The word of the Lord came to me saying. He has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches,.The Bible is inspired by God; anything inspired by God is love Because God Is Love. If you know Him, there is no way you can't love him; there is no way you cannot fall into a relational love with Him if your spending time with God... Each and every word from the bible is inspired by God. We are encouraged as our faith in God changes our mind as it is reknew in Christ Jesus, as each and every word from Genesis to Revelation.
Therefore, the Scriptures are authoritative when it comes to establishing doctrine and sufficient for teaching a man how to be in a right relationship with God.
"The softest couch is sitting in the arms of Jesus Christ. He cushions you in the pillars of His loving arms. And you will fall in love with Him. There is no way that you will not be compiled to fall in love with HIM knowing Jesus Christ.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is God's breath that brings life. He breathing on dust, and man became a living being. That's powerful all by itself. He spoke the words, and the sub and the moon came into existancw., it the trees who life span is cultured will praise him and the thunders roar and the mountains tribbles, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
" God inspired All Scripture and that it is profitable for us.
The Bible inspired by God and to have the supernatural ability to change us and make us "complete."The Bible displays the reality that shows the fact that there is one true and living God. The bible is the undeniable, authoritative, Word of God. Who has and shares a great cloud of witnesses whose humanity and light of illumination that has not only to change lives but healed deliver and set free.
And n the spiritual sense give a unique burning love for God whose desire is to switch to get close in knowing him. Whatever it takes to please Him tends to be in the real believers' heart to change their ways because of this love endeavoring to be as Jesus Christ and be called Son or daughter of the highest God. There is no force because love for God takes away any power to be fed the word,. You don't have to force-feed a Christian the Christian yarns for God's word and yearns for sweet communion with God.
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