Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Word of the Lord came to me saying God does not desire to have a unbalance  body of believers. 

The Word unbalance means that you are not functioning with the attitude of Christ properly. 

If something unbalances a relationship, system, or group, it disturbs or upsets and offset the 🚢 ship.  

If it is off balance it will Eventually tip over and many will drown. They are incapable of swimming successfully and functioning properly in the body of believers because the body is unbalance.

When something is unbalance its unsteady and likely to tip over. It is likely to shifted and unbalanced the relationship with other believers and the Relationship with God. It’s time to get on board,

God desires to nurture you back to a healthy relationship with Him, a relationship that does not brake a relationship that does not lack  a relationship that does not want. 

You need to be balance so you can be a lender not a borrower. You need to be above and not Beneath, you need to be balance God wants to make 

The only way we can get there if you meet  me in the Book of 
1 Thessalonians 5:23 
May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together - spirit, soul, and body - and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ.24 The One who called you is completely dependable. 

If he said it, he'll do it! 25 Friends, keep up your prayers for us. 26 Greet all the Christians there with a holy embrace. 27 And make sure this letter gets read to all the brothers and sisters. Don't leave anyone out. 28 The amazing grace of Jesus Christ be with you!

So every thing in Him can balance in your life that you may be able to balance others who are unbalance who are not stable in Christ.  

Some people need an anchor something to hold on to. 

Someone to hold them up in the mist of a storm. All they need is a anchor and a little tender and loving care. 

From the Master who has a  masters plan for your life.oh taste and see that the Lorf is good. Get on board before the ship is ready to sail.

Aren’t you tired of church hopping tired of  gone from house to house can’t seem to find the right church. 

When you find the right church let me know. There are no perfect church. There is no such thing of a perfect church. 

Every church has some issues. Someone is schizophrenic or psychotic individual that’s why they need a savior. Come to Jesus and understand there is a need to be whole. 

The church is nothing but a Hospital for sick folks.  We need healing in every area of our life Jesus is the answer. 

When you have heart ache He is the heart regulator. He is the mind fixer. He is the adjuster to every problem in life won’t He do it. He meet you wherever your hurting. He is a lawyer in a court room. 

Wherever you need Gods got it. Nothing is impossible with God. Every disease God is not only your answer He is your healer. 

It was His blood that wash away your sins. It was His blood that that gave you and I another chance to live again. It was His blood that wash away our sin. It was the blood sacrifice that gave us life everylasting. 

Until we are well enough to begat sheep and grow in the statute of Jesus Christ. When we walk  in the House for  treatment there is a need to be healed.  Until we all come togetherness as one in the body.  Growing up on our salvation. 

As sheep restoring sheep bring in the House of God for treatment.

Sheep begate sheep it is a process that multiples itself those who are elect and the call of God. It’s not until the very last elect comes in the house of God and God will crack the sky and bring us on home.

But there needs to be a balance in your relationship with God. You need some stability in your life and my life tell your neighbor it’s time to get on board.

The Word Stability continuance without change; permanence will formed you, stability will transform you. Stability will stabilize you.Stability will bring you to submission.  

Stability will help you love your enemies stability will help you minister to someone that needs to be ministered too we all need stability in Christ God desires to balance your spiritual walk with Jesus.

God is turning it around for your good it’s time to come on board and celebrate 🎉 what God is about to do in your life.

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