God is pouring as Fresh anointing in His sanctuary as the pouring of hot gravel to fix a roof.
By replacing your worn out sanitary , you’ll be giving the body better protection from the spiritual elements that has cause Gods people to shift their minds by improving the santula which evolved as a way to sort people into groups. God is separating His church the wheat from the tares. The strong from the weak.
The pure from the pureless. Taint from the tailless for I the Lord your God shall return for a spotless church and those who are not amongst that number shall remain. Without My Spirit.
You Must be replace with the word of God. You must look like The Word of God Jesus is the Word therefore we must be imitators of Jesus Christ.
Stimulus (psychology): an input to a person's senses which causes a reaction or response in this sense to Gods word.
Thank you God for your choosing us for Rhine sight, insight is a sight or view of the interior of anything; a deep inspection or view; introspection of self; frequently used while foresight is the ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future.
We must walk in the power to accomplish these things by the the that we cannot and speaking those things as if they were.
What is needed to be accomplished is that we as the people of God Tap into the power of God.
Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell
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