Your Greater Is Coming
Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist taught the Holy Scriptures became a messenger of the Lord and teacher of prophecies.Elizabeth was filled with the Holy SpiritWhile she was pregnant with the future John the Baptist the prophet. Luke 1:5-80.woman who is "righteous in the eyes of God, who was careful to obey all God says.God has a greater plan
Elizabeth was a woman who waited on God believed in God trust in God. And a strong woman of God. She waited a long time for her grader but she knew her grader was coming. Not only did God trust her to give her a greater but he gave her a future with her greater.
She was chosen to bear a son Debt will be the four runner for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who have a raced Orthzation died for our sins and put on soon.
Elizabeth the strong woman of God Carrie greater because of what was inside of her was also greater coming through him.
God has a greater plan for you
We serve God who makes the impossible possible
Greater is coming
Two references scripturer
For with God nothing will be impossible
Elizabeth spoke the inspired truth in Gods Word.
The Lord remembers those who are loyal to him
When You’ve been faithful over a little greater is coming
When you feel labor pains greater is coming
You’re almost in the last month of the trimester grader is coming
Hid is about to birth Destiny in you grester is coming.
Where there’s a calling there is a challenge
without sacrifice there can be no victory there cannot be a reward.
Faith is defined as belief with strong conviction
Anything tangible Evidence treated as which fact; real or concrete-is proof; complete trust, and confidence in the reliance, or devotion to what is called .
Faith is the opposite of doubt.
God’s in control of your destiny.
God is preparing you in his plan.
Grester is coming
Conclusion :when you wait on the Lord greater is coming.
Our timing is not Gods timing.
2 Peter 3:8 King James Bible But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Luke 1:45 Blessed is she who believed, for there shall be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord”
Greater is coming
You been waiting long enough greater is coming
You been obedient greater is coming
Walk into your future grester is coming.
Your in the final countdown grester is coming
For with God nothing will be impossible grester is coming
Don’t walk the other way
The Word of God will quicken your Destiny
The word if God awakens the baby your carryi
When you least expect it grester is coming.
Walking towards your Destiny Don’t go the other way. Greater is coming
When you least expect it grester is coming.
When your in doubt throw it out your greater is coming,
Controlling thought God is in control of your Destiny
Faith is the opposite of doubt
Don’t kill the messenger or the messenger will kill you,
Two Reference Words:
Our Timing is not Go
It is capable of being touched or felt and have a real substance with out being smelled touch or seen.
Luke 1:6) God was in control of Elizabeth's destiny was parparing the plan God has for His life.
Luke 1:6). the Lord remembers those who are loyal to him.
Elizabeth’s next inspired words were an encouragement to Mary and a universal message to women: “
Elizabeth herself had believed God would fulfill the things she had been told.
In-Closing “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!
For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy” (Luke 1:42-44).
As soon and Mary greeted Elizabeth the Word in her leaped.How is your response in hearing the word of the Lord is it like fire shut up in your bones
Gods secure is to give birth to Your Destiny
Such inspired thoughts edify and uplift those who hear them.
Dies it feel like something in your wound guving birth to your Destiny. Something lurid when the word is inside of you.!God is birthing something new in you God is going to do a new thing in you.
God is getting ready to give birth to your Destiny.
You are in your six month of labor this is called the sage of discomfort. It is a stage of purging.difficulttobaby is getting bigger and it is putting more pressure on your organs changes you might notice in the third trimester include:As you near your due date, your cervix becomes thinner and softer (called effacing) This is a normal and natural process that helps the birth canal (vagina) to open during the birthing process.
Do you have a progress report?
check your progress
you near your due date.
He who has done a good work in you shall be complete even unto the day of Christ.
Get excited the has begun!
God had ordained that her baby should be called John, a name of Hebrew origin meaning “God is gracious” ( God had been gracious in granting Elizabeth and Zacharias a child.
It took courage for Elizabeth to stand firm and obey God.
In Closing
God has birth your Destiny for His plan
Her husband backed her up. They were a team that always obeyed God. Zacharias asked for a writing tablet, and wrote: “His name is John” (Luke 1:63).
These two parents knew what God had instructed them to do, and they were determined to do it. Immediately God gave Zacharias his speech back, and he glorified God. He then was also filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied of what God was doing and what his son John would do.
Lessons for us
Elizabeth’s life of faith? First, God was merciful to her.
Elizabeth believed and bore a son in her old age, which was a miraculous blessing from God.
The message that Elizabeth taught, the lesson that God recorded in the Bible,
believe what God says He is going to do even if it seems impossible.
She also taught the message that if you do what God says to do and believe, you will be blessed by seeing the fulfillment of what was promised.
God chose a woman of faith and obedience to rear and teach an important prophet
. It is by the Holy Spirit and by the Word of God that one is to teach and to inspire others.
Do our children know the ways of God and do they know why they were born? Isn’t it time we follow the example set by Elizabeth and Zacharias?
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