Grace and Peace from r God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 14:26-27
Holy Spirit is glorious not only does He have purpose has His own identity. It is the Holy Spirit specific person about "determines you recognize He is here to testify Gods diety in you. It is He who reveals Himself in you.
It is a specific dose of Him being only in one’s Spirit. The experienced of Him is evidence in the believers. That in its presence it will bring transformation and renewing of the mind into transitional thinking into Godly habits into everyday life with Jesus Honoring God.
God is the Supreme Being created intelligence for His glorious purpose. The magnificent and benevolent must be his purpose in the plan of redemption has, He is worthy of bringing down unfamiliar spirits.
If it’s not sent by God, it’s carried by Satan. He sent His only forgotten His comforter to direct them in Truth dying world to counsel His people bringing them into his own will.
Not my will but His will shall be done. Shall it not manifest in you who believe.
His admiration Is glorious victory of all time. Respect and warm approval in Illustrious; God is to be admired; worthy of praise; having qualities to excite wonder, with approbation, esteem or reverence;
Almighty infinite Father, when we are weak, you find us. You are the one we give adoration too, oh how excellent is your name in all the earth.
You Are Wonderful, merciful savior precious Redeemer and friend. Who revise the soul of man. You offer hope to the hopeless and joy to the joy, when we lost the way.
and splendor; His Nobleness is excellentce celebrated all through the earth.
Because you did no adhere to my servant the wrath of God shall fight for her.. My angels shall fight you shall know I AM with her. Being predestinated according to the purpose of him who was Sent to redeem us.Gods purpose is to save His people from death ,hell and the grave, And from-our own destruction,
God is in the midst of her: she shal not be moued. Yet you have rejected her.
God shall help her, and God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawn comes.
I the Lord your God have heard the harst Words which have been spoken against My handmaiden she is My anointed Prophetess teacher.
I the Lord have spoken. Am I not vengeful will My wrath come down on you.
Your thinking towards My handmaiden has been heard who are you old man to come against the sent one.
Did you pay the debt it is all to Him we owe. The Holy Spirit is He not the one who will witness in her. Is He not the TheBridge that brings you to Me..
Who is like our God. she shall not be moved: God will help her, and that right early.God has taken his place in her; she will not be moved: he will come to her help at the dawn of morning.
Let My People Go. You have held them back long enough. He worketh all things together for Our good those who love the Lord and are the call according to His putpose.
Enemy will try to stop My people by reminding us of our weakest and failures.
Tell your neighbor God has a purpose for your life. Everything I created is created to praise Me.
But you are Boastful jealous hearted partial self-exulting; self conniving haughty; voictress ostentatious and Self promoting.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.
Amen, For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Doctor Theresa Maxwell
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