Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Thursday, July 27, 2017

God is love

The Word of the Lord came to me saying Ao people are made of stone stubble and wood. 

Some are for a season some are up to no good. Some are fake friends be care who you let in your circle some maybe snakes Sisson to see what they can get just like Judas they will Stan you on your back.

Some are made of plastics, stone stubble and wood. The same blood in there veins is in your and mine. All they need is a change of mind. 

Some are call to you to direct them to Christ speaking a Word to change their life.

Some cried out for help face down to the ground on there knees begging God to forgive them  right here and now. Jesus never lets the down.

 No where to run 🏃 addicted to what you have become. Trying to get a fix. Know that Jesus will fix whatever you hit. The streets or the pipe that's not your true  nature of life. Now you feel as if the world gave up and swallow having you in its grips.

Your not what you the world dictates to you. Jesus paid the price for you this is true. Your not what the world dictate to you. It's a lie from the enemy whats gotten in to me. Your not what they claim you to be, your Gods child He set you free. The devil is a liar He do 't what you to reach higher. Scratch that your a child of God. Once crooked now Jesus made you  straight it's never to late salvation there is no expiration date.

Some people need a little push to sore like a eagle 🦅 there drowning lashing out at you all they need is a little push. To be all that God call them to be it starts on bended knees let go be free. 

I need you and you we are a part of Gods family teach them to stand on the Word of God teach them about this power inside and watch them fly. 

All things are possible to them that believe Jesus is the way truth and life He made a way out to be free. 

We all were once rebels sinners doom to die. God sent His only begotten So. Now we can fly. He pointed us in the direction having a connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit yes we have won. 

Who the Son make free is free 

indeed. Now guide by the light of Jesus Christ. The next thing we know were walking together Lifting up holy hands praising God all together. 

 He is the only wise God a friend to the end. He is the only true friend never leave nor forsake He is with us all to the end.

There is no limitations on love We are to be love ❤️ and shown love. Their is no limit on love because Jesus Christ is God and God is ❤️ love.

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