Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Monday, November 12, 2018

Happy am I for you.

Father give me the strength and knowledge to be all you created me to be. And not follow behind anyone who might poison my spirit by feeding me doubt in the couscous development you are building in me. Allow me to be real and not fake Lord. Help me to apply your principles to my daily life. 

Allow my life to speak volumes and ripple the atmosphere with the truth in your Word. Let the meditation of my thought and actions provoked others to do your will. 

Allow our actions applying what is good pure and of good report in the knowledge you gave me even before the foundation of this world that you provided and destined for my life in you. 

Yeshua my delivering He knew me to revive be and took me out of the enemy territory, and He calls me to be the prophet of a nation breaking the Word down as we break bread in communion remembering who He is.

Therefore I do not have to copycat any other prophet for what fate shall I become. For it is my father who gave anointed me and called me to be His prophet. God gave His Son to a dying world. And when He calls me He Speaks out my name a few, as He did with Moses, Paul, Jeremiah, Elijah, my name as clear To the Father. 

I am yielded and captivated by your zeal and love the Father. 

 All secrets shall come to a surfaced. You cannot continue to hide this tell the truth.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
⎯John 3:16 TLV of who I am today.
May the love of Yeshua”.keep you living Him. 
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, 
and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Dr. Prophet Theresa Maxwell

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