Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Sunday, January 20, 2019


Grace and peace from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.


There was a war. It all started when Satan and his angels rebelled against God in heaven. And if I had, they are proudly presumed to try their strength against Almighty God.

God made Satan be the seal of perfection. He was perfected in beauty. His beauty was full of wisdom he was perfect in harmony. Every precious stone was His covering. 

Satan allowed his beauty to go to his head. When he would praise God with the strings and the horns of his body the angels started to worship God, but He thought they were praising him. 

However, he was ever so beautiful his person became prideful, and his arrogance began to go to his head. He started to get delusional in his thinking no longer had a dependency on God. He began to praise himself.

When you lose your praise, you began to feed your flesh. 

Now you gravitate towards people to praise you instead of God. The flesh” refers to humanity’s indwelling sin and earthly lusts, which we have inherited from our forefathers. 

There is a battle between two forces, and in this battle, God is a jealous God. 

He is zealous (jealous) for our spirits. He wants us to be enthusiastic, with “God’s zeal” in this battle.

When you lose your praise. 

You have allowed your desire to succeed over Gods; you become unstable in all your ways.

God made Satan be the seal of perfection. He was perfected in beauty. His beauty was full of wisdom he was perfect in harmony. Every precious stone was His covering. 

Satan allowed his beauty to plague his mind with lies he was the first sinner and the first liar. 

He was the first to step out of the will of God. He was the first to step out of reality. He was the first to hate and the first to cause darkened doors to be dark, 

Psalm 100:3 New King James Version (NKJV)

Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and [a]not we; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

God who made him all by himself a put him to an open shame. 

When he would praise God with the strings and the horns of his body, the angels started to worship God, but He desires that praise.

Satan was  even so beautiful his person became prideful and his arrogance he longs for something that was never his, 

Satan became delusional when the angelic host of angels praise God he desires them to honor him. 

His thinking no longer had a dependency on presiding God He began to desire praise himself.

When you lose your praise, you began to feed your flesh. He believes the night. He was hype and wanted something that was not his. 

The flesh” refers to humanity’s indwelling sin and earthly lusts, which we have inherited from our forefathers.

God is a jealous God. He is zealous (jealous) for our spirits. 

He wants us to be zealous, with “God’s zeal” in this battle. Not enthusiastic in our flesh which cause and effects will cause you to lose your praise.

When you lose your praise. You allow, your desire to subside 

Over God ways. Now you have become unstable in all your ways.

Opposing forces you allow to enter in, opening the doors for flesh to come, 

The Bible speaks about these opposing spiritual forces: “the Holy Spirit” vs. the spirit of the antichrist.” 

Within the Holy Spirit is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2), while in the spirit of antichrist is the influence of the devil to exalt oneself and exclude God and His will. 

In this battle, God is zealous for us and provides us with this zeal as a driving force, an enthusiasm to attain God’s goal for us that we overcome the spirit of antichrist. 

This means that our human spirit is turned away from being directed toward everything out the will of God. 

In other words, instead of only being occupied with our interests and needs and the things of this earth, we become turned toward heaven and become united with God’s will, which is good, perfect, and eternal.

In this work with us, God is zealous, and He instills this zeal in us who believe in Him. 

God uses all the means at His disposal for this to succeed, in the ups and downs of life. 

He sends us circumstances in our lives that will show us the sin dwelling within us, and He gives us power and zeal to overcome the sin that wants to destroy our joy and peace in God.

He became conceded and desire to steal from God what was never his God praise. 

Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. All this I will give You,” he said, “if You will fall and worship me.” Away from me, Satan!” Jesus declared. “For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only. Here

Satan desire to steal Gods praise wanting it all to himself. After all the angels in heaven praise him as they worship God and his head enlarge.

God’s desire is for all people to enter into this season of  development, by being delivered from the clutches of the fall of sin and partaking in a victorious life, as Paul describes in Romans 6:22

But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.”

He wanted to devalue, God. God is a jealous God. He is enthusiastic about this work. He is jealous for our spirit, and He gives the necessary grace so that it will succeed.

When you praise God their’s a blessing in your praise. 

Your praise is priceless to God. No one can praise God as you can. 

Praise is personal to God. Praise decree and declare’s your relationship with God. 

Praise allows Blessing’s to fall. Approval will cause the enemy to flee. 

Never allow your flesh to praise itself. Never allow your muscle to have its way, never let your meat to honor itself by feeding it what it desires. 

What happens when you do this it gets harder and harder to control, 

Never allow your looks to become an instrument of your praise. Satan was Beautiful array in its high notes. 

Never denied your praise from God. Never try to put yourself on the same platform as God. 

God describes Himself as, “Jealous.” God’s nature. “For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”  Exodus 34:14.

His behavior shows a high moral standard of self-made him. 

God jealously yearns for desires this spirit in us. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, 

The Spirit who dwells in us wants jealously’?”

God desired you to praise Him. He was one who bestowed Himself because in himself he is God all by himself.

The sailor was right when he saw the little boy fall overboard and waited a minute before he plunged to his rescue. 

When the distracted mother asked him in agony why he had waited so long, he sensibly replied: "I knew that if I went in before he would clutch and drag me down. 

I waited until his struggles were over, and then I was able to help him when he did not grasp me too firmly."

When people grasp us too strongly, either with their love or with their dependence, we are intuitively conscious that they are not looking to God, and we become paralyzed in our efforts to help them. 

United prayer, therefore, requires that the one for whom we pray be looking away from us to the Lord Jesus Christ, and we together look to Him alone.

When you praise Me their’s a blessing in your praise. 

Your praise is priceless to Me. No one can praise Me as you can. 

Praise is personal to Me. Praise decree and declare’s your relationship with Me.

Praise allows Blessing’s to fall. Praise is My stamp Approval will cause the enemy to flee. 

Never allow your flesh to praise itself. Never allow your muscle to have its way, never let your meat to be honor by fools, itself by feeding it what it desires. 

What happens when you do this it gets harder and harder to control, 

Never allow your looks to become an instrument of your praise. Satan was Beautiful array in its high notes. 

Never denied your praise from Me, Never try to put yourself on the same platform as MeI AM God. 

I AM Jealous.” It is MY nature. “For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”  Exodus 34:14.

I AM self-made no man nor Spirit made me, why do you ask such questions to ME,(Eph. v. 23). 

Christ is the head,

" (Eph. 23). Often we want people to pray for us and help us, but always defeat our object when we look too much to them and lean upon them. 

The real secret of the union is for both to look upon God, and in the act of looking past themselves to Him, they are unconsciously united. 

The sailor was right when he saw the little boy fall overboard and waited a minute before he plunged to his rescue. When the distracted mother asked him in agony why he had expected so long, he sensibly replied:

I AM God jealously, yearns for desires this spirit in You. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, 

I AM Spirit God who is Spirit deserved us to worship in spirit and truth. Who dwells in us yearns to lead us out of jealousy straight in the arms of God. 

I AM God jealously, yearns for desires this spirit in You. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, 

I AM Spirit God who is Spirit deserved us to worship in spirit and truth. Who dwells in us yearns to lead us out of jealousy straight in the arms of God. 

We must leave the past in the past. Our flesh has s cause and effect adjective. 

How many times must God say be ye imitators of Christ if not we are just like Satan losing our praise for God, now desiring self-praise? 

Proverbs 27:2 

Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.

When you lose your praise. You lose your balance in God, 

You will believe you were sinking when all you had to do was stand up. Once you stand up instead of fighting, you will realize yours in ankle deep water. And all you had to do was hold. What happens will cause you to miss your blessings. 

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind.

Matthew 26:37 

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! 

Have I not shown my love for you, it is I who baptize you in my love. In this battle, Have I not provided you with MY zealous and compassionate devotion, 

Is not My zeal a driving wind force, an enthusiasm weapon to attain. 

The wind blows where it wills, and you hear its sound, but you do not know the place from which it comes and the area to which it goes; so also is everyone who has been born of the Spirit (John 3:8).

Is not My goal to overcome the world and the hidden devices in it. 

Dr. Prophet Theresa Maxwell. 

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