Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Friday, July 14, 2023

Policy Jolder

The call to fetch

The call to fetch was what Elijah implied for her to convey to get, but out of all the things he requested of her, it was Water. It is this Water that not only delivers and sets you free, but if she had not fetched the water, she might have missed out on the healing; it was the obedience in the water that sustained her and her son. What she did not no know was she was being observed. God will put us in a place of observation—a place to be tested.

It was her being obedient; therefore, once you are in a place of observation, God can pour new wine into old wineskins. In your vessel, Only then can God use you to promote us or count us worthy to heal the sick open a blind eye the dead shall wake, and the lame shall walk.

GOD was preparing this widow as a pour-out offering, a vessel to be used by GOD. Water signifies the Holy Spirit; as long as Elijah was there with her, there was no need for Water for the sp; if it is of the living, God sustains. Water signifies life, and he called to her and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. It only takes a little water in your boat to heal your son or daughter. All it takes is a morsel to cause the dead to awake. All it takes is a little olive branch of kindness to get your blessings. 

As she was going to fetch, he stopped her because of her faith in the following text level; even as Moses was closing the knife down on his son by obedience, he was also arrested for going into the next level of his ministry. 

This woman was not only obedient, but I lauded her and her son's life died to die. But during death, the Water offered by her obedience saved her and her son's life. Every time God unfolds, they nlrdded you, and it keeps coming depending on your obedience. She was to bring a morsel in her hand for Elijah to eat.

The widow didn't hold anything back from serving him. She gave him the Water first. She gave the bread to him first. She answered the call of God even in her distress. Can we do any less?

 It was this Water that not only delivers and sets you free, but it is also Water that will sustain you. It was her being obedient. 

God purpose  is to put us on His  policy so we may dwell with Him in paradise and having the will line up with His purpose  in building of His Kingdom while we are dwelling angels habitstinh here on earth there shall not be any casualties. If your a Policyholder's you have rights to anything in the beholders policy. You see the policy is the Bible which is sign seal and deliver by the power  of the living God. 

The policyholder is also the person that is responsible for making sure premium payments are up-to-date.

Since were reluctant to  not make the on premium payments we were unable making it impossible to bear fruit. 
A policyholder is the person who owns the insurance policy. And since the earth is the Lords in its fullness and everything in it He is the beholder of the policy. 

God  the policy holder what you need to know is that your therefore be assure that when He sent His Don Jesus Into this world who sustain the policy which insured on the policy given you and I benefit’s in the policy God promises to give you rest. ...
God promises to take care of all your needs. ...
God promises to answer your prayers. ...
God promises to work everything out for your good. ...
God promises to be with you. ...
God promises to protect you. ...
God promises freedom from sin.

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