The Word of God came to mee saying I the Lord your God is calling order,
So you come to Him as you are and watch God put you in order. God wants us to return to our proper state. We are born in sin shape iniquity. However we were ordain by God before the foundation of the world.
Proper state is to come in position in looking like Hesus. We must be transparent which brings us all in good order.
When the bodily organs are subject in obeying God we move to being in order, a person is well health; but when the body is out of order all kinds of duease get in. They are fused in disorder. when they are out of order that’s contracted all kinds of things can enter in the body temptation, fear, lust your flesh.
God desires His church to be in order He is coming back for a mature church. God will cause things to be out of order. is signifying to SET order, He is the God who set order. . The order.m is God , He is the living Word He is not the Author of confusion.
Author is God and in His Word there is no confusion He sets the order. He expose to dispose to put in order,
His disposition is not ethical it’s arranged, characterized by, or performed with a method or orderdone according to a systematic or established form of procedure. His Set His order. arrangement of things; by His word the extensive and the application; as the order of troops for war.
God has a library; of order in His proceedings that He legislative and He assembly the Order He extsblish the lives of Christian Order.
His order is naked and not ashame His order is raw and it wil expose sin.
Adherence to the point in discussion, according to established rules of debate; as, the member in order,
He that is, he wanders from the question.Established mode of proceeding. His settled mode of operation..
This fact could not occur in the order of nature; it is against the natural order of things it’s the Mandate of God order it is Gid who precept; command; authoritative the direction. Of order.
I have received an order from the commander
The general gave orders to march. There is an order of council to issue letters of marque.Rule; regulation; as the rules and orders of a legislative house.Regular government or discipline.
Isaiah 38 Tree of Life Version (TLV)
“Put Your House In Order”
38 In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill. So Isaiah the prophet son of Amoz came to him and said to him, “Thus says Adonai: Put your house in order. For you are dying, and will not live.”
2 Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall, and prayed to Adonai. 3 He said: “Please, Adonai, remember how I have walked before You in truth and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in Your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.
4 Then it came to pass, the word of Adonaicame to Isaiah saying: 5 “Go, and say to Hezekiah, thus says Adonai, the God of your father David: ‘I have heard your prayer and I have seen your tears. Behold, I will add 15 years to your life. 6 I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria; I will defend this city.’
7 “Now this will be the sign to you from Adonai, that Adonai will do this word He has spoken: 8 Behold, I will cause the shadow on the stairs, which went down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, to turn back ten steps.” So the sun’s shadow went back ten steps on the sundial on which it had gone down.
9 A writing of King Hezekiah of Judah, after his illness, when he recovered from his illness:
10 I said: “In the prime of my life,
I am to enter the gates of Sheol.
I am deprived of the rest of my years.”
11 I said: “I will not see Adonai,
Adonai, in the land of the living.
I will look on humanity no longer
among the inhabitants of the world.
12 Like a shepherd’s tent,
my dwelling is pulled up and carried away from me.
Like a weaver I rolled up my life.
He cuts me off from the loom.
From day until night You make my end.
13 I stilled my soul till morning.
Like a lion, He will break all my bones.
From day till night You make my end.
14 Like a swallow or a crane, I whisper,
I moan like a dove.
My eyes are weary, looking upward.
Adonai, I am oppressed, be my security!
15 What should I say?
For He has spoken to me—
He Himself has done it!
I will wander about all my years
because of the bitterness of my soul.
16 Adonai, by such things men live,
and my spirit has life in them too.
Restore me to health,
and let me live!
17 Behold, it was for my own shalom
that I had great bitterness.
You have loved my soul
out of the Pit of destruction!
For You have flung all my sins
behind Your back.
18 For Sheol cannot thank You,
death cannot praise You.
Those who go down to the Pit
cannot hope for Your faithfulness.
19 The living, the living—they praise You—
as I do today.
A father makes Your faithfulness
known to his children.
20 Adonai will save me.
So we will play my songs on stringed instruments
all the days of our life in the House of Adonai.”
21 Now Isaiah had said, “Let them take a cake of figs, and apply it to the boil, and he will live.” 22 Hezekiah had said, “What is the sign that I will go up to the House of Adonai?”
It is necessary for society that good order should be observed. The meeting was turbulent; it was impossible to keep order.Rank; class; division of men; as the order of nobles; the order of priests; the higher orders of society; men of the lowest order; order of knights; military orders, &c.A religious fraternity; as the order of Benedictines.A division of natural objects, generally intermediate between class and genus. The classes, in the Linnean artificial system, are divided into orders, which include one or more genera. Linne also arranged vegetables, in his natural system, into groups of genera, called order. In the natural system of Jussieu, orders are subdivisions of classes.Measures; care. Take some order for the safety and support of the soldiers.Provide me soldiers whilst I take order for my own affairs.In rhetoric, the placing of words and members in a sentence in such a manner as to contribute to force and beauty of expression, or to the clear illustration of the subject.The title of certain ancient books containing the divine office and manner of its performance. In architecture, a system of several members, ornaments and proportions of columns and pilasters; or a regular arrangement of the projecting parts of a building, especially of the columns, so as to form one beautiful whole. The orders are five, the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite. The order consists of two principal members, the column, and the entablature, each of which is composed of three principal parts. Those of the column are the base, the shaft, and the capital; those of the entablature are the architrave, the frize, and the cornice. The height of the Tuscan column is 14 modules or semidiameters of the shaft at the bottom, and that os the entablature 3 1/2. The height of the Doric order is 16 modules and that of the entablature 4; that of the Ionic is 18 modules, and that of the entablature 4 1/2, that of the Corinthian order is 20 modules, and that of the entablature 5. The height of the Composite order agrees with that of the Corinthian.
In orders, set apart for the performance divine service; ordained to the work of the gospel ministry.In order, for the purpose; to the end; as means to an end. The best knowledge is that which is of the greatest use in order to our eternal happiness.General orders, the commands or notices which a military commander in chief issues to the troops under his command.
OR'DER, v.t.To regulate; to methodize; to systemize; to adjust; to subject to system in management and execution; as, to order domestic affairs with prudence.To lead; to conduct; to subject to rules or laws.To him that ordereth his conversation aright, will I show the salvation of God. Ps. direct; to command. the general ordered his troops to advance.To manage; to treat.How shall we order the child? Judges 13 To ordain. Not used.To direct; to dispose in any particular manner.Order my steps in thy word. Ps. 119.OR'DER, v.i. to give command or establish, found or institute, to possess, to cease; L. sedo, sedeo and sido, coinciding with sit, but all of one family. From the Norman orthography of this word, we have assess, assise. See Assess. Heb. Ch. to set, to place.
To put or place; to fix or cause to rest in a standing posture. We set a house on a wass of stone; we set a book on a shelf. In this use, set differs from lay; we set a thing on its end or basis; we lay it on its side.To put or place in its proper or natural posture. We set a chest or trunk on its bottom, not its end; we set a bedstead or a table on its feet or laeg.To put, place or fix in any situation. God set the sun, moon and stars in the set my bow in the cloud. Gen 9.To put into any condition or state.The Lord the God will set thee on high. Duet. 28.I am come to set a man at variance against his father. Matt. 10.So we say, to set in order, to set at ease, to set to work, or at work.To put; to fix; to attach to.The Lord set a mark upon Cain. Gen. 4 So we say, to set a label on a vial or a bale.To fix; to render motionless; as, the eyes are set, the jaws are set.To put or fix, as a price. We set a price on a house, farm or horse.To fix; to state by some rule.The gentleman spoke with a set gesture and countenance. Carew.The town of Berne has handsome fountains planted and set distances from one end of the street to the other. Addison.To regulate or adjust; as, to set a timepiece by the sun.He sets judgement by his passion. Prior.To fit to music; to adapt with notes; as, to set the words of a psalm to music.
still, and this sense is retained in the use of the word by milkmaids, who say to cows, so, so, that is, stand still, remain as you are; and in this use, the word may be the original verb. In like manner,
answering to as, and noting comparison
COMPARABLE, a. That may be compared; worthy of comparison; being of equal regard; that may be estimated as equal.There is no blessing of life comparable to the enjoyment of a discreet and virtuous friend.The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold. Lam. 4.resemblance; state of resembling or being alike. bear some resemblance to Italian figurines"way in which two or more things are alike.the physical resemblances between humans and apes with the people, so with the priest.In such a degree; to that degree. Why is his chariot so long in coming? Judges 5. In such a manner; sometimes repeated, so and so; as certain colors, mingled so and so. It is followed by as.
There is something equivalent in France and Scotland; so as it is a hard calumny upon our soil to affirm that so excellent a fruit will not GROW, . grew; pp. grown. To enlarge in bulk or stature, by a natural, imperceptible addition of matter, through ducts and secreting organs, as animal and vegetable bodies; to vegetate as plants, or to be augmented by natural process, as animals. Thus, a plant grows from a seed to a shrub or tree, and a human being grows from a fetus to a man.He causeth the grass to grow for cattle. Ps.104.To be produced PRODU'CE, v.t.L. produco; pro and duco, to lead or draw.To bring forward; to bring or offer to view or notice; as, to produce a witness or evidence in court Produce your cause. Is.41.To exhibit to the public.Your parents did not produce youmuch into the world.To bring forth; to bear; as plants or the soil. Trees produce fruit; the earth produces trees and grass; wheat produces an abundance of food.To bear; to generate and bring forth; as young. The seas produce fish in abundance.They--Produce prodigious births of body or mind.To cause; to effect; to bring into existence. Small causes sometimes produce great effects. The clouds produce rain. The painter produces a picture or a landscape. The sculptor produces a statue. Vice produces misery.To raise; to bring into being. The farmer produces grain enough for his family.
To make; to bring into being or form. The manufacturer produces excellent wares.To yield or furnish. Money produces interest; capital produces profit. The commerce of the country produces a revenue to government.In general, to bring into existence or into view.To draw out in length; to extend; as a line produced from A to B.
by vegetation; as, wheat grows in most parts of the world; rice grows only in warm climates.To increase; to be augmented; to wax; as, a body grows larger by inflation or distension; intemperance is a growing evil.To advance; to improve; to make progress; as, to grow in grace, in knowledge, in piety. The young man is growing in reputation.To advance; to extend. His reputation is growing.To come by degrees; to become; to reach any state; as, he grows more skillful, or more prudent. Let not vice grow to a habit, or into a habit.To come forward; to advance. Not much used.Winter began to grow fast on.To be changed from one state to another; to become; as, to grow pale; to grow poor; to grow rich.To proceed, as from a cause or reason. Lax morals may grow from errors in opinion.To accrue; to come.Why should damage grow to the hurt of the kings. Ezra.4.To swell; to increase; as, the wind grew to a tempest.To grow out of, to issue from; as plants from the soil, or as a branch from the main stem.These wars have grown out of commercial considerations.To grow up, to arrive at manhood, or to advance to full stature or maturity.
To grow together, To close and adhere; to become united by growth; as flesh or the bark of a tree severed.
Grow, signifies properly to shoot out, to enlarge; but it is often used to denote a passing from one state to another, and from greater to less.Marriages grow less frequent.To grow less, is an abuse of this word; the phrase should be to become less.
GROW, v.t. To produce; to raise; as, a farmer grows large quantities of wheat. This is a modern abusive use of grow, but prevalent in Great Britain, and the British use begins to be imitated in America. Until within a few years, we never heard grow used as a transitive verb in New England, and the ear revolts at the practice.
EXCELLENT, a. Being of great virtue or worth; eminent or distinguished for what is amiable, valuable or laudable; as an excellent man or citizen; an excellent judge or magistrate.Being of great value or use, applied to things; remarkable for good properties; as excellent timber; an excellent farm; an excellent horse; excellent fruit.Distinguished for superior attainments; as an excellent artist.Consummate; complete; in an ill sense.Elizabeth was an excellent hypocrite.
But in like phrases, we now use that; "so that it is a hard calumny;" and this may be considered as the extablished usage.In the smae manner. Use your tutor with great respect, and cause all your family to do so too.
Thus; in this manner; as New York so called from the duke of York. I know not why it is, but so it is. It concerns every man, with the greatest seriousness, to inquire whether theese thing are so or not.Therefore; thus; for this reason; in consequence of this or that. It leaves instruction, and so instructors, to the sobriety fo the settled articles of the church. God makes him in own image an intelectual creature, and so capable of dominion.
This statute made the clipping of coin hign treason, which it was not at common law; so that this was an enlarging staute.
On these terms, noting a conditional petition. Here then exchange we mutually forgiveness; SO may the guilt of all my broken vows, my perjuries to thee be all forgotten. So here might be expressed by thus, that is, in this manner, by this mutual forgiveness.Provided that; on condition that, L. modo.
So the doctrine by but wholesome and edifying though there should be a want of exactness in the manner of speaking and resoning, it may be overlooked. I care not who furnishes the means, so they are furnished.In like manner, noting the concession of one proposition of fact and the assumption of another; answering to as. As a war should be undertaken upon a just motive, so a prince ought to consider the condition he is in when he enters on it.
So often expresses the sense of a word or sentence going before. In this case it prevents a repetition, and may be considered as a substitute for the word or phrase. "France is highly cultivated, but England is more so," that is, more highly cultivated.Thus; thus it is; this is the state. How sorrow shakes him! So now the tempest tears him up by th' roots.Well; the fact being such. And so the work is done, is it?It is sometimes used to express a certain degree, implying comparison, and yet without the corresponding word as, to render the degree definite. An astringent is not quite so proper, where relaxing the urinary passages is necessary. It is sometimes equivalent to be it so, let it be so, let it be as it is, or in that manner. There is Percy; if your father will do me any honor, so; if not, let him kill the next Percy himself.
It expresses a wish, desire or petition. Ready are the appellant and defendant- So please your highness to behold the fight. So much as, however much. Instead of so, we now generally use as; as much as, that much; whatever the quantity may be.So so, or so repeated, used as a kind of exclamation; equivalent to well, well; or it is so, the thing is done. So, so, it works; now, mistress, sit you fast.So so, much as it was; indifferently; not well not much amiss. His leg is but so so.So then, thus then it is; therefore; the consequence is. So then the Volscians stand; but as at first ready, when time shall prompt them, to make road upon's again.
too to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively. he was driving too fast"
at expressing location or arrival in a particular place or position.they live at Conway House"expressing the time when an event takes place.
the present Being in a certain place; opposed to absent. Being before the face or near; being in company. Inquire of some of the gentlemen present.These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. John Being now in view or under consideration. In the present instance, facts will not warrant the conclusion. The present question must be decided on different principles.Now existing, or being at this time; not past or future; as the present session of congress. The court is in session at the present time. We say, a present good,the present year or age.Ready at hand; quick in emergency; as present wit.Tis a high point of philosophy and virtue for a man to be present to himself.Favorably attentive; not heedless; propitious.Nor could I hope in any place but thereTo find a god so present to my prayer.Not absent of mind; not abstracted; attentive.The present, an elliptical expression for the present time.At present, elliptically for, at the present time.Present tense, in grammar, the tense or form of a verb which expresses action or being in the present time, as I am writing; or something that exists at all times, as virtue is always to be preferred to vice; or it expresses habits or general truths, as plants spring from the earth; fishes swim; reptiles creep; birds fly; some animals subsist on herbage, others are carnivorous.
PRES'ENT, n. That which is presented or given; a gift; a donative; something given or offered to another gratuitously; a word of general application. Gen.32 Presents' in the plural, is used in law for a deed of conveyance, a lease, letter of attorney or other writing; as in the phrase, "Know all men by these presents," that is, by the writing itself, per presentes. In this sense, it is rarely used in the singular.
time TIME, n. L.tempus; tempora, the falls of the head, also tempest, &c. See Tempest. Time is primarily equivalent to season; to the Gr.wpa in its original sense, opportunity, occasion, a fall, an event, that which comes.A particular portion or part of duration, whether past, present or future. The time was; the time has been; the time is; the time will be.Lost time is never found again.God, who at sundry times, and in divers manners, spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets. Heb.1.A proper time; a season.There is a time to every purpose. Eccles.3.The time of figs was not yet. Mark 11.Duration.The equal and uniform flux of time does not affect our senses.Time is absolute or relative; absolute time is considered without any relation to bodies or their motions. Relative time is the sensible measure of any portion of duration, by means of motion. Thus the diurnal revolution of the sun measures a space of time or duration. Hence
A space or measured portion of duration.We were in Paris two months,and all that time enjoyed good health.Life or duration, in reference to occupation. One man spends his time in idleness; another devotes all his time to useful purposes.Believe me, your time is not your own; it belongs to God, to religion, to mankind.Age; a part of duration distinct from other parts; as ancient times; modern times. The Spanish armada was defeated in the time of Queen Elizabeth.Hour of travail.She was within one month of her time.Repetition; repeated performance, or mention with reference to repetition. The physician visits his patient three times in a day.Repetition; doubling; addition of a number to itself; as, to double cloth four times; four times four amount to sixteen.Measure of sounds in music; as common time, and treble time. In concerts,it is all important, that the performers keep time, or exact time.The state of things at a particular period; as when we say, good times, or bad times, hard times,dull times for trade, &c. In this sense, the plural is generally used.In grammar, tense.In time, in good season; sufficiently early.He arrived in time to see the exhibition.A considerable space of duration; process or continuation of duration. You must wait patiently; you will in time recover your health and strength.
At times, at distinct intervals of duration. At times he reads; at other times, he rides.The spirit began to move him at times. Judges 13.Time enough, in season; early enough.Stanley at Bosworth-field, came time enough to save his life.To lose time, to delay.To go too slow; as, a watch or clock loses time.Apparent time, in astronomy, true solar time, regulated by the apparent motions of the sun.Mean time, equated time, a mean or average of apparent time.Sidereal time, is that which is shown by the diurnal revolutions of the stars.
TIME, v.t. To adapt to the time or occasion; to bring, begin or perform at the proper season or time; as, the measure is well timed, or ill timed. No small part of political wisdom consists in knowing how to time propositions and measures.Mercy is good, but kings mistake its timing.To regulate as to time; as, he timed the stroke.To measure; as in music or harmony.
there in, at, or to that place or position.we went on to Paris and stayed there eleven days"used in attracting someone's attention or calling attention to someone or something.hello there!"used to focus attention on something and express satisfaction or annoyance at it.there, I told you she wouldn't mind!"used to comfort someone.there, there, you must take all of this philosophically"
is a remnant,Residue; that which is left after the separation, removal or destruction of a part.The remnant that are left of the captivity. Neh. 1.That which remains after a part is done, performed, told or passed.The remnant of my tale is of a length to tire your patience.Where I may think the remnant of my thoughts.REM'NANT, a. Remaining; yet left.And quiet dedicate her remnant life to the just duties of a humble wife. Little used.
chosen Selected from a number; picked out; taken in preference; elected; predestinated; designated to office.Select; distinguished by preference; eminent.His chosen captains are drowned in the sea. Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. 1 Pet. 2.
by identifying the agent performing an action. indicating the means of achieving something.malaria can be controlled by attacking the parasite"
GRACE, n. L. gratia, which is formed on the Celtic; Eng. agree, congruous, and ready. The primary sense of gratus, is free, ready, quick, willing, prompt, from advancing.Favor; good will; kindness; disposition to oblige another; as a grant made as an act of grace.Or each, or all, may win a lady's grace.Appropriately, the free unmerited love and favor of God, the spring and source of all the benefits men receive from him.And if by grace,then it is no more of works. Rom.11. Favorable influence of God; divine influence or the influence of the spirit, in renewing the heart and restraining from sin.
My grace is sufficient for thee. 2 Cor.12.The application of Christ's righteousness to the sinner.Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. Rom.5.A state of reconciliation to God Rom.5.2. Virtuous or religious affection or disposition, as a liberal disposition, faith, meekness, humility, patience, &c. proceeding from divine influence.Spiritual instruction, improvement and edification. Eph.4.29.Apostleship, or the qualifications of an apostle. Eph. 3.8.Eternal life; final salvation. 1 Pet.1.13.Favor; mercy; pardon.Bow and sue for graceWith suppliant knee.Favor conferred.should therefore esteem it a great favor and grace.Privilege.To few great Jupiter imparts this grace.That in manner, deportment or language which renders it appropriate and agreeable; suitableness; elegance with appropriate dignity. We say, a speaker delivers his address with grace; a man performs his part with grace.Grace was in all her steps.Her purple habit sits with such a graceOn her smooth shoulders.Natural or acquired excellence; any endowment that recommends the possessor to others; as the graces of wit and learning.Beauty; embellishment; in general, whatever adorns and recommends to favor; sometimes, a single beauty.pass their form and every charming grace.Beauty deified; among pagans, a goddess. The graces were three in number, Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne, the constant attendants of Venus.The loves delighted, and the graces played.Virtue physical; as the grace of plants. Not used.The title of a duke or an archbishop, and formerly of the king of England, meaning your goodness or clemency. His Grace the Duke of York. Your Grace will please to accept my thanks.A short prayer before or after meat; a blessing asked, or thanks rendered.In music, graces signifies turns, trills and shakes introduced for embellishment.
Day in grace, in theology, time of probation, when an offer is made to sinners. Days in grace, in commerce, the days immediately following the day when a bill or note becomes due, which days are allowed to the debtor or payor to make payment in. In Great Britain and the United States the days of grace are three, but in other countries more; the usages of merchants being different.
GRACE, v.t. To adorn; to decorate; to embellish and dignify. Great Jove and Phoebus graced his noble line. And hail, ye fair, of every charm possess'd,Who grace this rising empire of the west.To dignify or raise by act of favor; to honor.He might at his pleasure grace or disgrace whomhe would in court.To favor; to honor.To supply with heavenly grace.
But used to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
if despite the possibility that; no matter whether.
it is by grace, it is
not any. there is no excuse"
EXCU'SE, v.t. s as z. L. excuso; ex and causor, to blame. See Cause.To pardon; to free from the imputation of fault or blame; to acquit of guilt. We excuse a person in our own minds, when we acquit him of guilt or blame; or we excuse him by a declaration of that acquital.To pardon, as a fault; to forgive entirely, or to admit to be little censurable, and to overlook. We excuse a fault, which admits of apology or extenuation; and we excuse irregular conduct, when extraordinary circumstances appear to justify it.To free from an obligation or duty.pray thee have me excused. Luke 14.To remit; not to exact; as, to excuse a forfeiture.To pardon; to admit an apology for Excuse some courtly strains.To throw off an imputation by apology.
Think you that we excuse ourselves to you? 2 cor.12.To justify; to vindicate.Their thoughts accusing or else excusing one another. Rom.2.EXCU'SE, n. A plea offered in extenuation of a fault or irregular deportment; apology. Every man has an excuse to offer for his neglect of duty; the debtor makes excuses for delay of payment.The act of excusing or apologizing.That which excuses; that which extenuates or justifies a fault. His inability to comply with the request must be his excuse used to indicate that something is quite the opposite of what is being specified. longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.
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