Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Jesus is the reason

Jesus is the reason for our tomorrow He brings no sorrow, for He is not like men to open wounds, and pour in vinegar, He is not a sinister, to sting like a snake who leaves venom which comes from his teeth that mark the beast. One day at a time yet Jesus give grace which is no mistake He has the keys to heaven and hell's gate., Jesus will lead you to your destiny so you may plead dear Lord forgive me for my sin are many yet forgiven plenty. It is Jesus we praise who lives. He gave that you and I can say nothing is from me I am set free. The blood of Jesus cover's me and keeps me on my knees. He will not bring your past up again, no He is not like a man, no need to pretend He is a true friend. Jesus is the pure light; there are many however He is good and give plenty. Can you handle it, not scandalous, can you articulate this? If your soul is grieving Jesus is the one to leave to. When there is no sorrow heaven cannot heal. No wound that He cannot close, No door that He can't open, Stop cleaving to the dust that we can go back to but cleave to the man that God gave us to cover for that spirit and people who judge us. He gives us hope no sorrow for tomorrow but cleaving to Jesus without complaining. Like the children that Moses brought out from Egypt yet it was Jesus who kept them for forty years and forty night the sun did not spike them nor the moon by night. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, instead of the man who deprive. They will die made up of clay for the potter says poof there God goes again. they're taken away gone with the wind their nothing but dust. Call on Jesus that is He is the light that brightens every dark area in your life. He won't forsake you nor leave you but keep in the palm of His hand. He won't beat into submission till your black and blue. He'll be your love then your discover that Jesus is the right man above heaven God's master plan. Jesus brings love He does not demand respect from no man. He is the great I am God in the flesh of man that will lead you never forsake you it is Gods master plan. He draws you nearer so you can appear to Him, for now, He lives in you so man can see Jesus and the God in you. He is love real love nothing fake in Jesus. The only true Messiah, who stands to knock at your doors let me in and trust that He is he man. Without Jesus in every man life would not exist for Jesus is God's marvelous plan. He does not bring on hurt, nor pain this isn't no game. For wanting the battle, it is sudden and sorry. Oh, how I love Jesus, who won Jesus, now we have hope for tomorrow. He is the reason. We can take a stand no man shall pluck us out of God's hands. So we still stand. So go ahead and clap your hands all ye people shine on for our God. He gave us His only begotten Son, to heal deliver and set free, every woman child and man.


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