The Beatitudes
My Soul Thirsts For Jesus To be or not to be that is the question.
Your gratitude shows your attitude,
The beatitudes are like a flashback a recurrence of Gods blessed assurance of Gods promises to blesss us with every Spiritual gift., when we have these types of attitudes when we hunger and thirst after him. This phenomenon in which an individual has a sudden, usually powerful, experience that devolopes when one hunger and thirst for God. If when we hunger and thirst after righteousness we can see the value of your promises let we may occupy the blessing in the assurance that we will raise the dead and cause death ears to hear and the blind to see. And seeing the multitudes He went up unto a mountain and when he was at what time set his disciples came unto him, And he open his mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.The beatitudes shows how a disciple or follower of Jesus Christ we should be adherent as one who lead and as a teacher should reacted and Open our mouth and allow the spirit of the Lord will fill it!" Their should be an act of obedience on our part. On God's part, implies commitment, dependency, faith, trust, on God. Because Your gratitude shows your attitude
My controlling Thought
There are Four point like to elaborate on:
Spiritual Commitment
coffin state
Triggers: something that causes someone to feel upset and frightened because they are made to remember something bad that has happened in the past: A trigger is something that sets off a flashback, usually there are craving that is more powerful and when something is casually trigger this will take us right back what we came out of and stop us from walking in the beatitude that we so often forefeit. We all have triggers in life, and these triggers will make you or brake you. God is the potter and we are but clay,. and because of these triggers we can remember somethings that has devastated us in our past life that may sprout out against us. This is why old things are past away and all things are new in Christ Jesus. Some of the things we go through in life we have no new growth in because we continue repeat and not repent from those things that keeps new growth and the undignified state in our minds and has tried to destroy us but could not because of who we are and whose we are and who we belong to. However what I come to find out that we all have triggers that will cause us to take us back to bring we came from, that broken relationship, that attitude that he once brought us out of, drugs, lying, dysfunctional soul ties, that will trigger us right back from where we came out of the very thing that we are trying to defeat. However this mindset will not allow us to heal the sick, cause blind eyes to see and the lame to walk and the dead to arise from the coffin state. that some may have even though we lost our mind because of the devastation of our soul that which response has been loving God with all our heart mind and strength when he has cause and react in a way that some may say is a down right indigify because at time it will make you dance like David dirty shame. But God who is so full of compassion has given us these beatitudes to strengthen us to know that in the miss of all this gone on around us if we can hold on to one of these altitudes Gratitude shows our attitude,
Attitude Right attitude is of the utmost importance to one called by God. If our attitude is poor, we will have a difficult time learning and may reject God's Kingdom. If, on the other hand, our attitude is good, we will be thankful to God for all He does for us, and we will cheerfully work to take on His mind and nature. A consistently negative attitude can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, sabotaging opportunities before they even present themselves. Conversely, negativity breeds despair. A consistently negative attitude can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, sabotaging opportunities before they even present themselves. It's easy to spot the pessimist in a room - they're the ones who see the rain in every rainbow.
Cravings a powerful desire for something. cravings serve as an opportunity for you to better understand the messages from your body. sabotage delivery system feelings of insecurity, frustration, or failure The more you retract something from yourself, the more you're attracted to it. Rather than attempt to extinguish and fight The good fight of faith, . This is the beautiful thing about neutralizing foods—the strength of those mental cravings begin to diminish and you discover your true food cravings rather than cravings that stem from deprivation. Rather than attempt to extinguish and fight those food cravings, listen in on what they are trying to communicate.
Spiritual commitment
Spiritual Commitment: “I will honor Christ, whatever the pain and whatever the cost. I will obey God's word, even when that is the hardest thing to do this reflects a personal depth of faith and is manifested in both the beattitudes and behaviors Commitment is an action on our part in response to God. There is no point talking about commitment unless we have at least the intention to commit. Our purpose, then, is to call forth a specific active response to God faithfulness and provision. Faithfulness means steadfast loyalty that isn't easily swayed. Our faithfulness to God means trusting in Him and loving Him through all circumstances. It means following His commandments even when we'd rather choose a different path. Think of a nest of hungry baby birds. They continue opening their mouth until the mother fill the mouth with the food and nourishment that is needed to sustain them. Am I a living member?” confirms our commitment. It means that we now and always will love God and our neighbors as ourselves. It means our actions will reflect who we are and what we believe. It means that we are every day Christians, walking as Christ would have us walk. No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24). Jesus implies here that this is our inherent nature.
Gratitude is when you feel thankful for the good things in your life. God continues to provide for us in every situation, even when we can't see the good. We should approach each trial and success with a grateful heart. This could be stuff people often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, and family. Gratitude is taking a moment to reflect on how lucky you are when something good happens, whether it's small or big recognizing that we have not done everything for ourselves, but that we depend on others (especially God), and need to appreciate them for what they do for us. Always be rejoicing. Give thanks for everything." 1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18. Gratitude refers to the ability to show thanks for the things you have and the things you're grateful for. It helps you get closer to God by recognizing all the blessings in your life and makes it easier to focus on the positive because your gratitude shows your attitude.
Coffin state. Such visions may symbolize an ending or transformation, indicating a period of personal change or the conclusion of a particular chapter. It doesn’t necessarily denote actual passing but rather could suggest the burial of past behaviors, relationships, or ideologies that no longer serve your growth and progress. Often considered as a “rebirth,” such a vision may be urging you to shed old identities and beliefs to make way for new growth. On a spiritual level, brown is associated with grounding and may suggest the dreamer is grappling with existential questions or seeking a solid foundation upon which to build or rebuild aspects of their life your gratitude shows your attitude.
The kingdom of God is at hand mortal men can only perceive one portion of this at a time because of the mantle compacity that can only recieve partial because of their faith and the measure of there faith have not grown in him to cause the dead to come out of their coffin experence. Tiime has comes to us in a linear fashion, and we forefeit our blessings sequentially, but God does not have this limitation for us he only desires us to grow up in our faith however one day to God is as a thousand years and a thousand years is but a day. However a thousand years God perceives time in total, which is one of the attributes that allows. God knows all things therefore while we are waiting on God, He is waiting on us your gratitude shows your attitude.
We have to abide in Him
There is a spiritual Pattern are the way to “life full abundance, in this patteer they are postures that we have to exemplify in in our mind and body to abide in the vine Jesus is the vine we are the branches, and the branches that do not bare fruit I will cut off that branch niether will I give access the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Behavior God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. One who exemplifiy to show or illustrate by example. to furnish or serve as an example this pattern is one who no only obeys Jesus but also obeys his law . for not the hearers of the law are implified furnish or serve as an example as just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified. Your gratitude show your atitude.
We have to abide in Him. Thats when you can hear God and its in Him God is able to pour into us what is needed to carry out His will. it is only then our Father fills and pours into us all spiritual blessings. Spiritual blessings are beings able to heal the sick the lame and those that are raised from the dead your gratitude shows your atitude.
2. Learn to be Still and Quiet
Learn to be still in the Lord and see his salvation given him room to heal and set free, we must learn to wait on the Lord and be faithful in our waiting, What I come to find out that we open our mouths and all kinds of things comes out because their is direction of the Holy Ghost. Therefore no demonstration your gratitude shows your atitude.
We have to abide in Him. allowing His Word to fill our minds, direct our wills, and transform our affections. In a nutshell, abiding in Christ means allowing His Word to have and asked complete control over and in our lives. We must learn to be still and quite and listen if your into the Holy Spirit your be able to hear and fill the Spirit realm. When you have a hunger and thirst for God you have a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Your willing to do what it takes to get to God your gratitude shows your atitude.
3. We thirst and hunger after God.
Desirous of and for the things of God –are blessed because they are pursuing the right thing When one hunger and thirst for God is one of most powerful natural appetite, is a craving for water or other drink thirst is a strong spiritual desire. a powerful desire for something. physical, emotional, or mental triggers. Cravings aren't a problem. Through yielding to the craving, we feed upon that promise anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. The problem was that they were not thankful for the food that God had provided for them. Their desire to chase after cravings would have taken them back to a place where the Lord did not want them to go. The Lord said that the people’s cravings led them to start questioning whether it was good for them to come out of slavery! They told themselves, “It was well with us in Egypt.” Your Gratitude shows your atitude.
How many Christians have been buried in graves of craving? They have spent their lives chasing after cravings. But those cravings led them to places where God did not want them to go: to diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, and other diseases. For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. God permits even orchestrates—this desire in us that we can break free and have a hunger and thirst for righteousness., once we suffer this thirst in our lives it will break and show the love we have for Jesus Christ down our trust in ourselves and promote independence in him
God sent Jesus Christ that we maybe used by him to identify a person that He is by the Spirit of God that resides in Him. or thing observed boh that he could be restored to health the distress associated with lack of food The restless soul is at rest; the hungry heart is satisfied. As human beings, we hunger for many things besides food and material possessions. goes beyond the Bible often uses the metaphor of hunger and thirst to, hunger and thirst represent a longing for God and a desire to be in the right relationship with Him. Your attitude shows your gratitude.
Therefore, if The hunger of the human situation is ended when we know Christ, and through Christ, come to know God. We have a hunger to be recognized and honored and to love and be loved. But only God can satisfy our various forms of spiritual hunger, God,have made us for himself not to hunger after the food in the natural but the spiritual food that helps us grow up in our salvation. Our hearts are united and there is nothing else that can quench our thirst. our hearts are restless there is nothing else that can can quenched our weary souls. Until they rest in you"a feeling of needing or wanting to drink something." they quenched their thirst with spring water"Your attitude shows your gratitude.
God is one of the most powerful natural appetites, in the natural that is more that a craving for food and water. The soul thirsts for God's never-ending life to which he is destined. worship his Creator To inquire after is to seek by asking; to ask concerning. Such are man's natural rights, granted to him by nature herself, sacred, as is their origin, and inviolable be left in the free strive to fulfill the designs of his Creator, he must exercise. and; he was made for that end, which he can only attain perfectly in the future, immortal, Jesus meets the soul's thirst with water of life natural significance, thirst is figuratively used of strong spiritual desire. The human desire to be helped, to be consoled, to be encouraged by people so that he might freely work for the accomplishment of his destiny. He is duty bound to his faculties and conduct his life according to the intentions of his Lord and Master. Because he is under these obligations he is consequently invested with rights. to be received with gratitude. hunger. To follow after, in scripture, is to pursue, or imitate; to serve, or worship God. They shall hunger no more; neither thirst anymore because your attitude shows grantitude.
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