Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


God is calling the church to patience"because God is a God of Patience. 

God is "compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and plentiful in mercy, but he will not always strive with us, nor will he keep his anger forever"(Psalms 103:8-9).

Patience is commonly defined as  capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset." 

The essential Christian virtue to  exercise is  patience. Which there are many exhortations. 

The experience with patience is by far the worst thing a man can do is, ask God for something that goes with the territory.. 

King James Bible

Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

As we may know  patience is one of the fruit of the Spirit. God desires us to experience patience by way of   people. 

The reason why it’s one of the fruit of the Spirit which should resign in us as we walk in Christ it’s about Indurance  one  for another. 

Even if you feel antagonize what is your response to it are you going to come back with Love or are you going to feed into nonsense. 

And walk around with  a chip on your shoulder. The truth be told you want something you can’t have common somebody. Is that not coveting.

And your laying hands on everybody putting that same Spirit in them now everybody is covering.

We can so easily write people off because of something said or done to us. Yet God waited for you when you were in your mess. God  will never write you off. 

Patience and grace  goes hand in hand however The patience of God stems from God's kindness and grace. .

We need to "wait patiently" for God, to endure in us the patience of Christ."

Patience is often hard to gain and to maintain,   

We need to "wait patiently" for God, to endure in us the patience of Christ.

However  you often wonder why, their are so much  distress, and hardships in the body of believers. 

One of the reason why is that we have need of patience towards Co-labors in Christ. 

We are so busy judging people’s heart. Instead of healing or mending misunderstood people. 

Reaching out to the unreachable and the unlovable. This is the heart of God. 

Yet what that same Spirit your laying hands on people and people dying spiritually in the church. Common somebody are you hearing me.  

I know some folks are getting mad this is not about you don’t take it personally it’s about the church which needs to grow up.

Y’all gone to mess around and God gone yo look for that Sister or Brother who can stand while being  Persecuted,  stand while being prosecuted,  stand while the naysayers are talking speaking and disrespect the called out one. 

Can you , stand while being  assassinated,  your integrity has been  strip and crush by the very people who are suppose to live you. 

They are finding ways to destroy your marriage and cause division between you and  the church.  Can you continue to stand  in the rain,. 

Can you stand when the storms come one after the other. Can you continue to stand on the Word of God where are all My accuser’s at. 

God is  looking for people who can stand in adversity.

Our troubles may prevent us from following a course in life that was our will to follow. Instead, we have to put ourselves in God's hands, trust him, and let him do with us what he wills. "

For it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Philippians 2:12-16).


When everything is going our way, patience is easy to demonstrate. The true test of patience comes when our rights are violated when where mistreated talked about ostracize. 

It’s at these time we must wait on the Lord when being misunderstood when another car cuts us when our coworker derides our faith, again. 

Some people think they have a right to get upset in the face of irritations and trials. 

Impatience  will reveil our faith in God. The Bible, however, praises patience as a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) which should be produced for all followers of Christ

Patience does not develop overnight. God’s power and goodness are crucial to the development of patience. 

Colossians 1:11 tells us that we are strengthened by Him to “great endurance and patience,” while James 1:3-4 encourages us to know that trials are His way of perfecting and produceing patience.

 Our patience is further developed and strengthened by resting in God’s perfect will and timing, even in the face of evil men who “succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.

The word patience” means “endurance.” A Christian runs the race patiently by persevering through difficulties. 

” (Psalm 37:7). Our patience is rewarded in the end “because the Lord's coming is near” 

James 5:7-8The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him” (Lamentations 3:25). 

Hebrews  12:1: “Therefore since we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” 

Patience is persevering towards a goal, enduring trials, or expectantly, waiting for a promise to be fulfilled.

James points us to the prophets “as an example of patience in the face of suffering” 

He also refers to Job, whose perseverance was rewarded by what the “Lord finally brought about”.

James 5:11). Abraham, too, waited patiently and “received what was promised” 

Jesus is our model in all things, and He demonstrated patient endurance: 

Who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). 

How do we display the patience that is characteristic of Christ? First, we thank God. A person’s first reaction is usually “Why me when storms come. 

God is saying why not you. rejoice in God’s will (Philippians 4:4; 1 Peter 1:6). 

While rejoicing patiently we seek His purposes. 

Sometimes God puts us in difficult situations so when we come out through the fury furnace like gold. Knowing we was never in the furnace of affliction alone. 

Other times, He might allow a trial for sanctification of character. 

Remembering that His purpose is for our growth and His glory will help us through the trial. 

Romans 8:28 His promises tells us that “all things works  together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” 

The next time you are in a traffic jam, it’s just a test of patience. The next time your  betrayed by a friend, it’s just a test of patience. The next time your mocked ridicule or judge is just a test of patience. 

The natural response is impatience which leads to stress, anger, and frustration. Praise God that, as Christians, we are no longer in bondage to a “natural response” as we put on Christ our response will change.?

Now we must exercise the new creations in Christ Himself

2 Corinthians 5:17  We have the Lord’s strength to respond with patience and in complete trust in the Father’s power and purpose. 

This is the will of God, even your sanctification. In the will of God we have the union of His Wisdom and Power. 

The Wisdom decides and declares what is to be: the Power secures the performance. 


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