Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Are You Willing To Love Me

Are You Willing To Love Me

The Word of the Lord came to me saying, Psalm
 Why have You rejected us forever, O God? Why does Your anger burn against the sheep of Your pasture? A petition is a wall of defense; it is a means of security and protection for us. God put the appeal there to protect His people., God did not put it there to protect His people from him, for He has made us not we ourselves. You were shown these things so that you would know that the LORD is God; there is no other besides Him. When all the people saw this, they fell facedown and said, "The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!"

With one breath, God can destroy us with one breath. Knowing that it was His breath that brought a man to life. He breathes in the nostrils of men, and man became a living being. It was placed there by the carpenter and torn down by The Master Carpenter, God, to take the barriers and limitations off His people. We are sinful people God desire to keep us from coming into what was consider Holy.

It was God's way of telling us because of Adams sin there it could not be pardon by man only by His Son Jesus Christ. God dividing His people Jew-Gentile Men and women were segregated. Or being divided into parts designed to support only the materials of the wall itself, it was that same petition that held us up. Therefore, it was this petition that kept the world on its oasis. It was this petition that Kept God from destroying the world. It was this petition that prevented us from having a personal relationship with God.

We have considered unholy. It was the blood that broke down this wall of appeal. The moment Jesus closed His eye and was now all Spirit, that petition fell and gave us the freedom to have an understanding of His death and open up the vineyard to eternal life open the gates of hell for those put there under false pretense. It was that very wall that kept us in bondage, enslave us to sin. Oh, the blood that broke down now unto to Him who saves us from falling... Now we can walk in the holiness of God or walk as a dead man in sin.

We are forgiven for our sins. We understand all your getting get understanding. It was that wall that kept us from the knowledge of God. It was that wall that made us victim, not victors. So, I ask you know why we should put up a wall that Jesus Christ has torn down. Why would you want to go back to the slavery mentality? Jesus suffered a horrible death for you and me. Jesus loved us so much that He willingly died in utter shame and pain for our sins. The Bible teaches us that He who was without sin was literally "made sin" for us. God, in human form, allowed himself to be made in to save us. Examine your heart. Jesus gave Himself willingly for you and me. On the Cross, he bore all the world's sins because of His love. The only way to complete His story of love is to love Him in return.

Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell

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