The miracle is the
cornerstone of our Christian walk with God. You need to know that you are a
miracle for the miraculous to happen. You were predestined to walk in the
blessing of Abraham. You are an established witnesses before the foundation of the
world. The New Testament draws two Old Testament passages about the coming
Messiah. (Isa 28:16; Zach 10:4). In Isaiah 28:16 the prophet speaks God's words
directly to the rulers in Jerusalem who boasted that they were immune to the
scourges of life. Granted men secure in themselves. God said their security was
false because he would lay a stone in Zion, a precious cornerstone.
Nevertheless, this stone which was our ark of safety and it was not those
present rulers. Zechariah expands this promise by saying that the base will
come from the tribe of Judah (10:4). Which is a nation of praise and power?
Paul builds on this concept in Ephesians 2:20 by saying that Jesus Christ is
the chief cornerstone; the apostles and prophets are foundation stones, and the
whole building (the church) is a holy temple in the Lord. Peter's use of the idea is more
complicated. Generally speaking stringing three prophetic verses together.
Psalm 118:22; Isa 8:4; 28:16). The stone laid in Zion ( Isa 28:16 ) is precious to the believer,
but as the stone placed at the "head of the corner" is kephalin
that is, exalted ( Psalm 118:22 ), he is a rock of offense and stumbling
( Isa 8:4 ) to those who refuse to believe. The metaphor seems obvious:
the cornerstone is either a source of blessing or judgment, depending on a
person's attitude toward it. Some modern interpreters, beginning with J.
Jeremias in 1925, take a different tack, separating the two stones and making
the cornerstone one thing and the stone at the "head of the corner"
another, that is, a capstone or keystone. It is hard to visualize one stumbling
over a cornerstone, but metaphors can be stretched. The point is that the very foundation of the church is Jesus
Christ. As a result prophesied by the prophets of old and fulfilled through the
incarnation. Those who believe are blessed, and those who stumble over that
rock chosen by God. Bibliography. J. Jeremias, TDNT, 1:791-93; H. Kramer,
Exegetical Dictionary of the New. The witnesses of our gospel are not made with man's hands made by the Spirit of the living
God. It is not miracle doctors cannot figure out how the bones unite in the
womb of women. To reach the climax of miracles in the performing art of it. We
much faced every aspect of a clear perception of our mind-body and spirit.
Given all to God, who desires all from us. Since He is a miracle working God.
Indeed, God wants us to perform miracles on people in bondage. Those blind. Lame,
full of sickness. They faith will be stronger and strength developed in their
spirit. We all need to exercise our spirit man each day. The Spirit of God
builds our confidence in the Word of God. Depending on the Spirit of God to
lead us into miracles working only by the Spirit of the living God. In the name
of Jesus Christ. It's a miracle to wake up in the morning by one single
touch of God. It is a miracle when we see the stars in the atmosphere, and the
Sun radiates around us each day. A surprising and welcome event that is not
explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the
work of a divine agency. As we grow deeper in the relationship with the Holy
Spirit, He directs us to the evidence of the supernatural applying it to our
lives. However, this is one of the vital matters of our faith in God. Jesus
entire ministry was built upon the foundation of miracles. Jesus raise the dead cause blind
eyes to see the lame to walk. Jesus was the climax of the miraculous of
miracles. His Spirit given Him power as it is His spirit that impregnated Him
as one born of the Spirit of God who could only do as the DNA in him perform
what was innate for Him to perform. It is written, we are born again and have
the power to perform miracles. If we allow the Spirit to fill us and pour into
us the living water of God. However because we do not allow the Holy Spirit to
complete the task in us, we are just walking Christian without the
demonstration of the Holy Spirit. We claim we have the Holy Spirit in us, but
the truth of the matter is that the Holy Spirit has us but we in part don’t
have the Holy Spirit.
Monday, February 8, 2016
DNA to do greater works.
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