Soon and very soon where gone to have a international sisters gathering. Sisters who will learn to fight with there mind, who have a kingdom mindset’s.
Kingdom builders which means we follow biblical truths In teachings Of the Bible in the knowledge of Jesus Christ himself.
We are seeking strong minds to build strong women. If your interested in helping us build a nation of strong women say HOLLER.
We are looking at lease three hundred woman if that’s you fill free to sign you name.
If your interest Blacks Whites Jews,Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics join hands and minds together.
It’s not a cult it’s sisters ministry building up sisters who believe they are victims. Those who know who they are in Christ Jesus.
When you accept Jesus in your heart you were no longer a victim. Jesus Christ paid the price to be free.
Ironically women still find their selves as victims in bondage .
Satan is the prince of the air “air.” In Ephesians 6:12, Paul writes, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Many slip back into bondage when Jesus died and free them, who the Son Set free is free indeed your not s victim. It does’t matter what it looks like it does’nt matter how you slice dice you are free you have to learn howto walk in your freedom,
You were born a slave to this world system when you publicly said you wanted Jesus to come in your life and confess you are a sinner He forgave you,
The devil falsely accused you of being a victim. He is the father of lies.Yes you may have been rape abuse, battered wife, you may have been shot God spare your life and give you another chance.
You may had a illness close to death shot your body left for dead. Your past continued to creep on your life. When it rains it pours.
Bruises and scars remind you of past. Memories resurface every mow and then. You feel depress downtrodden falsely accursed you feel like committing suicide just taking your life out of this world.
No matter what you do you try to shake this thing off it continues to resurface ends up being on your mind the very next day you contemplate one check in your life you to sit paid on taking your life you don’t know which way to go to your right or left yes I know Jesus is with me yes I believe in Jesus but I just can’t shake this thing off of me I need help well . SWOM Sisters With One Mind is the Avenue you need to come to. It’s been knocking at your door. Don’t talk about it be about it.
What the devil meant for evil God turn around for you good.
Your not victim anymore you’re not a victim anymore you’re not a victim anymore you’re not a victim anymore you’re not a victim anymore. Continue to Recite and rehearse it and no Bod will never leave nor forsake you.
You are welcome SISTERS from different churches and different backgrounds are welcome.
Where not trying to take you from your church we wjAg to onpower you to bring somethings powerful to your church.
We are Christians we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal savior. We believe
John 3:16 God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son who sorbet believe in Him shall not parish but shall have ever lasting life.
We believe that Jesus is God who came in the flesh we believe Jesus paid the price for our sins who put on sin and resurrected and is seated On the right hand of the Father interceding for us even as I Speak.
All are welcome we invite you. God approve and call us to put it together along with other sisters.
If God is for us who can be against us, We are Strong we are powerful we are invisible we are women that’s going to fight the good fight of faith.
We are more than conquerors. Teaching wives to be wives teaching women how to wait and what to do while waiting.
We have that safe haven for woman. A place where men will find a good wife. A place where no skills will be skilled. A place women will be polish and skilled. A place where women will be polish in whatever skill the have.
You will learn about the weapons that God has given you keys to His kingdom you will learn how to use the and turn the key to get the answer you need to apply it to your life today,
Teaching sisters how to walk in the boldness God created you to be the psalms 31 woman. Tearing down the devil’s kingdom and invading his territory. Along with learning the keys 🔑 to the kingdom,
It’s time to come out of the closet come from behind that closed door 🚪 that was slammed in your face.
You shall overcome every obstacle that was against you. You will learn how to use the wisdom that God had given to you to use and apply it to your life today.
You shall learn about how to be a wife in a you shall learn how to bring what was dead to life marriage it is a process and we shall overcome.
The The famous words of Dr. Martin Luther King And we as women daughters and children of the most high God we shall overcome.
We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that, believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.
If you are interested in joining this ministry inbox me or go to Sisters With One Mind
ministrrthetesa@yshoo. com
Dr. Theresa Maxwell
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