Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Monday, February 15, 2016

King James Version (KJV) 29 Take my yoke up upon you, and learn of me;

  Genesis 1:10

Matthew 11:29 King James Version (KJV) 29 Take my yoke up upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. You can cook eggs "over medium" and "over hard," depending on how cooked you prefer the yolk! The yolk is still entirely liquid, and the whites on the surface are hard. This means that the egg is fried just on one side. The yolk is still entirely liquid, and the whites on the surface are barely set I've always assumed the name of this type of egg was over easy and refers to the way this egg looks like the morning sun. When an egg cooked "over easy" means that it gets fried on both sides, but the yolk stays runny. Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burdens are light. However inside the egg let's say it's the Spirit of God which directs us to all truth because it runny and it's usually it's the next person close to you. It runs on that's why we have to run on to see how our end will be. When something is easy it is achieved without significant effort; Which tell you and I we don’t have to do anything but allow the Spirit of the living God purge us clean us move us. God said I am the Potter you are the clay. Which means if we are directed by the Holy Spirit. All we need to do is be still. If we are still He presents us with few difficulties? Jesus is telling you and I if we take his yoke, which is swear in on and through us will be anointed by this over easy yoke. What you need to know is God breaks the yoke because once your anointing that breaks the yoke. You have to be anointed for the yoke to break. yall  not hearing. I said you had to be anointed for the yoke to break. If you want the lame to walk, the blind to see death ears open you have to be anointed to break their yoke. However, they have to cook hard on both sides. Which means you have to take out your sword to harden the yoke before you can break whatever it is holding them captive. God break the yoke making us into the image of Christ. There is an anointing from His yoke. To smear this yoke we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit, which is the Yoke. It we are spirit led the task laid out before we are easy and gets easier. Breaks the yoke.  There is no way you can stop it from running because once it's broken nothing can stop the power of God. From breaking shackles and chains. Demons start to flee; attitudes change. Because it is the yoke of Christ that is easy that breaks you; and I into what God has called us to be. Tell your neighbor start smearing it over you, the only thing inside the yoke of Jesus is the Holy Spirit. Therefore, you have to be cook first on both sides. To make one, you cook the raw egg just until the whites are set on the bottom, and then you quickly flip it over to cook the other side. "Over" refers to flipping the egg, there are gone to be times you have to flip the egg a certain way so that it can be solid on both sides. You don’t want to break the yoke to soon so there is a waiting period you have to wait on the one hand is done then the other without breaking the yoke. Because it is the anointing, that destroys the yoke. And you don’t want to break the yoke to soon when both sides are done then you can break it because you know how to flip that egg without breaking it put on the plate allow it to cool off then break that yoke with your anointing self. You have to learn how to manage his yoke. At this stage it is delicate. Certainly you have to flip it making sure both sides are done and break with your anointing self. You learn patience, you learn how handle the egg when you took it out of the container you find out how to put it in a pan with the yoke facing you and flipping it with your anointing self. The Lord, Almighty, Creator, Maker of the universe. Let there be. He is, the Godhead diffused or suspended in the air.  He is the source of all moral authority. God desire the man to be able to act and do as one desire. To live in the freedom and life choices, God who cried out the Words let there be freedom not under control or in the power of man.  For all of you who were baptized into Christ have to clothe yourselves with Christ. When one cloth their selves with something they put it on. Cover their selves with Christ. God desires, and strong feeling is express by the firm desire of hope. Build on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise. Jesus is not easily attainable when we think of it. You must have knowledge of God and have faith in God. You have to give up yourself. Each person Jesus healed He said go and sin no more. It is very hard not to sin. However because there are so many ways we sin the blood of Christ cleanses us from all unrighteous. We must be careful without faith it is impossible to please God. If you desire to please God, you will imitate Jesus. God, who looks at His Son and sees him and not you. We have to be imitators of Christ. People do not like to hear this. The word imitators are defined an individual who copies the behavior or actions of another. We have to get this thing before it is too late. We cannot be ignorant of the fact that this is who we ought to be as. He sent His Son into the world that we can be greater and also like gods. How can we heal the sick? And do miracles if we indeed have Christ living in you and directing us in truth we must face our fears. God has not given us a spirit of fear but love power and a sound mind. Obvious called freedom denying yourself of what you desire and doing what God want us to do. It’s a stretch and not easy task but if you take the yoke of Christ

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