The Word of the Lord came to me saying, The Lord God is a very present help in a time of trouble. I Will come in time of your storm and during your thunder.My God in Him I put my trust. We are in a period of winnowing, the period's standard process for God as
He separating the wheat from the chaff.His people from the world. The process of harvesting.
The people in Gods eyes He separates the wheat from chaff. He used a threshing floor which is His earth. The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof.
Gods separate the world from His people.
The Unconnected you Him God calls us to be separated.
WINNOWING,Separating from the chaff by wind; examining. and then tossed into the air so that the wind could blow the chaff away, leaving only the good, edible grain. This was called "winnowing."
By the Holy Spirit that is in us. This separation is in compliance’s to His word. It is that part that is left in you.
The wind would then blow away the lighter chaff allowing the edible grains to fall to the threshing floor, a large flat surface. Threshing floor a hard, level surface on which grain is threshed with a flail.
The harvested produce is spread over the threshing floor God use His word over us as we are walking bibles.
(Ruth 2:17; Isaiah 28:27)(Deuteronomy 25:4; Isaiah 28:28)
A threshing floor is important in the biblical story of Ruth and Boaz. In those times, if a woman's husband died, it was very difficult for her to survive on her own, and very often, the woman would be "redeemed" by her husband's nearest kinsmen (Leviticus 25:25; Ruth 2:20).
Ruth was encouraged by her mother-in-law, Naomi, to go down to the threshing floor where Boaz was winnowing barley.
She was to wait until he had finished eating and drinking and was lying down for the night, and then uncover his feet and lay down at his feet, for this was a symbol of her desire to be redeemed by Boaz (Ruth 3:1-18).
The connection between the kinsmen redeemer and the threshing floor in this story is likely not incidental.
The threshing floor is symbolic of judgment in the Bible. Old Testament prophet Hosea prophesied that Israel would be "like the morning mist or like the dew that goes early away, like the chaff that swirls from the threshing floor or like smoke from a window" (Hosea 13:3).
The threshing floor is symbolic of judgment in the Bible. Old Testament prophet Hosea prophesied that Israel would be "like the morning mist or like the dew that goes early away, like the chaff that swirls from the threshing floor or like smoke from a window" (Hosea 13:3).
Of the nations who will come against God during the end times, the prophet Micah says "they do not know the thoughts of the Lord; they do not understand his plan, that he has gathered them as sheaves to the threshing floor."
The idea is that Israel will demolish their enemies like oxen trampling grain on the threshing floor" (Micah 4:11-13).
Chaff is referred to in the Psalms as a symbol of the destruction of the wicked (Psalm 1:4).
Also, John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the one who would separate the good grain from the chaff with a winnowing fork, gathering the grain into his barn and burning the chaff with "unquenchable fire" (Matthew 3:12). This is a symbol of heaven and hell.
The threshing floor has spiritual significance as the place where good and evil are separated.
The threshing floor has spiritual significance as the place where good and evil are separated.
Ruth symbolizes the believer, or spiritual Israel, for she was a Gentile who converted to Judaism (Ruth 1:16).
Boaz is a symbol of Christ—the Redeemer. When Ruth comes to the threshing floor she is in need, and has responded to Boaz's previous kindness and generosity (Ruth 2:8-13).
She has learned that he is a good man, and she trusts him. The fact that her petition takes place at the threshing floor, among the grain and the chaff, is a beautiful symbol of man's need for redemption and God's identity as Redeemer
The difference between the grain and the chaff, between good and evil people, is not their good or evil works.
The grain is gathered into the barn by faith, by the gift of God, who provides righteousness and spiritual safety through Jesus Christ, our kinsmen Redeemer (Romans 1:17; Romans 3:22-24; Hebrews 2:11-15).
Today if you hear His voice harden not your hearts. God is separating His people.
The harvest is full but the Labors are few won’t you come will you allow Jesus to be your Boazs today?
God had sent His Son in the mist of this dying world, to reconnect you back, to the Father won’t you come.
Allow Jesus to be all that you want all that you need and all you desire. Seek ye first the kingdom God and His righteousness All these things shall be added unto you in Jedus name, Is there another,
I see your tears I hear your cry, says the Lord.
If any man call upon Me shall be saved says the Lord.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you, May the Lords light shine upon you and be Gracious to you, The Lord lift up the light of His Continents up on you and give you peace.
Now UNTO HIM who is able to keep you from falling able to present you faultless before the presence of His glory the only wise God both now and forever that there would be nothing lacking nothing broken nothing wanting in Jesus name.
And the church says AMEN
Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell
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