Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Grace and Peace from God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

The Word of the Lord came to me saying, you are sealed in My promise. 

I AM the God who is able to keep you from falling. For there are no failures in Me. 

If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.’” Luke 9:23.

Many are In pursuit of Me but

 I AM not found in them they are hollow inside. They confess ME with there mouth and I AM not in them. Their desire for flesh shall it not overtake them. Which shall be there fake. Surely if they choose me I shall meet them wherever state they're in. Seek and shall I not found you. 

Don’t allow your desires to soak in the flesh to be so strong that surely take us to the gates of hell.

It hurts God when we go against His Word. He took the pain and the shame as they drove Nail’s in His hand and pierce His side. 

Are we not the ones who put that crown of thorns on His head. When we disobey Him. Do our own thing. Divide and cause division which He has no part in. 

Are we not the ones who over and over again put Christ in an open grave over and over again. 

When we fight each other. 

What will you say when we sit in the judgment seat in His presence. What you do in this life now is what will carry you to heaven or hell. 

How are you treating your neighbor? What is in your heart. 

We keep our temple renovating it. When you renovate a building it needs to be repaid. Every time we turn around we do the same old thing. 

If you denied My Servant in public did you not denied Me also. Did you visit me in prison? Did you visit me when I was sick? 

Are you naturally drawn to your own conclusion? You must learn to deny and not to feed the flesh. Some of us have spoiled the flesh by given it what it graves. Those things that keep us in bondage making it harder to reach the promises of God. 

Our self-control is not under control. You can’t control your angry that turns into rage. You are short-fused, you either have little or no fruit you weakness grows to fury. 

We must control our thoughts by not feeding or negotiation with negative propel. We must put our foot down and disallowed some things to invade our space, and territory by throwing them out the building. 

Somethings we must disassociate things that come in our lives. 1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a trailer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat. The Bible tells us not to even up with such a person.

The body can only take but so much. God has given you power over your weakness. Yet you naturally tend to peek into doors that are shut. If God closes the door He closes it for a reason.  It was only to teach you not to enslave you. 

You actually think in the negative by staying in that environment keeps you incarcerated in your mind. Killing the fruit that was once sweet now rotten to the core. 

If you trust in ME pick up your cross and follow ME. 

God did not make crops to fail He made crops to prevail, He will never leave nor forsake you. His love is greater than failures. Stronger than your mistakes. 

Your new address is stamped in His blood when you said I do to Jesus Christ  He said I do to you. For God is Marriage to the church.

Holy Spirit takes up residence in our life. Life in Jesus Christ is different because the Spirit of God is now within. 

Gods have empowered and He has equipped us with the the the power to do all things in Christ Jesus. From His and indwelling  Spirit. 

Our functioning must be under the anointing of God. We walk by faith, not by sight. We have the tools to fight the flesh, 

The gift God had given us is His Spirit. And we are fortunate to have such s gift. Yet because of ignorance, we stumble over and over again. Because of Christ who has given us the victory we already win the battle.

Dr. Prophet Theresa Maxwell

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