Grace and peace from God the father God the son and God the Holy Spirit
The word of the Lord came to me saying, write
My name is Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell the Lord has placed on my heart the call for SWOM to bring forth women from all sorts of lifestyles.
Activating the the power of God word in the belly of woman of God. That I may touch and agree power so the power may be released.
To come in the Unity of sisters empowering their minds to walk in power, speak in power, holding intelligent Conversations in power., and to stop tearing each other down. However, we must demonstrate the love of God in power, not holding each other higher than the other. But esteem each into the God-given destiny,
Every new brings a brand new destination.
Provoking and empowering victorious women who at a time past consider to be victims.
Who did not walk according to the power of God. Woman who are full of a potential breakthrough,
Woman who walk in the unity of the spirit. Not holding on to a victim mindset, but taking a stand with to be different to make a difference who are willing to go to that next level of empowerment.
We need women helping and meeting right where they are activating power in them.
God has called me in such a time as this to activate women if we touch and agree. To push them into the destiny God have called them.
The power in them has been associated with the power in me to touch activating power.
God has called me to touch these women and activate the power in them to do what God has called them to do in such a time as this.
There are too many traumatized Women who have miscarriage to many woman Who have a board it there Ministry.
Too many woman Who are traumatized by men. Too many women who are intimidated by women.
God has call me to activation them by connecting to a board of strong woman.
To form SWOM ministries WITH Prophetic strong willed women.
Who will not discriminate but will agitate the Power to come alive.
To activate the power that’s been laying dormant in them.
To activate the power day has died bring in those dead bones alive once again.
To activate the power that has been intimidated by other women, to activate the power from downtrodden women. To activate the power from hurting women,
To activate the power that’s in thereintimidate these women of God to the point of low esteem,
We need to bring these women back up to the level that God has called them to be s part of.
and put everything that’s not going to motivate us under our feet that we may trample over it and walk with the dignity that God has given us to walk with.
We must bring to life our sisters whose lives are immobilize. Woman struck down by lightning, Women who society called at outcasts. Women whose lives were destroyed down in the gut of their bellies.
We must pull on the abilical that was wrap around the neck causing a disconnection for us to relieve from God, because we were getting improper nutrients, and wastes pass cord.keeping us in fetus stage, we become unreachable the respiratory gases, could not pass through the placenta keeping us from sustaining life,
When we thought we were free we was held hostage.
The cord arising from the navel that connects you to abundance life,
Woman stuck between rock and hard place. Woman put down by men disgrace throw out of place and put in a place of sacrifice .
United we stand divided we fall SWOM have to stick with that one mind set.
We are a powerful woman of God we will not stand for anything if we fall for everything.
If we meet them where their hurting and take that incapacitated spell that had capture woman and put the devil under our feet who will no longer hold us captive 2019.
By His stripes we are heal. There is no other name under heaven we can’t be saved and heal. That the name of Jesus Christ we as women shall be one walk in power as one speak and power as One and Powell each other as one.
Some are hurting right now when SWOM get finish with you your minds will no longer be program to this world but program to God.
SWOM will teach you how to slay that giant just as David done with Goliath.
While I was laying across my bed God showed me Dr. Prophet Juanita Bynum you are my first contact Person God allow me to see you.
On June 24 God came to me in a morning Visio the light was so great And bright I could not do anything h but cover my eyes at the time I feel paralyzed I could not move yet this light was surrounded me radiating around me it was all white.
Never knowing what to say yet I heard my Spirit having a Conversation with God . There are so many other things I need to say I am afraid you may not be able to handle right now.
God you don’t have to test me for I believe in you and he said these words to me blessed are you who never seen and believe.
This is my second visitation from God.
God has visited me and such a time as this and he is calling you for us to put this thing together for women all around the United States to come to gather and to empty out with God has for them.
I’m asking you to fast and pray about this invitation.
I’m telling you that God has visited me so please pray please pray.Seek Gods face for this,
God has called us please don’t let this bounce. Please help me especially to extend this to the Queens of Destin, God has place is victorious women that were once victims but not out of the treasures of His heart.
Please hear my pray help me as we help them.
victorious to the knowledge and the weapons that God has instilled in our bellies to use to keep us in his plan.
My contact number is 215-783-2549 you could also contact me by email minister thank you Peace and blessings.
Dr. Prophet Christina Theresa Maxwell
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