Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Live you sister

The Word of The Lord came to me saying you are not a competitor you were born a winner. The Word  competitor 

relating to or characterized as ruthless, aggressive, fierce; and will kill steal and destroy someone’s character to get to the there own.

It’s these latter days and end times harvest that we compete in :a way that is senseless. While the end is drawing near people bare fighting for position. 

God has given us tools to fight the battles and it’s not competition. It’s not being the next candidate to get where your flesh don’t keep you, Can I be real and prophesy.

Some women have mad sex to get to the top. Done pull strings While other’s struggles down that  spiral road where doors are slammed in their face. 

While others drown in their fear of being rejected over and over again. 

But God never met them lose a battle. He never leave nor forsake them. . He is s Gentle man and always opens up a door for you. 

God is s way maker and His desire is to take you out of your flesh snd walking  with you in your spirit man. 

Directing you into His masters Plan. Gods heart desire for you my Sisters for you to be faithful over the little  He will make you  faithful over much. For your latter is greater than your past..

God did not make us to be better than one another he restored us to be better than we once were. God loves us enough push one into their God fearing destiny.

My sister and Brother God did not bring us this’s far to compete with one another. But to save lives so they eon’t spend their destiny separated from God.

Examine our motives in whatever we do. Is your heart pure in the eyes of God. Do you have a repentant heart.

No this for sure  I Am celebrating you as the father celebrated the prodigal son. 

I am hooraying for you to the moon and back, for you are a  God fearing destiny child. 

Ecclesiastics 9:11 

King James 2000 Bible

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all.

Dr. Christina Theresa Maxwell

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