The Word of the Lord came to me saying, God is pouring us out a fresh anointing in His sanctuary as the pouring of hot marvel to fix a roof.
By replacing your worn out sanitary, you’ll be giving the body better protection from the spiritual elements that have cause Gods, people, to shift their minds by improving the santula, which evolved as a way to sort God's people into groups.
God is separating His church the wheat from the tares. The strong from the weak.
The pure from the poreless. Taint from the taintless for I the Lord your God shall return for a spotless church, and those who are not amongst that number shall remain. Without My Spirit.
You Must be replaced with the word of God. You must look like The Word of God Jesus is the Word, who became flesh; therefore, we must be imitators of Jesus Christ.
Stimulus (psychology): an input to a person's senses, which causes a reaction or response in this sense to God's word.Which means there must be a response or response to God's Word.
There must be change because God is powerful to cause change. If there is no change, there is no word in you.
After all, when you read it, there was no stabilator to generate God's word to stick and direct you in truth; therefore, the Spirit of God that was supposed to be in you could not remain in you because your hand does not change of heart.
Thank you, God, for your choosing us given us foresight and the insight, which is a sight or view of the interior walk inside your sanctuary.
It isn’t deep in all your getting get understanding. God's word is anything but deep when you have the inspection or observation of Hus Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside of you.
Once we allow ourselves to be an introspection of self, we are frequently used.
At the same time, foresight and foresight, the ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future,
God has blessed us within the heavenly Host where there will be no death nor sickness, no want nor desire but security success peace no hungry or Stitch of death.
Nor fright nor fear just surrounded by the love if Gid through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We must walk in power to accomplish these things by speaking those things according to His authority as if they were.
What is needed to be accomplished is that we, as the people of God, must Tap into the power of God.
And the knowledge of who Jesus Christ is. We must learn to have an act for God in the positioning of His Word by speaking those things attaining and according to His word to accomplish what is written in His name and make his word happen and work in us in this day and time for such a time as this. (WORD)
Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell
The Word of the Lord came to me saying, How is that My people will not acknowledge it it that those whom I sent, You who I appointed yet you degrade those I sent to help my people and throw them out.
Are you so tainted with poison you believe your the only one? Are you so engage in pride you refuse to pull those people up that was put down so long?
Have you become so great in yourself? Yet so distant from Me.?
God chose you, why will you offend to believe I the Lord of Hist have sent others. You have allowed yourself to become puffed up.
She might not live in a big house with a pool or have a deck reaching the heavens.
But what She beholds and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. But what I have is a personal relationship with God.she is the REAL THING not don’t to print up a back ground picture of a pool.yet you believe them instead of who God sent.
Are you so full of guil and dung? That you won’t allow yourselves to see true and real virtues and diversity in those who God sent therfore repent.
God has anointed me to preach the gospel in season and out of season. He has anointed me to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God has taught me to be the bible and believe how to slice and dice The Word of God how to make people’s lives full of Him and not full of the devil.
God has taught me how to search the scriptures and taught me how to get understanding in His scriptures to the point they come alive in my belly.
God has given me discernment in his word.
God has taught me how to eat the word and digest it well. God showed me to acknowledge Him in all my ways, and He will direct my heart.
All this knowledge He has given me you mean to tell me someone else comes along with a swimming pool in their background bigger house and speaking the same thing I spoke you try to Assassinate now my character dissimilate the word that I am speaking from God’s throne and degrade me as a woman of God.
The good news is that I know who is using you to discourage me, but nothing shall separate me from the life of God.
I must concede the idea, and impression, knowing that God has chosen me and nothing you can do to implement that I am nothing this is a
Yet the real virtues and diversity come from God and not man someone else who comes along with those same truths but can’t accept me.
What else is knew it’s not the first time and won’t be the last. So keep on throwing your sticks. All I ask is that you do not throw it on my page. No harm, no foul.
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
Dr. Prophetess Christina Theresa Maxwell
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