Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Hear My Words

HEAR, Ye people of God  perceive by the ear Hear Today, if ye will hear my  voice, harden not your  My Words. concerning the faith in Christ. Faith comes by hearing the Word  of God. Seek ye the Word My people. The time is coming where there will be no more seekers of My Wird. 

May the Spirit of God assist you and while we meditate upon the way by which faith cometh. This shall be followed by a brief indication of certain obstructions which often lie in the way of faith. 

Will I conclude by dwelling upon the importance that faith should come to us by at appointed time that you need and adhere faith. 

First, of all  FAITH COMES TO MEN. "Faith cometh by hearing." It may help to set the truth out more clearly, if we say, negatively, that it does not come by any other process than by hearing; this is not true. 

If I say it come by meditation it will not come but if you meditate on the word after hearing it then you not only have faith but great shall your faith be. Not only did you hear the word you also meditate on the word by fsith after hearing it. 

How great is your fsith snd it shall grow because you Plantef the seed of faith in your mind but you pour meditation as a medicine it shall grow. 

If you have no zeal how can you appeal to Gods Word. They have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge,

Hear my voice. forfill my commandsthat has been goryd by My prophet  cease in your anger and your hate one for another. I AM a God of love shall you find hate where love is dominates. 

If you are My people shall not live dominate in you also. Where their is live there is no hate where there love is love. Love is limitless.without end, and without boundary. No dividing line.where division is. God is not a God of division.

Our earnest exhortation should extend and shown by our relationship with Our Father who is God. Therefore we must get out of the way and do things God Way because our way won’t work neither is it pleasing to God..

We must be overcomes snd the only way to over is to do it Gods wsy.become desirous I. Our expectations  and be eternally submitted to righteousness of God.

To attend; and listen; hear  my voice I come in the volume  of a book hear my words My Word shall heal your land. I sent My Word to heal you. To My  regenerating and favorably ;people seek my face and I will answer. My love will never die I love you with a everlasting love, nothing can take that away from you.

Dr  Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell 

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