Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Saturday, February 23, 2019

 The Christian life is full of hope for guidance to a better life. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness I shall trust the sweetest frame only lean on Jesus name for Christ the solid rock I stand all other grounds are sinking sand. 

.Our hope is for Jesus Christ.  We are transformed from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His lightness. In Him we live in Him we move in Him we have our being I mines as well not live at all unless we live in Him.   

Life is so precious to God we should never take for granted. We are conquerers and overcommers. If only we knew how valuable  we are to God. He is full of love and compassion for us. We are waiting to spend a life full of  blissfulmess with the Father.. Where there are no sickness old age decade bodies just life. Filled with the anointing surrounding us with His presence . 

 We are  sealed in His promise by the stamp of blood. From His Son Hesus Christ.  We are stamp  and seal which gives us a safe passage to heaven. Therefore we should not fear death or anything man may  try di to us. 

 Jesus Christ blood gives us promises from the Father whose Word never returns back bold. It shall accomplish what He sent it to do. His Word is alive and lives in us. His Word which is Spirit. His Word is the Holy Spirit that teaches and directs us in all truth. 

Because God is one with His Word. His Word is who speaks teach and directs us in all truth. It is Hus Word who goes before God and investigate the body before entering in as He prepares the body for God. 

Because God is Spirit He sends His Word to live in us. And since Gods Word is Holy we become Becayse if the Woed of His indwelling  Spirit.When God gives us His Holy Spirit, it is Hus stamps of approval.  us “This person belongs to Me and is an authentic citizen of My divine kingdom and member of My divine family.”

His Word is also Holy. God himself cannot dwell in man because God is Holy He sends Hus Word to dwell. In other Words, He sent His Word to clean us up then He enters into the body. Because we are sinners born and shape in inequity. the blood that ran down to the gutter must to the uttermost of man. The moment we accept Christ at that moment the Hoky spirit comes in and starts cleaning out the building. 

If you have been a follower of Christ very long, you have had periods where it seems God is nowhere to be found. We often call them periods of spiritual dryness. Sometimes I refer to it as being in a spiritual funk.
When everything is stagnant in our lives, we will most likely not see any motion. Occasionally, we need to change our routine, change our 'normal' so that we get different results.
 When you're not sure what God is doing in your life, listen to what he's doing in other people's lives. when this happens we have left our first lives. 
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.if you want different results you have to step in the water and stop eating for someone to put you there. 
What should we do during the times of silence, before the miracles of God come through for us? you have left your first love get back what you been missing. It’s that simple. 
If you are like me, you can figure out how to celebrate a miracle. You don’t need much help doing that. The tough part of life is figuring out what to do during the years of silence… during the years when miracles are seemingly nowhere to be found.
What do we do during the spiritually dry periods of life when we don’t hear clearly the voice of God?
Don’t ignore the silence  Some of the biggest moves God has made in my life have come after a period of spiritual dryness… when it seemed like God was doing nothing in my life. Stay very close to God and watch for Him to eventually display His power. He will in the fullness of time.

Gods guaranteeing His promises to those who have received Jesus Christ, God has sealed [them] in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise. Every believer is given the very Holy Spirit of God the moment he trusts in Christ. 

You are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you,” Paul declares (Rom. 8:9a). Conversely, he goes on to say, “If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him” (v. 9b). Incredibly, the body of every true Christian is actually “a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in [him]”1 Cor. 6:19)

The Holy Spirit is our Helper and Advocate. He protects and encourages us. He also guarantees our inheritance in Jesus Christ. “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:16–17). The Spirit of God is our securing force, our guarantee.

That no other name under heaven can redeem you. You are brought with a price.  And through Hus  Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance (Ephesians 1:13–14)  

When a person becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in his life. Life in Jesus Christ is different because the Spirit of God is now within. He is there to empower us, equip us for ministry, and function through the gifts He has given us. 

God has set free but you continue to go back like a dog to eat your vomit keeping you within a slave mentality. Holy Spirit secures each believer, marking him with His own inviolable seal. 

The sealing of which Paul speaks here refers to an official mark of identification that was placed on a letter, contract, or another important document. The seal usually was made from hot wax, which was placed on the document and then impressed with a signet ring. The document was thereby officially identified with and under the authority of the person to whom the signet belonged. Because we were seal in Hus promise God can identify you.

That is the idea behind our being sealed in Him  with the Holy Spirit of promise. The seal of God’s Spirit in the believer signifies four primary things: security, authenticity, ownership, and authority.

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