Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Friday, March 23, 2018

Nobody to blame but you

The Word of The Lord came to me saying if there’s a Goliath in front of you there’s a David inside of you. 

You are not a competitor you were born a winner. 

The Word  competitor 

relating to or characterized as ruthless, aggressive, fierce; and will kill steal and destroy someone’s character to seek there own.

There is no way you will master the rest of your life in  one day so sit back relax and enjoy the ride.

It’s these latter days and end times harvest that we compete in :a way that is senseless cruel and heartless and ungodly.  Psalm 75:6-7 King James Version (KJV)

6 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.

7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. While the end is drawing near people bare fighting for position. 

God has given us tools to fight the battles and it’s not competition. It comes eddy becomes His yoke is easy and His burdens are light. God made all things to work together for our good.

Your flesh won”t keep you where your character can’t, 

Can I be real and prophesy.

Some women have mad sex to get to the top with leaders. All you are getting out of the deal is sex you are mad about it. And nine times out of ten you want revenge. You thought  the leader was in error because he is a leader. Baby girl you were to. Yo knew just what you were doing g. You can’t back out after you aroused Him. 

You can not throw mud on dirt it comes out to be the same thing dirt. 

Now look at you you mad because you had mad sex.

All you have is broken promises and mad sex. Leaving you all broken up. Jesus is a heart fixer and a mind regulator.

You thought you could pull strings to get you a position in Gods house. 

For one you violated Gods house you disrespect Gods house and polluted Gods house. You must think before you react. 

While other’s struggle and the struggle is real.  The struggle takes us  down that  spiral road where doors are slammed in our face. 

While others drown in fear of being rejected over and over again. 

But God never met us to lose a battle. He met us to mature in our battles. He  never will leave nor forsake them. Even when we feel He’s not there. 

God is a Gentleman and always opens the door for us. 

God is a way maker and His desire is to take you out of your flesh snd walk with you in your spirit man. 

Directing you into His masters Plan.  And making you free by His Truth. 

Gods heart desire for you my Sisters for you to be faithful over the little  He will make you  faithful over much. For your latter is greater than your past..

God did not make us to be better than one another he restored us to be better than we once were. God loves us enough push one into their God fearing destiny.

My sister and Brother God did not bring us this’s far to compete with one another. But to save lives so they spend their destiny separated from God.

Examine our motives in whatever we do. Is your heart pure in the eyes of God. Do you have a repentant heart.

Know this for sure  I Am celebrating you as the father celebrated the prodigal son. 

I am hooraying for you to the moon and back, for you are a  God fearing destiny child. 

Ecclesiastics 9:11 

King James 2000 Bible

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all.

Dr. Christina Theresa Maxwell

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