Woe unto that servant who run out of ammunition Wow unto that servant whose conjure up there provisions falsely whose troops to fight the wrong army. prepare a defense as Atsolom prepared him chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him. 2 Samuel 15:1.To set; to establish.
The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens. Psalms 103:19.To appoin
We prepare ground for seed by; we prepare cloth for use by dressing; we prepare medicines by pulverization, mixture, we must prepare young men for by previous instruction; men are prepared for Christ suitable in holiness of heart is necessary to prepare men for the enjoyment of happiness with holy beings. Prepare To make ready for the coming of the Lord.
PREPA'RE, verb intransitive
To make one's self ready.Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel. Amos 4:12.PREPA'RE, noun Preparation. [Not in use.]
TA'BLE, n. L. tabula.A flat surface of some extent, or a thing that has a flat surface; as a table of marble.An article of furniture, consisting usually of a frame with a surface of boards or of marble, supported by legs, and used for a great variety of purposes, as for holding dishes of meat, for writing on, &c.The nymph the table spread.Fare or entertainment of provisions; as, he keeps a good table.The persons sitting at table or partaking of entertainment.I drink to th' general joy of the whole table. A tablet; a surface on which any thing is written or engraved. The ten commandments were written on two tables of stone. Ex.32.Written--not on tables of stone, but on fleshly tables of the heart. 2 Cor. 3.A picture, or something that exhibits a view of any thing on a flat surface.Saint Anthony has a table that hangs up to him from a poor peasant.Among Christians, the table, or Lord's table, is the sacrament, or holy communion of the Lord's supper.The altar of burnt-offering. Mal. 1.In architecture, a smooth, simple member or ornament of various forms, most usually in that of a long square.In perspective, a plain surface, supposed to be transparent and perpendicular to the horizon. It is called also perspective plane.In anatomy, a division of the cranium or skull. The cranium is composed of two tables or lamins, with a cellular structure between them, called the meditallium or diploe.In the glass manufacture, a circular sheet of finished glass, usually about four feet in diameter, each weighing from ten to eleven pounds. Twelve of these are called a side or crate of glass.In literature, an index; a collection of heads or principal matters contained in a book, with references to the pages where each may be found; as a table of contents.A synopsis; many particulars brought into one view.
before In front; on the side with the face, at any distance; used of persons.In presence of, with the idea of power, authority, respect.Abraham bowed before the people of the land. Gen.23.Wherewithal shall I come before the Lord. Micah 6.In sight of; as before the face.In the presence of, noting cognizance of jurisdiction.In the power of, noting the right or ability to choose or possess; free to the choice.The world was all before them.My land is before thee. Gen.20.In front of any object; as before the house; before the fire.Preceding in time.Before I was afflicted, I went astray. Ps.119.Before Abraham was, I am. John 8.Here the preposition has a sentence following for an object.In preference to.And he set Ephraim before Manasseh. Gen.48.Poverty is desirable before torments.Superior; preceding in dignity.He that cometh after me is preferred before me, for he was before me. John l. Prior to; having prior right; preceding in order; as, the eldest son is before the younger in succession.Previous to; in previous order; in order to.Before this treatise can become of use, two points are necessary. Before the wind, is to move in the direction of the wind by its impulse.
BEFO'RE, adv. In time preceding.You tell me what I knew before.In time preceding, to the present, or to this time; hitherto; as, tumults then arose which before were unknown.Further onward in place, in progress, or in front.Reaching forth to those things which are before. Phil.3.In front; on the fore part.The battle was before and behind. 2 Chron.13.
In some of the examples of the use of before, which Johnson places under the adverb, the word is a preposition governing a sentence; as, "Before the hills appeared." This is the real construction,however overlooked or misunderstood.
me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
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