Grace and peace from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The Word of the Lord came to me saying, God wants the better you.
Every heart is broken to be fits. God doesn’t take a detour when He sees the traffic that cones around Him. God moves towards the traffic. He knows the body is a piece of work.
Before God will use you, he will have to gut your building your life style must change.
There are things in our life that needs to be throw out. To many of Gods people have dirty laundry.
When the building needs demolition this genially mean that God need the assistance of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit to clean the building out.
God deliberately destroys what’s in you in order to develop you and build something else in your place. Gods wants to bring out the better in you.
When something is better it means that its of a more excellent or effective quality.
Which mean the quality it use to be was ineffective.
Tell your neighbor Gods wants the better you.
God is not satisfy with the old you God wants the better you. of a higher standard, improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level of achievement).
God knows your potential God knows the capacity it’s gone to take for you to become or develop into something that will benifit in your future
Tell your neighbor there is a better you in your future.
Jesus has a habit in getting to the heart the very core of within your soul. In order to accomplish this He inspects everything in the heart, the heart cannot lie to God.
People can’t see the better you. Because the better you have to be developed in you. While the better you is under construction there will be people trying to stop the better you from manifesting.
When someone is under construction all that stuff in you must be gutten out.
Gods desire is to remodel and renovating to make improvements on an existing building or home.
Some of God desire to Renovation means “restore to a good state of repair.
When God renovate you it means to resurrect that structure from what’s it apparently is.
The Holy Spirit points out the areas that this world has eaten away by an infestation of sin. God carefully inspects the places were tried and failed so God will get the glory once the area is fixed. He tears down the broken walls of bitterness to build up new ones. God always has a back up plan.
He goes the extra step to make it better and stronger than it was before. By the time He’s finished, every derailed and torn down wall will be able to stand the storms that come in life.
We are all living inside the consequences of a sin cycle, being that of our own or someone else’s. It’s an unpleasant result of the fall. Life on this side of Eden carries pain and suffering; eventually, everyone has their heart broken. Whether it’s a failed relationship, lost opportunity or the death of a loved one, it happens to the best of us. If you decide to care about anything in this life, somewhere along the way it will break your heart.
The Son of God and the Carpenter of Nazareth is right now building His church in the heart and lives of believers. He is Matthew 16:18) preparing an eternal dwelling place for all who trust in Him.
Isn't he the carpenter, the son of Mary? Aren't James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon his brothers? Don't his sisters still live here in our town?' The people were very unhappy because of what he was doing."
(Mark 6:3,
We are part of the great carpenters work it took brick by Brick stone by stone. In each brink there lies you and me in each stone there you will find a sinner whom God. Calls unto Himself?
Christ Himself is called a ‘living stone.’ He is the ‘cornerstone’ of which Isaiah prophesied, whom Peter cites above. Famously, Christ is also described as the ‘stone that the builders rejected’
Christ, the cornerstone, the foundation of each stone, is built you and I have become a ‘living partakers of ithe cornerstone.
There a certain quality or kind of life, Christians should desire in Christ the solid rock. The life often in abundance in the divine. It’s the word that Jesus uses in John 10:10 I come that ye may have life in abundance.
Christians individually and collectively are temples, inasmuch as they are ‘the habitation of God through the Spirit.’ They are priests by virtue of their consecration they have direct access to God.
Their function of representing God to men, and of bringing men to God. They are sacrifices, inasmuch as one main part of their priestly function is to offer themselves to God.“
Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion,a cornerstone, chosen and precious,and whoever believes in it shall not be put to shame” (1 Peter 2:4-6).
We know immediately just from the bolded phrase above ‘living stones’ that Peter has a new kind of reality in mind a supernatural reality.
We are to secure an intimate relationship with God. This is our job to secure the position God has given. Our minds are not made to forget what the Lord has impower us with. A will to be partskers in the beloved.
As believers with Jesus, as the “living Stone”nothing should be able to move us from our Christlike identify. Christ and His followers are joined by God Himself each link to the other.
And when there is a missing link the Father goes after that one. Luke 15:4 King James BibleWhat man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? One link missing causing a gap in the body of Christ.
As you come to him, in Spirit and in Truth as true living Stones rejected bythe world but chosen by God and precious in His sight is those who believe on Him,
We are the living stones, being built into a spiritual house to be a holy nation a priesthood offering up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through the knowledge of Jesus Christ”
The foundation of the church is God’s building is His allotment to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, the “living Stone.”
The “living stones,” in turn, are believers who come to Jesus and place their lives upon this foundation.
The living Stone is “precious to those who believe (1 Peter 2:7), but some men reject the living Stone in order to build their lives their own way, not God’s way and when you do things your way you get in Gods way.
All history is the process of building up a “spiritual palace” out of a regenerate humanity, in order that, in the end, the Father Himselfmay occupy it.
. By becoming Christians they are cut off from neither Temple nor hierarchy, nor sacrifice; all are at hand, and they themselves are all. The old priesthood, like the old Temple, has “had its day, and ceased to be.” Mark, though, that the Apostle is not dwelling on the individual priesthood of each (though that is involved), but on the hierarchical order of the whole company of Christians: they are an organised body or college of priests, a new seed of Aaron or Levi.
We all help one another to present one another’s prayers and praises, which pass through the lips of many priests; but for them to be acceptable, they must be presented finally through the lips of the Great High Priest.
He, in His perfect sympathy with all men, must make the sacrifice His own. We must unite our sacrifices with His—the Advocate with the Father, the Propitiation for our sins—or our sacrifice will be as irregular and offensive as though some Canaanite should have taken upon himself to intrude into the Holy of Holies on Atonement Day.
So many church leaders abandoned the true living stones . For the love of money and selfish gain. While Unbelievers cast this living Stone aside, not caring that Jesus is the only true foundation upon which a life is spare.
There is no other way. From the beginning of time until the end Jesus is the only way man can be saved. Jesus Christ is the only name under heaven to give us hope.
Jesus is described as the chief cornerstone Jesus as the cornerstone in stating that “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” God accepts no one who refuses to become a part of His building.
God is not like all builders He is s true Master builder that lays stone on stone and brick on top of brick. He has a foundation upon which all workers must build (Matthew 7:24–27).
Believers, then, are the “living stones” of the church that Jesus promised to build (Matthew 16:18). As living stones, we have new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). As integral parts of the building of God, we have security in Christ (John 6:37). As the Master Builder places us in His Son Hands with instruction to build.
God wants us to be (in the body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:18). As living stones, we are connected to one another in the body of Christ (Romans 12:5). Our Lord, the foundation Stone, is alive forevermore and will never crumble. He will support us eternally.
The function of the living stones: to “declare the praises” of Him who called us out of the darkness of sin into the light of life and glory (1 Peter 2:9).
We each have a job description. The spiritual house is the building we live in which is Gods temple.
God is in the house building in regard to your temple where God weathervane until he brings you home.God has designed you for His glory, the living stones for tomorrow. We glorify the Lord in our bodies.
It is Gods desire to plant you as living stones to exemplifiey Hus Son Jesus Christ
growing in a permanent positive having a permanent address as God position us to absorb Him as trees planted by the rivers of living water. .
Jeremiah 17:8 King James Bible For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
Help us Holy Spirit guild is help us to be rooted asbording the nutrients of your Word Lord and having substance that provides nourishment to the family of believers essential for growth and the maintenance of life in the body of Christ.
Help us to digest The Word Of God In and through its roots from the garden of Eden to Revelation and having the pigments describing Him in us. Even unto the end of the world.
Having substance that produces matter , when in time past we did not matter. But God made His people He elected before the foundation of the world to matter.
Help me to be the person that you intended for me to be. Help me do what is right by my family and my friends. Help me see what is right and do what is best for the greater good of those around me.
Please help me to be a better person Lord, Help me to hold my tongue when I am tempted to lash out in frustration and help me to always try to be the woman you intended for me to be.
Help me to better cope with life when things don’t necessarily go the way I may have liked them to. And lastly, help me to take better care of myself so that I can be a rock that my family can lean on. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dr. Christina Theresa Maxwell
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
The heart of the believer
God wants the better in you.
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