second and third persons, shall implies a promise, command or determination. 

You shall receive your wages," "he shall receive his wages," imply that you or he ought to receive them; but usage gives these phrases the force of a promise in the person uttering them.

We shall uttered with emphasis in such phrases, and expressions as He is Holy this expresses our determination in the speaker, and implies as He has all authority to enforce the act.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.