Ephesians 1:4 King James Version (KJV
According as he hath chosen having been selected as the best or most appropriate.to do His will. world,
Without end is coming.
Romans 8:23
King James Bible
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
together with all of its countries, peoples, and nationalities.
Those who are saved and Gds Elect is easily identified. God desires men to be liked His Son whom is the perfect gentleman"
Walking according to the Spirit and not the flesh.
God had Chosen and elected us in him before the foundation of the world. That as we live in Him we will perpetrate His Son by carrying our cross. We all have a cross to bare we justify by our faith by picking up and carrying our cross.
God elected us for His propose to do His will in Him.
This brings to my heart each one of us already justified by God i. Obedience to in by displaying love by fait, through the knowledge of Him.๐in Him
If we look at how babies are born and how the eggs fall and the mans sperm hits the egg creating life.
Well God the Holy Spirit is telling me in Christ. we are just like those eggs in God until In Him He crested us. those eggs to become the elect if God knew us before the foundation of the world.He made us in Him.
Which mean that there are thousands of eggs that fall but there are only particular ones chosen. However God knows who is predestined because we imitate him who we live and breathe in and have our being there should be some character traits to show who we belong too.
Jesus Christ is Holy and we should be holy and without blame walking up rightly before him in love:
God has chosen us to be a outlook of investors. According to His richness in glory.
We have a bright future in Him . In Him we can face tomorrow no weapon form against us can prosper. God gives us a bright future.
Leading people directing loving people in the right direction.
According to His financial plan His experts used Jesus in comparisons.
God desires us to lunch out in the deep. In expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else."living in Deep River
God has chose to select from a number of possibilities; as God
God pick you by preference: He chose to run for election.used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself
holy dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.the Holy Bible"
and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition.to let us know
expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.
we used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together "shall we have a drink?"that used to identify a specific person or thing observed by the speaker.that's his wife over there"
Referring to Gods elect to be to the extent or degree of something that is and was and is to come. should used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, His name is Jesus.
Romans 12 :1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
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